Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 158 Hancock's Brain Supplement! Doflamingo

Hancock sat on the pet python Salome in the red room, seeing no response from the other side of the phone.

I thought Qin Ze had hung up the phone.

Can't help shouting softly again.

"Boss, are you still there?"

Hearing Hancock's words, Qin Ze's thoughts were pulled back.


Knowing that I was a little distracted just now, I coughed twice to show that I was listening.

"Hancock, you may receive an invitation from Naval Headquarters recently! Promise them to go straight there!"

As Shichibukai, before Ace was executed, this power still maintained a cooperative relationship with Marine.

So when Naval Headquarters publicly executes Ace, Shichibukai will inevitably be invited.

After all, as the three major powers on the sea, Four Emperors, and Marine, their influence should not be underestimated.

"Obey, leader!"

Hancock responded briskly.

At the same time, a blush suddenly appeared on her face, her big eyes fluttered a few times, and she said shyly.

"Chief! When are you free to come to Nine Snakes Island!"

"I haven't heard your story for a long time!"

As soon as he said this, Hancock's face turned red like an apple, and he regretted what he said just now.

How can you say such a thing yourself?

But there is also a little hope in my heart.

If anyone else heard Hancock's words at this time, they would be in disbelief and shock.

Because on Jiu Snake Island, any male is strictly prohibited from entering the island.

But now the Queen of Kusnake Island, one of the dignified Shichibukai.

It was unheard of for a man to be invited to come here as if he was asking for such a request.

Hearing Hancock's words, Qin Ze on the other end of the phone raised his eyebrows.

When Hancock was a little girl, she was by Qin Ze's side.

During that time, Qin Ze would not only teach him to improve his strength, but also tell him many very interesting stories from his previous life to expand his knowledge.

But he didn't expect Hancock to be so big and still look like a child.

After thinking for a while, Qin Ze's thin lips slightly parted, and said softly.

"After dealing with these things! I will go!"

heard the words.

Hancock's body visibly trembled, and even the phone bug in his hand almost fell to the ground.

She just asked casually just now, but she didn't expect the leader to really agree.

The sudden joy made Hancock a little stunned.

"The leader agrees!"

At this moment, Hancock felt his whole body become soft, his ears were burning hot, and he murmured in his heart.

No wonder Hancock is like this.

After all, when she was about ten years old, she had been with Qin Ze all the time, and grew up under Qin Ze's influence since she was a child.

During this period, she was not only impressed by Qin Ze's powerful strength, but also deeply attracted by Qin Ze's interesting knowledge and vast knowledge.

Just like those very interesting little stories.

However, at the age of fifteen, Qin Ze gave her a sweet fruit and sent her to Nine Snake Island, and never saw her again.

When performing missions before, Hancock invited Qin Ze more than once.

But every time it was rejected.

This time the leader agreed, does it mean that the leader knows what he wants?

Thinking of this, Hancock's little heart is beating

"Hancock, are you all right!"

Qin Ze, who had amazing hearing, felt that there seemed to be something strange over there, and asked worriedly.


"It's all right!"

Hancock's voice was mixed with excitement and shyness, and he spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Qin Ze nodded.


"Then I hang up!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Ze hung up the phone bug.

Apart from some relaxation in my heart, I didn't feel much.

But Hancock on the other side was different. When he heard Qin Ze hang up the phone, he collapsed to the ground.

His face was flushed, as if he was sick.

At the same time, I was filling my mind with the picture of Qin Ze after he came here.

Two people walked on the avenue covered with red carpet.

A man in a white suit, and himself in a white wedding dress.

At the end of the red carpet, there is a church where two people complete the wedding ceremony under the witness of the pastor.

Finally live happily together.

Even the baby's name Hancock has been thought of.

After hanging up Hancock's phone, Qin Ze moved the black and red phone bug aside, and took out a pink phone bug.

In the underground world, in a luxuriously renovated room.

A person wearing a pink feather coat, red cropped trousers, red sunglasses, and short yellow hair is sitting on a sofa.

There is an arrogant expression on his face, as if he is very disdainful of the world.

Suddenly, a pink phone bug on the desktop rang.

"Boo Boo Boo"

Seeing the phone ring, Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai, changed his eyes.

Put away the evil smile just now, and quickly reached out to pick it up.


"I'm Doflamingo, please tell me what you need!"

Hearing this familiar voice on the other end of the phone, Qin Ze spoke.

"Have you heard about the captain of Whitebeard's second team?"

Hearing this, Doflamingo said softly without any hesitation.


"This matter is already spreading!"

"Almost the entire underground world is discussing this matter."

"Looks like the Marine is going to have a public execution of the Captain of the Whitebeard Second Squad!"

Hearing the affirmative answer from the other end of the phone, Qin Ze nodded.

It seems that this matter has begun to ferment, and Marine must be promoting it!


"Investigate the specific time of the public execution at Marine!"

"There is news, let me know immediately!"

Qin Ze's words came from the phone bug's mouth, and Doflamingo's expression brightened when he heard the words.

"Obey, leader!"

Hearing this, Qin Ze simply responded and hung up the phone.

And Doflamingo over there carefully put the phone bug away.

Then he went out in a hurry.

He dared not neglect Qin Ze's order.

Besides these few people, at the same time, people with huge forces all over the world received a mysterious phone call.

Eight Treasure Sailor, Sky Island Enel, Gekko Moria and many more.

After making the last phone call, Qin Ze let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's time to meet old friends!"

" "

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