Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 160 Golden Lion's \"Iq\" Project

"Qin Ze, I haven't seen you for many years, you are still so young!"

"It's really enviable!"

When the explosion happened just now, Golden Lion noticed that Qin Ze was coming, but he didn't show up because he was in the mood of watching a good show.

At this moment, he looked at this young boy whose appearance was still the same as before in forty years.

I couldn't help feeling a burst of emotion.

"Hahaha! Golden Lion, it doesn't look like it came out of your mouth!"

"When did that arrogant big pirate start to be jealous of others!"

While speaking, Qin Ze let go of the clown man and looked at Golden Lion.

After years of baptism, the legendary three big pirates are already Madara White with temples.

"There hasn't been any change in forty years! Who the hell wouldn't be jealous!"

"Look at what I, a handsome and unrestrained man, have become!" Golden Lion said angrily, as if he was angry at the injustice of the heavens.

While speaking, he pointed to the wooden rudder on his finger.

The original long golden hair disappeared at the top of his head, leaving only the Mediterranean Sea.

But these words, hearing the clown man's ears, made him feel like he was struck by lightning.

This man who looked to be in his twenties actually looked like this forty years ago.

And I have known my captain for forty years.

You know, the Golden Lion at that time was the captain of the Rocks pirates!

Suddenly, the man seemed to think of something.

Qin Qin Ze?

The man whispered in his heart, his pupils were slowly dilated, and his back was soaked in sweat.

Hearing Golden Lion's words, Qin Ze raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "It's not because you want to besiege Roger!"

After the disbandment of the Rocks Pirates, Golden Lion formed the Flying Pirates and has been striving to dominate the world.

One day twenty-seven years ago, Golden Lion learned of the location of the Roger Pirates.

So he led the flying pirates, whose overall strength was a level stronger than Roger's, to surround Roger, forcing him to cooperate with him to rule the world.

After being rejected, Golden Lion became furious, and then the two sides fought.

Originally, the Golden Lion was about to win this confrontation, but Roger, the "son of the plane", was saved by a sudden storm.

Most of the large fleet of the Flying Pirates was driven into the bottom of the sea, and in an accident, the rudder was unfortunately stuck on the head of Golden Lion.

And because it would be life-threatening to pull out the rudder by force, the rudder is still embedded in the head.


"It would have been great if he had really teamed up with me back then, and he wouldn't have ended up like that in the end!"

When Golden Lion heard Qin Ze mention the name Roger, he couldn't help but think of those past events.

While speaking, he flipped his right hand, and the Sakura Ten that had been stabbed into the upgraded fawn's body was pulled out.

Immediately after his right arm shook, a little bit of Bloodline slipped from the sword and flew around.

After Roger's arrest, the Golden Lion couldn't believe it anyway.

So he single-handedly entered Naval Headquarters "Marineford" to confirm and killed a large number of Marines.

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Garp and Admiral of Headquarters Sengoku played.

The battle between the three was decided after nearly half of the town of Marineford was destroyed. After the Golden Lion was defeated, he was sent to the world's largest prison.

"Impel down" level6 Eternal Hell!

On a slightly different note, the Golden Lion escaped from the Impel down without mutilating his feet.

Instead, Qin Ze secretly rescued him.

This has also become a mystery of the World government, how the Golden Lion escaped from the world's strictest prison.

As the first prisoner to escape from Impel down, the image of Golden Lion in the hearts of pirates is also quite mysterious.

"Everyone has his own destiny!" Qin Ze shook his head and said.

He knew that Roger's surrender was not because of what Golden Lion thought. After he saw the complete historical text, even if he really joined forces with Golden Lion.

Roger would still do that.

"By the way, you've been working on this thing for years, and what's the result!" Qin Ze looked at the upgraded fawn that was beheaded by the Golden Lion's sword, and continued.

After Golden Lion was rescued, he didn't sail the sea like before, maybe because he knew that he couldn't rule the world like this.

So after discovering that on an island, there are many animals that eat plants with "iq" ingredients and become violent, so they resolutely gave up the sailing career.

Use your own ability to lift the entire island into the sky and move it as your own floating island.

And he lives on the floating island and plans to come back. From time to time, he will liberate these animals to "East Blue" to let them wreak havoc, showing his revenge to the World government.

"Kee ha ha ha!"

"With the hard work of me and the ship doctor Indigo over the years, there has been a great breakthrough!"

"Look at that deer, it's our latest research result!"

Golden Lion let out a maniacal laugh. While talking, he pointed to the clown man and then to the black fawn.

These years, Golden Lion and his most trusted ship doctor, Indigo, have been staying on the island, after countless experiments and failures in the past twenty years.

Finally, there was a breakthrough.

The plants outside the castle all have the "iq" ingredient, and they have been equipped by Golden Lion and Indigo.

It's not just about turning the edible animals into berserk, but a fundamental mutation, turning the normally visible animals into some ferocious creatures.

The man named Indigo, hearing what the Golden Lion said, started dancing again.

This time Qin Ze understood what he meant and was excited.

Looking at the animals surrounded by black walls, Qin Ze frowned and said.

"Do you know how to control these animals?"

"If you can't control it reasonably, then your research is tasteless!"

Hearing this, Golden Lion took out a special bell and laughed loudly: "Kihahaha! Qin Ze, can you think of anything I can't think of?"

"These upgraded animals are kept here to train them!"

As soon as the words were finished, Golden Lion shook the bell in his hand, and a clear and pleasant sound came out.

next second.

Those animals that were originally in the black enclosure immediately entered a state of rampage, hitting the enclosure frantically.

"Jingle Bell!"

Another bell rang.

But if you listen carefully, you can find a subtle difference in the sound.

in an instant.

The runaway black monsters stopped moving after hearing the sound, and became calm again.

"These things have no mind, only the most instinctive reaction!"

"Just right with this control!"

Golden Lion lifted the bell up, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he was showing off his achievements to Qin Ze.

However, no surprised expression was seen on Qin Ze's face, and Golden Lion couldn't help but feel a bit self-defeating.

He put away the bell, curled his lips and said.

"Tell me! What do you want from me!"

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