"Did you find anything?" General Lu Zhan looked at the big screen in front of him and asked Jiang Shan.

This is the picture taken by the camera left by the train guards nearby, and the person in charge of monitoring has left.

With the opponent's strength, it's okay to take a casual look.

If you keep sending someone to follow, you will definitely be noticed by the other party.

However, there will be no problems with electronic equipment. As long as the person who leaves the equipment is careful enough and does not pay attention to the other party, it will basically not be noticed.

I have to sigh the changes brought about by the advancement of science and technology!

"One person missing?" Jiang Shan asked tentatively.

"Nonsense, even the blind know it!" Lv Zhanjiang looked at Jiang Shan like an idiot.

If this kid doesn't quit smoking and drinking, he will definitely suffer from dementia at his age!

"Back the screen a bit, to when the two of them just appeared." General Lu Zhan said to the guards operating the equipment.

The screen quickly reversed, and the figures of Fang Chen and Nan Xiaoguan appeared on the screen.

"This Fang Chen has grown taller!" General Lu Zhan said confidently.

Compared with the image Fang Chen left on the train camera last night, he has grown by almost ten centimeters!

"What's wrong with growing taller? He was even more exaggerated when he was in Yancheng, and he changed into a different person!" Jiang Shan said indifferently.

"Can it be the same?" General Lu Zhan shook his head and said.

"That state is obviously temporary, but in the current situation, it is obvious that his body has received positive feedback from the blood of the big monster and beast, thus promoting the rapid development of his body.

"And it can make people grow ten centimeters overnight, how terrifying is this kind of blood!" Lu Zhanjiang's words were full of admiration!

"Let me meet them, I hope my old bones can withstand it!" He stretched his shoulders and said.

"Old Lu, if that little girl is really an overlord-level human-shaped beast, nothing will happen, right?" Jiang Shan said worriedly upon hearing the words.

"Don't worry, I'm not sure if I can beat her, but if I want to protect myself, I'm still a little confident!"

"Moreover, it's just a test. A demon master, a profession that only exists in legends, can't do without conclusive evidence. My report to the Federation can't be empty. "Just like you, just rely on your brain!"

General Lu Zhan said in a deep voice, and pushed the door straight out after finishing speaking!

Nan Xiaoluan ate the buns very contentedly.

Whether it's beef, pork, or lamb...

She loves them all!

Take a bite of meat buns, another bite of refreshing pickles, and a bite of warm rice porridge.

tsk tsk...

It feels like a whole new chapter has opened in my life!

Before meeting Fang Chen, the experience of almost starving to death in the trading market for more than a month has become her lingering nightmare, deeply engraved in the depths of her soul

She has had the most and the scariest nightmare of being hungry!

Having delicious food is simply the greatest happiness for her!

Just as she was enjoying the steamed stuffed bun devoutly, a strange old man sat at the table between her and Fang Chen.

"Old man, Federation Tianyuan Yushou City, Vice President of the United Council, Lu Zhanjiang!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the steamed stuffed bun in front of him, and couldn't help but whet his appetite.

So she picked up a pair of chopsticks very bluntly, took a basket of uneaten steamed buns in front of her, set one up and put it in her mouth.

"The taste is really good!" General Lu Zhan nodded.

Tianyuan Royal Beast City, I seem to have seen it on the forum.

Yushou City is a very special city that is different from ordinary city sequences!

A city dedicated to beast masters, and most of the places where beast masters are built are also very special.

Fang Chen drank the porridge and recalled related memories in his mind.

But at the next moment, he suddenly realized that Nan Xiaoluan, who was sitting by the side, seemed to have a strange expression on his face, staring blankly at the basket of buns taken away by General Lu Zhan!

That cage is beef, I'm going to eat it last...

Who are you, why do you eat my buns!!!

Nan Xiaoluan suddenly felt very wronged!

After Lu Zhan finished introducing himself, he intentionally gave Fang Chen some time to think. At the same time, he also remembered the cage of beef buns in front of him one by one.

Nan Xiaoluan's anger continues to rise!

Her eyes are already full of killing intent to destroy everything at this moment!

She looked at Fang Chen!

Fang Chen instantly understood the meaning.

Meaning, can I kill him?

Nan Xiaoluan is essentially a ferocious beast, although she is a vegetarian, it doesn't mean she kills!

She does look cute, but this is definitely not a cute girl who respects the old and loves the young!

In her subconscious mind, food is life, if you dare to steal her food, you are killing her!

She is tolerant of Fang Chen, but it doesn't mean she really has a good temper!


Fang Chen was really shocked when he saw Nan Xiaoluan's eyes!

At the same time, he also thought about the purpose of General Lu's visit!

It seems that his identity has probably been completely exposed, and someone must have launched an extremely detailed investigation on him.

Now it may be to test him, or to prepare him to abide by certain federal rules or be subject to certain restrictions, or it may simply be to get to know him!

But this contact undoubtedly represents the first contact of the federal officials with this somewhat unreasonable alien!

Fang Chen pondered for a moment, then gave Nan Xiaoying a look.

Be gentle, try not to hurt anyone, just let out your breath, I'll order two cages for you later!

Favorability increased by 1%!

Counting the 2% in the morning, the favorability has already increased to 94%!

It seems that Nan Xiaoluan is really so angry that he is going to explode, and because of this reason, he will increase his favorability towards Fang Chen.


"Who are you, why are you eating other people's food without their permission!"

"The steamed beef bun you ate is mine!"

Nan Xiaoluan looked at Lu Zhanjiang with cold eyes, and said coldly.

Lu Zhan raised his head in surprise, and looked at Nan Xiaoluan who suddenly released strong hostility towards him (got Zhao), and an extremely strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

"If you want to eat, go buy it yourself, go away!" Nan Xiaoluan's anger level exploded, and he raised his hand and pushed Lu Zhanjiang!

I rely!! Still!

General Lu Zhan's expression froze on his face, the power of flames enough to burn mountains and seas was transmitted from that slender palm, and descended on his old bones!


In the next moment, the figure of the Japanese general disappeared from the spot in an instant!

Under the action of that terrifying force, his figure moved across the air at high speed, and he flew over a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, directly penetrating through the inner wall of the fifth floor of the train!

Driven by the power of the flame, it flew directly out of the train, turned into a stream of red light, and disappeared into the vast wilderness.

"Master, I want two cages of beef buns!"

After that annoying old man disappeared, Nan Xiaoluan said to Fang Chen timidly. .

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