Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 114 Landing In The Valley Of The Gods

The huge pirate ship sailed across the air, and the clothes of the people on board fluttered.

At the front of the boat, Rocks folded his hands on his chest, looking down from above, his eyes staring down.

Beside him stood the captains of the Rocks pirate ship.

First to the right of Rocks.

Whitebeard stood proudly by the bow, carrying a man-tall Twelve Gunsong Yunqie. His strong physique was like an iron tower, and the exclusive team uniform was draped over his back, looking heroic.

His eyes swept over Kong and Sengoku, and then he looked around, looking for Roger.

Second from the right.

Golden Lion was smoking a cigar, his blond hair was dancing in the air with the wind, and the two famous knives on his waist were ready to strike, his eyes were narrowed, and his expression was natural.

Third from the right.

Charlotte Linlin was holding a box of sweets in her hand, with her Hodzmi, Zeus and Prometheus hovering over her shoulders.

On the left side of Rocks, Ochoku, John, and Silver Ax looked at Marine below, but their faces were not as calm as the other captains.

They knew that the battle in the Valley of the Gods would inevitably be a big battle, but they didn't expect that the World Government would send such a big battle.

Not to mention the people from Naval Headquarters, there are still those masters from Impel down and Enies Lobby.

Even though they are confident in the strength of the Rocks Pirates, these existences make them feel a sense of crisis in their hearts.

As for Qin Ze, sitting on the rightmost edge of the boat, wearing the Sea Kings leather coat of Million Baileys, with half of his legs stretched out of the boat, his eyes scanned the people below.

I just feel a chill on the top of my head.

Behind Rocks stood Kaido, Joe Libuff, and a group of powerful pirates.

At this moment, at the outermost edge of the Valley of the Gods, those Marines had already fought against the pirates, and the sound of fighting echoed in the Valley of the Gods without stopping for a long time.

It can be seen that the battle in the outer ring was fierce.

In the center of the island of the Valley of the Gods, everyone held their breaths and stared at the Rocks pirate ship slowly approaching in the air.

It was as if the surrounding battle situation did not exist at all.

However, at the moment when many strong men were staring at the enemy, a burst of shouting and cursing broke the tranquility

"You trash, let the pirates interrupt the sacrificial ceremony!"

"Untouchables, you will pay for this!"

"Why haven't the pirates been dealt with after so long, you inferior people are simply wasting food!"

"Catch all the troublesome pirates, put them on the sacrificial altar, burn them all to death, and become sacrifices to the Creator!"


Beside the sacrificial altar, Celestial Dragons reacted from the initial shock, and they were all furious at the moment.

He pointed his nose and cursed at the Marine generals and the cp special operations force around him.

When the meteorite landed just now, they still felt a little bit of fear, but after being blown up, these Celestial Dragons not only did not feel lucky for the rest of their lives, but were angry instead.

Angry at these untouchables, they didn't take down those troublesome pirates in advance.

The sacrificial ceremony was interrupted, all the result of the incompetence of these inferior people.

However, Marine and the other powerhouses he accused didn't respond to Celestial Dragons at all, and their eyes were still fixed on the situation in the sky at this time.

The huge pirate ship is getting closer and closer.

Seeing that these people didn't respond, Celestial Dragons became even more angry.

They have never been ignored since they were young, and it is simply insulting.

Just as he was about to yell, a thick and vigorous voice full of power resounded in Kairi Mountain.


As Kong's voice fell, the next moment.

Arranged around the sacrificial altar, the cannons that had long been ready to fire emitted dazzling flames.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a constant roar from the nozzle of the cannon, and along with the flames, black shells were fired into the sky.

Target the Rocks pirate ship.

Not only the cannons placed on the ground, but also the muskets held tightly by the Marines, there were bursts of gunfire.

for a while.

In the air, dark round cannonballs and orange bullets appeared.

Like a big net woven by gunpowder, the Rocks pirate ship will be wiped out.

Kong looked at the cannonballs in the air and the Rocks pirate ship that was about to hit, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The reason for choosing to fire at this time is because all the firepower must be concentrated on the opponent's main force.

And at the beginning, due to the distance problem of the Rocks pirate group, it was impossible to lock at high altitude.

Even if it is a fluke, the power will drop sharply.

So only when they rush over is the best time.

Yet the next moment, Whitebeard moved.

Clenching his right fist, he swung violently in the air.


There was a glass-like shattering sound, and cracks appeared in the originally empty sky.

With Whitebeard's fist as the center, it spread outward continuously.


In an instant, a cobweb-like crack appeared, and a huge force exploded in the air.

Like a giant air bomb, it came out of the crack.

next moment.

The ammunition that was about to collide with the Rocks pirate ship stagnated in front of the crack, shaking itself.

"Bang! Bang! Bang Bang"

Countless explosions sounded in the air, and the fired shells, as if ignited by something, all exploded by themselves.

The flames all over the sky, like setting off fireworks, are gorgeous and dazzling.

However, in the smoke and dust generated after these explosions, the Rocks pirate ship appeared, broke through the smoke, and fell towards the Valley of the Gods.

Seeing this, Marine's senior management suddenly changed their expressions.

Without any resistance, the Rocks landed on the Valley of the Gods.

Before landing, Golden Lion used his ability to drastically slow down the ship.

Not for other reasons, but mainly because of fear of such a big impact. Rocks ship will be smashed.

"The shells are completely useless, and the Rocks Pirates are not injured at all!"

"This is horrible!"

"It's Edward's ability, Shock Fruit's punch is so powerful!"

"The Rocks pirate ship is coming down! The pirates are coming"


The Marines saw that Edward wiped out all the fired shells with one punch, and there was a bad feeling in their eyes.

And Kong and others looked at Rocks and others not far away, their eyes were even more gloomy.

They knew the Rocks Pirates would definitely come, but they didn't expect it to come in this way.

The vicious pirate group sailing the sea and dominating the sea will appear from the sky.

This made some of the traps they set up on the edge of the Valley of Gods suddenly useless.

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