"You two go ahead and play, I'll go see them both." Fang Chen said to Su Yaoyao and Nan Xiaoluan.

At this time, the three of them were playing computer online games together in the recreation room.

The two computers that were originally in the corner had been added because of Nan Xiaoluan's arrival. Just after the delivery, she couldn't wait to play with Fang Chen and Su Yaoyao.

Fang Chen found that in addition to the label of foodie, Nan Xiaoluan may have to add an internet addicted girl.

"Go, no one cares about you, you'd better come back later!" Nan Xiaoluan said impatiently.

But at the same time, he poured his own strength into Fang Chen's body.

In the event of any other unexpected situation, Fang Chen would be able to regain the seventh-tier strategic combat power in an instant, and the strength of General Lu would not be able to pose any threat to him at all.

"One Seven Seven" said he hated it, but he still cared about Fang Chen in his heart.

Su Yaoyao smiled sweetly at Fang Chen, and said nothing, keeping everything in silence.

Fang Chen left the entertainment room, opened the elevator doors on the ninth floor through the operation panel of all the facilities in the suite.

Ten seconds later, the door of the suite opened, and Jiang Shan and Lu Zhanjiang appeared in Fang Chen's sight as ministers.


Seeing that Nan Xiaoluan and Su Yaoyao were not there, Lu Zhanjiang was slightly relieved, and Jiang Shan felt that his breathing was much easier.

"I'm really sorry about what happened in the morning, Nan Xiaoluan, that stinky girl has that kind of temper, and hates others to steal her food.

"I can't control her either, President Lu, right? Are you okay!" Fang Chen immediately said apologetically.

After all, this matter cannot be avoided. When it was brought up again, General Lu Zhan's expression froze, but he quickly said with a smile: "Ahem, it's okay, I'm in good health, and the old man was also Meng Lang at that time, Xiao Miss Luan has a true temperament, but I can't blame her!"

true temperament......

When Fang Chen heard the three words, he felt that the description was quite appropriate.

"This visit is to clear up the misunderstanding in the morning, and to thank you on behalf of the Federation for your act of righteousness against the robbers last night!"

"It's not good to come to the door empty-handed, just bring you some fruit, it's not a respect!" Lu Zhanjiang continued.

The two put down the expensive dragon fruit casually, and after another exchange of pleasantries, they finally sat down in the living room.

"Actually, there are other things about this visit." General Lu Zhan said.

Finally got to the point!

"In addition to thanking you for saving thousands of hostages last night, the Federation would like to thank you even more for your efforts to turn the tide in Rock City and save tens of millions of lives!"

When General Lu Zhan said this, he kept paying attention to Fang Chen's expression.

But he didn't see the slightest surprise from the other party's face, obviously the other party had expected it long ago.

"In addition to thanking you, the purpose of my coming is also to dispel some doubts in your heart, and at the same time, it also represents the attitude of the Federation to a certain extent."

"However, I think you may not be very familiar with your current state, so I want to introduce you to an extremely ancient and long-standing profession, Demon Master!"

As General Lu Zhan spoke, he introduced the past of the Great Human Race Emperor and the relationship between the Beast Master and the Demon Master in detail.

Hearing this, Fang Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He still had some headaches before, how should he explain Nan Xiaofu's extreme strength!

His original plan was to be a little tougher and simply not give any explanation. You can guess whatever you want!

At that time, Fang Chen never imagined that in the history of this world, there would be such a number one figure as the Emperor of the Human Race!

And the characteristics of this profession are even more perfect in the current state

The only difference is that both Su Yaoyao and Nan Xiaoluan were entrusted by him through the system, instead of being sent to the door by himself like the emperor of the human race.

Well, yes, I've decided!

From now on, I will be a demon master!

A look of sudden realization appeared on Fang Chen's face.

Expressed to the other party that I am the appearance of the demon master.

Being strong will not attract the attention of the Federation, but being powerful for unknown reasons will make the Federation fear!

Who knows what kind of player you are?

Zhang San next door was originally just a street sweeper, but suddenly broke out one day, possessing the strength of destroying cities!

How can the Federation not be afraid of this!

Who can stand it every now and then!

But if the Federation can find an explanation, it turns out that this Zhang San is a peerless master who is unique in thousands, and he has comprehended the legendary palm technique that fell from the sky without a teacher.

Then the Federation will feel more at ease.

Then the next thing is relatively simple, give this peerless master a system, and the problem will be solved!

"So, I hope you understand that you are not an outlier, and the Federation will not take any measures against you because of your specialness!"

"Your talent is unique and unique, and the Federation very much hopes that you can grow up!"

"The Federation is also very willing to escort your growth and provide you with more convenience as much as possible!"

"Next, your identity will be encrypted at the SSS level, and will be included in the highest-level secret files of the Federation. No more than one hundred people in the entire Federation can access this level of files.

"As for the lower-level people, once they investigate your relevant information, they will be warned by the SSS-level secret file. Most people don't have the guts to touch the majesty of the Federation!"

"If you want to join the official system of the federation, we naturally welcome you. You can choose any position in any department!"

"Of course, if you want to be more free, we won't come out to block your eyes. After this visit, you can still do what you want to do. There will be absolutely no interference, and no one will secretly watch you!"

General Lu Zhan said very sincerely.

"Of course, the only thing we expect is what you did last night in Rock City and 2.3!"

"Being a human being, may you be kind!"

"With your ability, if you go to the opposite side of the Federation, it will be a devastating disaster for the entire human civilization!"

"You can take this sentence as an elder's nagging!"

"That's it, I've finished what I have to say, so I won't bother you any more!"


"By the way, if you have a chance, you are welcome to visit Tianyuan Yushou City!" General Lu Zhan stood up and said.

"Old Lu, go slowly!" Fang Chen also got up to see off the guests, and his attitude was very respectful.

The result of this meeting was somewhat beyond Fang Chen's expectations, and it could even be said to be a bit of a surprise.

At least, he doesn't have to worry about being wiped out by a strong team sent by the federation as a boss. .

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