Just In The Second Year Of Junior High School, I Made A Contract With The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox

Chapter 84 Armed With Elements, Complete Form! (Seeking Subscription)

Rain toads overwhelming the sky appeared in sight, the scene was extremely shocking,

The sound of croaking and croaking was endless, and it rang out completely.

If ordinary people are in this place, the noise alone is enough to break their spirits.

The dark clouds above the beast horde slowly approached, dividing the whole world into two with a clear boundary.

Wei Zhen hung in midair, wearing a pitch-black battle armor made of unknown materials, behind him was the earth still shrouded in sunlight.

And in front of him is a terrifying beast horde made up of countless rain toads, their figures blending into the surrounding darkness.

The blood energy in Wei Zhen's body surged and transformed into the power of flames crazily!

With a wave of his hand, a fiery fireball the size of a millstone was lifted in his hand.

The fireball is solid, and its center seems to be a piece of scorching red spherical rock.

With another wave of the palm, the fireball flew out of the hand, but the moment the fireball was shot, it instantly split into two identical fireballs from the middle.

As the fireballs quickly fell towards the beast tide below, those fiery fireballs turned two into four, four into eight...

They split apart crazily, and the number rapidly increased exponentially. In just a few breaths, the entire sky was covered.

At this moment, looking down from Wei Zhen's perspective, there are only dense fireballs in sight, and there is no trace of any rain toad at all.

Super large-scale killing combat skills!

It is a compulsory course for almost every strategic-level beast master, and it is the best way to clean up low-level beast hordes.

If this move is released towards the fog and rain city in the rear, it is estimated that the whole city will be completely engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. It is very difficult for the beast master below level 8 to survive.

And the same is true for murderers!

It is completely achievable to collapse the beast horde with one blow,


All of a sudden, the black clouds above the beast horde trembled, and the dense rain fell from the sky, and the rain became more and more urgent. Instead of connecting into a line, it formed a huge wave directly at the forward position of the beast horde. water curtain!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless fireballs hit the water curtain, extinguished instantly, turned into a white mist and water vapor rose up, and merged into the dark clouds above the sky again, even forming a complete cycle!

The flames were annihilated by the rain, and there was a continuous crackling sound!

The ferocious beast responded, and the one controlling the cloud in the sky was naturally the giant rain toad at the end of his line of sight.

The opponent's defense can be described as impenetrable, not even a single Yu Toad died under Wei Zhen's combat skills!

At the end of the first round of trials, Wei Zhenxin's heart sank!

With the help of the power of celestial phenomena, the opponent has accumulated a huge power along the way. If he uses a large-scale fire attribute combat skill to bombard him, he will not have the advantage.

If this is the case, let the bayonet see the red!

After several times of weighing, Wei Zhen decided to ignore the low-level rain toads in the beast horde and directly attack the giant rain toads!

The blood energy in his body boiled suddenly, red mist-like steam emanated from his body, and the pitch-black battle armor on his body turned red like a hot iron!

Elemental Armed!

A layer of armor composed of flames and streamers suddenly condensed and formed on its body!

Full form!

The streamer armor slowly expanded towards the surroundings, and within a few breaths, it expanded into a spherical object made of red streamer.

It was more than ten meters in diameter, but it was still expanding, but the limbs and head began to slowly form during the expansion process, turning into a giant and falling on the ground.

It is a giant wolf with a height of 100 meters!

At this moment, Wei Zhen was in the head of the giant flame wolf.

Fang Chen looked at this scene expressionlessly, but the desire to complain in his heart couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

This is not Susano, this is not Susano...

Well, this TM is to open Susano!

When he was in the casino before, Fang Chen also used the iconic ability of the strategic beast master, the elemental weapon!

However, there is no chance to display its full form.

In short, from Fang Chen's understanding, the so-called elemental armament is the beast version of Susanoo!

Back then, when Fang Chen fought with the death flame demon bear alienated Lu Jie with the peak S-level combat power, the element phantoms displayed by both sides already possessed the embryonic form of certain elemental weapons.

It's just that its strength is limited and cannot be compared with real elemental weapons.

Elemental arming is the best way for a beast master to fight against those strategic beasts that are more than 100 meters in size, transform into a beast, and defeat them in the way of a beast!

Under normal circumstances, a beast master with a single-attribute attribute route will focus on the first contracted beast he possesses as the main training target in order to continuously strengthen his own combat power.

When building an elemental weapon, this is the only shape it can choose!

The elemental armed forms that the beast master of the compound attribute route can choose are more diversified, but while the combat power is doubled, compared with the beast master of the single attribute route, the difficulty is also doubled!

Wei Zhen manipulated the 100-meter-high flame giant wolf to rush forward suddenly, and when the sole of his foot hit the ground, it would directly trigger a violent flame attack

The huge body crashed directly into the rain curtain, but this time the rain from the sky couldn't extinguish this hot flame at all!

At this moment, Wei Zhen only had the giant rain toad a thousand meters away from him!

The flame giant wolf kept walking for a moment, and I don't know how many rain toads were trampled into meat, or when they were dropped by the footsteps, the impact of the flames was aroused and turned into ashes!

And the Yu Toad in the distance looked at this human beast master full of violent flame power!

There was also an angry look in his eyes, and he obviously regarded Wei Zhen as the one who provoked him last night.

Its huge body jumped up suddenly, (well done) and then fell down, facing the giant flame wolf in front of it amidst the shaking of the ground!

In the process of moving forward, a large number of rain toads were accidentally injured and died!


Under the gazes of countless people, the bodies of the two behemoths collided suddenly!

Clash of Water and Fire!

The fire is extinguished and the water is evaporated!


An incomparably huge scorching hot steam suddenly turned into an incomparably astonishing shock wave that spread in all directions, and the surrounding rain toads, large and small, were very unlucky to be involved in it, and directly flew into the sky.

Some weaker rain toads were instantly cooked in the scorching shock wave!

It is unknown how many rain toads died tragically in the aftermath of the battle.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After only a moment of stagnation, the fight between the two behemoths suddenly broke out!

Brutal, primitive and tragic!.

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