Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 206: I Haven't Seen You In Many Years! I Really Miss

"This is a person!"

"Oh my god! This man is actually walking on the clouds, and his speed is so fast!

"And a human fell directly from such a high place, but nothing happened! What a powerful physique!"

"Who is this man! Why did the Marines and pirates in Marineford put down their actions before he landed, and looked up at the sky!"

"bald, thin, short, average"

"It has such terrifying power!"

"Who is this person who descended from the sky? Why haven't I seen it before!"


When Qin Ze fell from the sky, it was not the people in Marineford who saw him first, but the people all over the world watching the live broadcast in front of the screen at this moment.

In the high-altitude news bird, Qin Ze's behavior was clearly shown to the audience.

Everyone outside of Marineford was shocked.

Because this person was not only incredibly fast, but also fell straight down from a height of tens of thousands of meters, and nothing happened.

Such a powerful impact force can't break through his defense. One can imagine what a terrifying physique it must be to reach this level!

And at the same time.

Some young spectators were chattering and wondering who this person was, was it the reinforcements invited by the Marine, or the hidden backhand of the Pirates?

Among these people, there were only some old people who had experienced the Battle of the Valley of the Gods and recognized them at a glance.

Looking at the man who appeared on the screen, they felt as if their hearts were overwhelmed, and they could not calm down for a long time.

Because they are so familiar with this face, especially the shiny bald head, even after forty years, they cannot forget it.

The war in the Valley of the Gods back then was like a punch from a man of God!

"This is Qin Ze!"

"This person is Qin Ze, he is still alive!"

Several elderly people who had participated in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods and survived were extremely excited.

Although their voices were not loud, they exploded directly in the crowd, as if a bomb had been dropped on the mirror-like water surface, causing waves of ripples.

Soon, through word of mouth, everyone in front of the screen learned the identity of this person.

Moreover, such a scene not only happened in one place, but the word Qin Ze was spread all over the world.

However, most of those young people didn't believe it, because it was so unbelievable.

"Is this person Qin Ze?"

"How is it possible that this is someone who participated in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods? Forty years ago, the person on the screen is too young!"

"Look at the people who participated in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, Marine and Pirates, how old they are!"

"Didn't Sengoku say that Qin Ze died in the Valley of the Gods?"


The Battle of the Valley of the Gods took place forty years ago. If this person were Qin Ze, he would never look like a young man in his twenties.

Moreover, Marshal Marine had already said in front of people all over the world that Qin Ze fell into the Valley of the Gods, and it was the high-ranking Marines who did it.

Compared with the words of these old people, the young people believe what Marine said more.

"Hmph! You don't know anything at all!"

"Marine and the World government have been lying to you all along!"

An old man's voice was hoarse, and there was a trace of unconcealable joy on his weather-beaten face.

Because he was once a member of the Rocks Pirates, the appearance of Captain Qin Ze allowed him to finally speak out about that glorious past without reservation.

However, people still didn't believe it. After a brief discussion, they gradually became quiet and stared at the screen.

They knew that this person's identity would be revealed soon, so instead of guessing here, it's better to wait quietly for Marine or Pirate's announcement.


At the moment Qin Ze descended from the sky, the strong sense of oppression was gone.

Everyone on this island felt relieved, but they all stared blankly at the mysterious man who appeared in front of them.


The sound of swallowing saliva came from the Adam's apple, and the silence was terrifying.

The Marine soldiers in the square, as well as the crew members on the Pirate side, were dripping with sweat continuously down their cheeks.

The man who appeared suddenly was, without a doubt, very powerful, perhaps even as powerful as the Four Emperors.

But except for a small number of people, most of the people present did not know each other.

I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend

Especially those Marine soldiers in the square.

"That terrifying coercion is exuded by the person in front of me!"

"The sense of oppression covering the entire island is simply not human!"

"How to do"

The Marine soldiers tightly held the weapons in their hands, their arms trembling uncontrollably.

For a while, I was a little at a loss.

So these Marine soldiers moved their eyes away from Qin Ze's body with difficulty, and looked at the high-level Marines at the execution platform.


The expressions of the Marine soldiers changed again, because they found that the expressions of these senior generals were exactly the same as they were just now, even exaggerated.

Full of shock and disbelief.

And it's as if they've known each other before.

Following the sight of the Marine soldiers, I saw Kong, Garp, Sengoku, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru and others who participated in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods.

All pupils trembled violently, and their faces were pale.

This person, in these years, has appeared in their minds countless times.

Both familiar and strange.

They thought that Qin Ze was just a past tense and they didn't need to care about it anymore, but now it actually appeared before their eyes again.

And it's exactly the same as it was forty years ago, nothing has changed.

"You are still alive!"

"Why are you here?"

Sengoku's voice was a little trembling, and his face was extremely heavy, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

Because of Qin Ze's appearance, the scene of opening the gate of heaven with one punch in the battle of the Valley of Gods resurfaced in his mind.

It was so clear, as if it happened yesterday.

"I haven't seen you for many years, I miss you so much!"

With a smile on the corner of Qin Ze's mouth, he said lightly.

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