Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 167 Beasts Pirates! Another Four Emperors

New World Wanokuni sea area, the island of ghosts.

The quarters of the Beasts Pirates.

In a spacious room, there is a tall man with two horns on his head, two slender beards, a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm, and a purple fleece coat.

Beating the back of a bald man on the sofa.

He was naked from the upper body, with a purple jacket hanging around his waist, a scar with the letter X on his right abdomen, two gold chains hanging from the hem of the jacket, dark green wide trousers on the lower body, and a shimenawa tied around his waist.

At this time, if someone broke in, they would be stunned by the scene in front of them.

The governor of the Beasts Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, Kaido, the strongest sea, land and air creature with a bounty of 4,611,100,000 Baileys.

He was actually thumping the back of a young man carefully.

If this news is released, the entire sea will be shaken.

"A bit to the left!"

"Be stronger!"

"Kaido, I didn't eat today!"

Qin Ze's voice came out, quite dissatisfied with Kaido's movements and strength.

After saying goodbye from Whitebeard, he came to Kaido,

"Captain, I'm already working hard enough!"

"I think my strength can smash a boulder!"

Kaido said very sincerely.

Although so many years have passed, Kaido is also a member of the alliance, but unlike others calling him the leader, he still likes to call Qin Ze the captain.

"That means your strength has regressed!"

"Come on! Let me test it for you! Have you been lazy and slack during this period of time!"

Qin Ze thought for a moment, then said slowly.

"Captain, forget it! I don't want to be beaten again!"

When Kaido heard that Qin Ze was going to test himself, he quickly waved his hand and said.

As for Qin Ze, he had no idea of ​​surpassing him for a long time, and now he thought about his bold words and the goal he set for Qin Ze, and he felt blush.

Because in these years, every time he felt that his strength had improved by leaps and bounds, he would challenge Qin Ze.

But no matter what kind of moves he uses, what kind of strength he explodes.

In the end, they would be punched down by Qin Ze and then beaten up.


"Where's Jolly Buff? Isn't it with you?"

Qin Ze suddenly found that Qiao Libafu was not here, so he couldn't help asking.

After Joely Buff successfully pulled Brook into the alliance, he joined Kaido's pirate group as the deputy captain.

With the magnetic fruit, his strength has now reached the level of Shichibukai.

However, compared with Kaido, there are still many gaps.


"Recently went to the Iron Capital!"

Hearing this, Qin Ze nodded.

"Still thinking about his mecha?"

"Isn't it? You can't live a life of eating and drinking here, but you have to have trouble with Iron Body every day!"

"I think there is something wrong with his head designation!"

Kaido shook his head, and made a precise evaluation of Joe Libuff, a guy who was two heads taller than him.

"It's called having a dream!"

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows, very disapproving of Kaido's evaluation.

Jolly Buff has been sitting in the Beasts Pirates for the past few years.

But in recent years, after entering a place called Organ City by mistake.

Qiao Libafu has a soft spot for these things, as if he has found his life pursuit.

so far.

The deputy captain didn't do it either, and he couldn't see anyone in the pirate group all day long, so he wandered around outside.

Had it not been for Kaido's explanation, those crew members thought that the deputy captain had quit the pirate group?

Hearing the captain Qin Ze's words, Kaido pouted.

"Recently, Whitebeard's second captain will be executed in five days, and then take someone to Naval Headquarters to fight!"

Qin Ze stood up and gave instructions to Kaido.

"Yes, Captain!"

Usually he can fight with Qin Ze, but when accepting orders, Kaido will not neglect in the slightest.

After hearing Qin Ze's words, he agreed without any hesitation.

After sending off the captain Qin Ze, Kaido hurriedly summoned the main members of the group.

After hearing the governor's announcement, the crew's expressions were quite serious.

"Your Excellency!"

"Are we really going to get involved with the Whitebeard Pirates?"

One wore dark glasses, purple lips, a golden braid on his head, and a fat body.

The left hand is a mechanically modified prosthetic limb. There are two golden beards on the mouth, a golden ponytail behind the head, and sunglasses tied by two ropes.

It is the other one of the three plagues, "Plague" Quinn.

The bounty is 1.32 billion Baileys.

"How dare you question our admiral?"

As soon as Quinn finished speaking, another man beside him interrupted.

I saw that he was handsome in appearance, with a serious and stable face, with white hair, brown skin, black wings, and a wreath-shaped tattoo around his left eye.

He is Jhin, the first of the three plagues of the Beasts Pirates, the "Blaze of Fire"!

The bounty is 1.39 billion Pele.

"Hmph! Jhin, do you know the consequences of going to war with Naval Headquarters?"

"We are not familiar with that Whitebeard pirate group, why should we save that Ace?"

Hearing this, Quinn's yellow beard trembled, and he said in a rather rational tone.

"Don't talk, you are a coward!"

Jinjian didn't save him any face, and directly retorted.

When he was dueling Kaido in big o before, he found that Quinn always wanted to find an excuse to leave the scene.

He has no awareness of sharing his worries for Admiral Kaido at all, and is a complete coward.


"Even if I'm a coward, that's better than your pervert!"

Hearing Jhin scolding himself as a coward, Quinn didn't directly refute.

But his dissatisfaction was also expressed in his words, as well as his ridicule towards Jhin.

He knows that he has a sadistic side that likes to torture others, and he is a pervert who likes to torture others.

"You fart!"

"Anyway, I don't have the slightest objection to Master Kaido's order, let's fight!"

"It's not like you trash! You know how to show off the muscles you don't have at all!"

Jhin clasped his hands in front of his chest, and spoke mercilessly, focusing on what Quinn cared about the most.

Soon, the two people originally expressed their opinions on Master Kaido's orders, and finally turned into a quarrel between the two.

Kaido sat on the main seat, silently watching with great interest.

Because he has long been accustomed to the verbal battle between these two confidantes, every time he can hear something new.

He summoned them this time and ordered the task, not to let them make decisions for him.

It's just to inform them, and to see the reactions of these people by the way.

Finally, finally someone couldn't stand it anymore.


A cough interrupted the quarrel between the two.

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