Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 154: Sky And Moon Time! Fifteen Years Later

But Qin Ze couldn't remember who this girl was.

It seems to be a beautiful woman who appeared in the original book!

But Qin Ze didn't bother to think too much, the situation of the beautiful girl was very critical now, and the dozen or so "fishermen" were already about to get started.

next second.

Qin Ze's figure disappeared directly on the spot, and suddenly appeared beside these people.

"Everyone, please excuse me!"

"Are you robbing civilian girls in broad daylight?"

Hearing this, a dozen strong men turned around at the same time to look at Qin Ze, a thin and bald man.

After looking around and finding that there was no one else beside him but him, he immediately became arrogant.

"Where's the wild boy, hurry up and get Laozi out!"

"Damn it, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise I will snatch the man too!"

"Children have to be smart when they come out. The plot of heroes saving the beauty only exists in the imagination of garbage people. If you don't go away, you will be chopped up!"

"I'll count to three, if you don't disappear, we don't mind getting rid of you first!"

"Wait a minute, this kid looks pretty good too! Why don't you tie him up and sell him? But it would be nice to have a few rich men back!"

"Hey, today is double the happiness!"


These dozen or so strong men not only want to sell that beautiful girl, but now they even have Qin Ze's idea.

"You run!"

"They are all dedicated human traffickers!"

The beautiful girl thought that someone was coming to save her, but when she saw that he was alone, she didn't care about her own situation and hurriedly let Qin Ze escape.

Although the words of these strong men are ugly, one sentence is true. The story of heroes saving beauty is just something children listen to, and it will never happen in reality.

Just like my current situation.

But she was very touched by this boy's behavior, and now she can run one by one.

At this time, the beautiful girl's face was full of worry and anxiety.

But the next moment.

The worry on the beautiful girl's face turned into astonishment, because he saw that the young man obviously didn't do anything, but the dozens of strong men went limp and fell down.

His eyes were white and he was foaming at the mouth.

"Is this Conqueror's Haki?"

The beautiful girl asked softly in disbelief.

"En!" Qin Ze nodded slightly.

Unexpectedly, this girl could recognize that it was Conqueror's Haki, which surprised Qin Ze.


"My name is Tianyueshi! Thank you very much for your rescue!"

Tianyue put her hands together on her knees, bent at ninety degrees and bowed deeply to Qin Ze.

Hearing this, Qin Ze's eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally remembered.

Paramecia·time fruit ability user, from a person who traveled eight hundred years ago.

"You're welcome!" Qin Ze said softly with a gentle smile on his face.

Looking at the gentle and sweet Tianyue wearing a pink short skirt in front of her, Qin Ze smiled.

He didn't expect that he would meet this girl.

However, it seems that in the original book, Tianyue was deceived by a group of human traffickers in the Wanokuni area.

Finally, they were rescued by Kozuki Oden, and the two became husband and wife, giving birth to son Momosuke and daughter Kozuki Hiyori.

And the name was changed from Tianyue to Kozuki.

Mild temperament, innocent and straightforward, understanding.

"thank you very much!"

Tianyue saw Qin Ze looking at him silently, thinking that he was not satisfied with the thank you just now, so he did another ninety degrees, a very standard thank you etiquette.

Under the breeze, a refreshing fragrance radiated from Tianyueshi's body.

Qin Ze's nose moved slightly, and he felt refreshed immediately, and slowly stretched out his right hand and said softly.

"Hello, my name is Qin Ze!"

"I want to get to know you!"

Hearing this, Tianyue stood up slowly, looked at the rather handsome young man in front of him with big almond eyes, quite curious.

Then he stretched out his slender right hand, opened his delicate lips slightly, and said softly after a moment of hesitation.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin Ze!"

The voice is melodious and melodious, as gentle and quiet as her character.

Qin Ze nodded and clasped it with both hands.

Intersect together.

In the blink of an eye, fifteen years passed by.

During these fifteen years, the Valley of the Gods incident, which originally caused a sensation in the world, was gradually forgotten and no longer talked about by the new generation. Only those who experienced it personally still remember it.

But in the high degree of blockade of the world government, although it didn't work at the beginning, but with persistent efforts, this matter is still rarely mentioned.

Only occasionally in the mouths of several high-ranking people, this matter will be mentioned.

And Qin Ze's name gradually faded out of the public's sight.

Time always does, it dilutes everything.

No matter what grand event or character it is, it can't stand the passing of time.


In this world, new things are still happening all the time, and they affect the direction of the world.

During these fifteen years, many interesting things have happened.

The first is the remnants of the Rocks Pirates, who became famous all over the world.

Edward Newgate established the Whitebeard Pirates, drifting on the sea, specially taking in the homeless people in the sea, and let every crew member call him daddy.

The purpose is to create a big family and let the people on board become their relatives.

The momentum is extremely large, there are 43 affiliated pirate groups under its banner, and the bounty has also soared from more than one billion to 3.5 billion Baileys.

But Marine didn't dare to trouble him.

Because after the disbandment of the Rocks Pirates, there were too many rioting pirates around the world. In order to balance and suppress the power of these pirates, Naval Headquarters specially established the "Shichibukai" system.

And more powerful than Shichibukai are the Four Emperors.

But Four Emperors is not a system established by Naval Headquarters, but the common name of the four great pirate forces in the world. Marine defaults to not actively attack Four Emperors.

And Whitebeard is one of the Four Emperors.

So no Marine would think of taking the initiative to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates.

In addition to Whitebeard, another Four Emperors is Charlotte Linlin.

She formed the "big o" pirate group.

And her figure is the same as the name, and she is on par with the aunt.

This is because he loves sweets, married many husbands of different breeds, and gave birth to dozens of sons and daughters.

She built a huge family by herself: "The Charlotte family!"

The main members inside are all her own flesh and blood.

The Charlotte family occupied by the Big Mom Pirates occupied a certain sea area in the New World, and established a dessert-themed country with Long Bread——Torrant Kingdom (Wan Guo)

The bounty is three billion Baileys.

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