Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 143 The Rocks Pirates Disband

Rocks pirate ship.

Qin Ze searched around the boat, but didn't find anything very valuable.

Not even a Devil Fruit.

And those crew members searched all the treasures on board.

Of course, no one dared to touch Qin Ze and the captains.

After everyone searched the treasures on the ship, they took out the auxiliary ship in the storage room and prepared to leave this place.

However, due to the large number of people, the lifeboats on the main ship were simply not enough.

"Look over there!" Qin Ze stood at the bow of the ship, looking towards the seaside, where Marine's warships were docked, there were more than 20 ships.

There were originally more than that, but they were damaged in the battle, and a dozen ships sank to the bottom of the sea.

Hearing this, everyone followed Qin Ze's line of sight, their eyelids twitching.

What Qin Ze meant was obvious, he wanted them to leave with a warship.

"The lifeboats are no longer enough, which one of you is going there!" Qin Ze said slowly.

As soon as the words fell, some small voices came from the crowd, probably because they thought Qin Ze was joking, but no one dared to say it out loud.

"Speak up, you still want to drive a warship with such a low voice?"

You must know that compared to ordinary pirate ships, warships are not only stronger in terms of performance, but also sailing in the sea, there is no need to fear the harassment of ordinary pirates.

More importantly, these warships are ownerless at this time. If anyone drives away, the treasure or other things on them will belong to them.

So although such behavior is crazy and will definitely be hunted down by Marine, it is for these pirates who have a mug shot in Naval Headquarters with their heads pinned to their waistbands.

There was no fear at all, after confirming that what Qin Ze said was true.

After a while, these crew members stood up one by one.

So under the signal of Qin Ze, some of the crew took the lifeboat, and some sailed the warship.

Of course, many of them wanted some pirates who wanted to continue to follow Qin Ze, but they were all rejected.

At this time, Charlotte Linlin sat on the white cloud Zeus and extended an invitation to Qin Ze.

"Qin Ze, do you want to become a companion with me and form a pirate group?"

Although she knew that the possibility of Qin Ze agreeing to join was slim, she still wanted to fight for such a monster at the end.

"Refused!" Qin Ze's answer was not sloppy at all.

The Rocks Pirates have disbanded, and Qin Ze is free.

How could it be possible to join Charlotte Linlin's pirate group.

"You guy, you really don't give me any hope!" Charlotte Linlin said: "What about Kaido in your team, is he willing?"

Being rejected by Qin Ze, Charlotte and Linlin didn't feel much.

After all, I have been rejected many times before, so I didn't have much hope.

But this Kaido, he's in the Valley of the Gods battle, focus on it, is a nice guy.

Kaido, who was standing on the deck, changed his face when he heard the words, and said slowly: "Thank you Captain Linlin for your kindness, but I am already a member of Qin Ze!"

After finishing speaking, he also glanced at Qin Ze.

The current Kaido is not one of the strongest creatures forty years later, one of the Four Emperors, but an immature boy.

Qin Ze accepted him as the vice-captain and gave him Devil Fruit, which was a great favor.

And after this battle of the Valley of the Gods, he became more and more convinced of the thoughts in his heart, and he was determined to stay by Qin Ze's side.

It doesn't matter whether there are benefits, the main thing is to surpass Qin Ze.

Kaido's words reached the ears of the captains, making their faces stiff.

Can't help re-examining Qin Ze.

Especially Charlotte Linlin, with her original expression on her face, she finally understood why Qin Ze kept rejecting her.

Feeling their scorching gazes, Qin Ze's forehead darkened, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Kaido, you can't speak, so please speak less!"

"Kihahahaha! Charlotte Linlin, don't worry about it! With your temper, who can stand it!" Golden Lion laughed with his hands folded on his chest.

"Golden Lion, do you want me to kill you?" Charlotte Linlin said with a gloomy expression and killing intent in her eyes.

"Your strength is not enough, you should practice for a few more years!" Golden Lion said with disdain.

The relationship between these two people has always been in an extremely bad state because of Qin Ze's matchmaking.

On the previous Rocks ship, because Golden Lion agreed to Qin Ze's conditions, the two had a lot of conflicts.

Now without the restraint of Rocks, it is even more tense.

Withdrawing his gaze from Charlotte Linlin, Golden Lion then put his gaze on Qin Ze and smiled slightly.

"Qin Ze, do you want to form a pirate group with me?"

The Golden Lion became more and more certain that the terrifying scene in the Valley of the Gods was caused by Qin Ze.

If such a monster can form a pirate group together, it will be just around the corner to dominate the world.

"Forget it Golden Lion, I don't want to join any pirates right now!" Qin Ze said indifferently.

When I first joined the Rocks Pirates, it was because I came to this pirate world as a trainee crew member of the Rocks Pirates.

And then promised that Rocks will never leave the pirate group.

But now, with the Rocks gone, things are different.

"Mamama, Golden Lion, your strength is just that, how could Qin Ze have a crush on you!"

Seeing that Golden Lion was rejected, Charlotte taunted Linlin.

"Shut up!" Golden Lion snorted coldly.

Regarding Qin Ze's answer, Golden Lion didn't say anything more. After all, with his strength, he has the right to choose freely.

At this time, Whitebeard glanced at Qin Ze.

Originally, he had the same idea as Golden Lion and Charlotte Linlin.

He wants to try to win Qin Ze to join his pirate group, after all, Qin Ze is the first friend he thinks he can really make friends with.

It's like family.

But just now Qin Ze said that he would not join any pirate group, so he did not send out an invitation.

However, although Qin Ze did not join, some pirates chose to join them.

Of course, that's only a small part.

The other three captains, Ochoku, John, and Silver Ax, who hadn't spoken all this time, looked deeply at Qin Ze.

"The Rocks Pirates are disbanded, so we won't stay any longer!"

As soon as the words fell, the three left in a lifeboat.

They knew that staying on the Rocks would do no good, and they might as well just leave.

Implement your own future sailing plan.

After a few more brief conversations, the others also left.

And Qin Ze, Whitebeard and those few members of the team were driving the Rocks to a distant place.

Not long after they left.

Where the warship was originally docked, several human heads suddenly emerged from the water.

"Fuck! Where's the warship?"

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