Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 104 To The Holy Land Mariejois

Valley of the Gods, a very hidden place.

I can’t find the location of this island on the map. Except for Celestial Dragons and those high-level people in the world, few people know its existence.

If Mariejois is the base camp where the Celestial Dragons live, then the Valley of the Gods is the real holy place in their hearts.

Rocks encircled the Valley of the Gods two months later, one aspect was to kill the Celestial Dragons, and another more important reason was to covet an ancient weapon in the Valley of the Gods.

Uranus: Uranus!

In the world of One Piece, there are three Ancient Weapons.

Pluton: Pluton, a super battleship, designed and built by the boatmen of the Seven Waters, can destroy an island with one shot.

Poseidon: Poseidon, after forty years, is the Hundred Star Princess, but has not yet been born in the Rocks era, and can summon the mighty Sea Kings.

Uranus: Uranus, the most mysterious of the three Ancient Weapons, is unknown at present, but it is very likely to be related to the sky.

Maybe it is a weapon that can conduct global positioning strikes in the air.

After all, the first two accounted for land and sea.

In the case that neither Pluton nor Poseidon was born, if Rocks can get Uranus Uranus from the Valley of the Gods.

Then its strength will go further, and it will be easier to climb to the top of the world.

After Qin Ze rested on the boat for a day, he and Golden Lion headed to their destination: Mariejois.

Three days later, the two drove the boat to the bottom of the Red Line.

It can be seen that in front of the two of them, there is a huge city wall that towers into the sky and cannot be seen at a glance.

The whole wall is red, huge and majestic Ling Yun.

"Finally arrived at the place, the place above is the destination of our operation, the Holy Land Mariejois!"

Golden Lion stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the magnificent city wall road beyond the horizon.

"Damn! This wall is really big!"

I have only read Mariejois' Qin Ze in the original book, and I can't help but sigh.

Sure enough, there is still a huge difference between the picture and the real thing. Looking at the city wall of the Red Line in the picture, it just feels big, and there is nothing else.

But this majestic feeling can only be experienced when the reality is seen.

"How about it, shall we go up directly now, or sneak in?" Golden Lion asked without even smoking a cigar this time.

Although he has always had a problem with Qin Ze, he wanted to see him suffer and lose face.

But in the bottom of my heart, I still recognized Qin Ze's strength, so I subconsciously asked Qin Ze.

"No! As the residence of the Celestial Dragons, the Holy Land Mariejois must have countless strong people. If you rush in now, you will be discovered immediately!"

Qin Ze hid the boat in a corner, and said.

Mariejois is not only the residence of Celestial Dragons, but also the base of World government.

The World government is an institution above the Marine, and it is also the strongest force that has ruled the world for 800 years.

Rocks' goal is to overthrow the government's rule and become the world's hegemon.

Even he didn't think he was absolutely sure that he could be tough with the World government, otherwise he wouldn't want to get Uranus Uranus so much.

"Understood, then come quietly!" Golden Lion whispered.

"Well, if we go up at night, the difficulty will decrease linearly with the help of the dark night!" Qin Ze glanced at Golden Lion, raised his eyebrows and said.

I thought in my heart: You will be a man who single-handedly made troubles here for three days and three nights, but now you have learned to hang on.

But it's also understandable, after all, the purpose of the two is different.

Time passed, and it was night.

Dark clouds hang high from the sky, you can't see your fingers when you reach out,

Qin Ze and the Golden Lion knew that it was time to ascend the holy land of Mariejois.

"Night falls, we are about to appear!"

Golden Lion's fingers moved slightly, and a piece of earth and rock under his feet was pulled up by some force and hung in the air.

Qin Ze stood up and began to fly towards the high altitude of the Red Line.

As the location continues to rise, Qin Ze can see that even the clouds are halfway up the Red Line.

This is enough to prove how terrifying the height of the Red Line is!

And this Golden Lion's Lion Fruit is so easy to use!

Golden Lion manipulated the clods, and after flying for a while, finally arrived at the holy land of Mariejois.

With the silver light of the moonlight, Qin Ze could see that in front of them were several beautifully decorated, luxurious and magnificent buildings.

It's like the prince's castle that Qin Ze saw in the fairy tales of his previous life, no! It should be several times more refined than that.

It really is the place where the Celestial Dragons live. Looking around, apart from luxury, there is no other more appropriate adjective.

But Qin Ze knew that under this gorgeous appearance, there were sins of Celestial Dragons hidden.

"Should we make some plans or something?" Golden Lion said, looking at the incomparably exquisite castle.

"Hmm! A plan is really needed!" Qin Ze said slowly.

"In Mariejois, this place holds many slaves of the Celestial Dragons for their pleasure!"

"If they are all released, I believe it will cause quite a stir here, and then people's attention can be diverted!"

"And we can also take advantage of the void and wait for the opportunity!"

Hearing this, Golden Lion nodded: "It's a good idea!"

In Mariejois, strong people are like clouds, if there is even a slight disturbance here, they will be besieged.

If the slaves are released, then these people will allocate most of their hands to arresting slaves.

In this time period, Qin Ze and Golden Lion will have enough time to find the eternal pointer.

"But how do we know where these slaves are kept?" Golden Lion suddenly thought of this crucial question and couldn't help asking.

"Damn it! There are so many Celestial Dragons here, just ask any one and you'll know!" Qin Ze shook his head and said, just now he praised you for your brains, why is he stuck again now.

In an extremely luxurious room, a greasy Celestial Dragons fat man was lying on a chair.

He holds a whip in his right hand and an ice cream in his left.

From time to time, the plump lips approached to the left hand, adding to the melting deliciousness.

And beside him stood three female slaves with collars around their necks.

She was carefully massaging his body.

"Bitch, see if I don't beat you to death!"

A slave used a little more force under the tense atmosphere.

Celestial Dragons frowned, blurted out insults, and swung a whip for a beating.

The whipping sound of the whip, accompanied by the sound of begging for mercy, echoed in this luxurious room.

The whips in Celestial Dragons kept flailing at the slaves, venting their anger.

The two slaves next to them were silent, their faces were dull, and there was no change in their expressions.

Suddenly, Celestial Dragons' arm stopped in mid-air, and he couldn't swing it no matter how hard he tried.

An arm was firmly clamping his wrist

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