Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 208: The Old Man's Memories! Captain Qin Ze?

Not only the people in Marineford, but the people of the world who are watching in front of the screen at this moment are all blown up.

What Akainu said just now has proved that the man on the screen is the strong man from 40 years ago!

"Those old men are right, this person is really Qin Ze!"

"Damn, in my prediction, shouldn't he be tall and tall, with three heads and six arms, and an extremely vicious appearance?"

"This time the marine and world government will be more difficult. According to what Sengoku said, Qin Ze's strength is definitely not inferior to any of the Four Emperors, and even several grades stronger!"

"Presumably this, shouldn't we be more concerned about why he is still alive?"

"And in these forty years, there is no news about him at all!"


For a time, people all over the world were caught in heated discussions.

At this time, they recalled the words of those old men before, only to realize that their own cognition was too shallow.

At the same time, with regard to the events of forty years ago, they found that the truth may not be what Sengoku described, some may be true, but some were covered up.

Thinking of this, some young people in front of the screen looked at the old men who spoke before.

The few people standing in the crowd, staring straight at the screen, felt everyone's gaze at this moment, and laughed loudly.

"Indeed, this past has been hidden!"

"What the world government said is half true and half false!"

"But I won't talk about it. Captain Qin Ze has actually appeared. He will naturally reveal the buried history to the public!"

One of the old men with a long beard and a scar on his face said, his words were full of trust and admiration for Qin Ze.

He was one of the lucky ones in the Rocks Pirates. He didn't die in that battle, and he wasn't wiped out by Marine in the years that followed.

At this moment, I saw that the high-spirited captain was still alive and appeared in Marineford, still as young as forty years ago.

The old man choked up for a moment.

If he could be twenty years younger, he felt that he would definitely join in and bring down that hypocritical World Government.

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and some of them discovered a blind spot.

"Captain Qin Ze"

"Were you not a member of the Rocks Pirates before!"

A young man asked tentatively, with some surprise in his words.

Hearing this, the old man nodded, this time after so many years, he finally didn't have to hide his identity.

With the affirmation of the old man, not only the young man who asked the question, but also the people next to him were extremely surprised.

It turned out that there was a person who had personally experienced that era here, but they foolishly didn't believe it. Only then did they feel their ignorance.

"Keep watching!"

The old man sorted out his emotions and said something lightly.

Inside Marineford.

Qin Ze didn't respond to Akainu's shout.

Because according to Qin Ze's memory, he never seems to have shot Akainu, and he doesn't understand why this man Marine Admiral reacted so strongly.

next second.

Qin Ze tapped his toes lightly, then jumped back slightly, and came to Whitebeard's side.

"Gu la la la!"

"Qin Ze, you are finally here!"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Seeing Qin Ze appear beside him, Whitebeard threw Cong Yunqie in his hand to the ground, and said with a big laugh.


"You have been in contact with Qin Ze?"

Beside the Moby Dick, Marco asked in shock.

From Sengoku's words before, he knew that his father was related to the person named Qin Ze in front of him, and they worked together in a pirate group.

But he didn't expect that his father knew that Qin Ze was coming.

This means that his father has always been in contact with Qin Ze.

Not far away, Diamond Qiaozi, Foil Vista and the captains also looked at their father, wanting to know the answer.

"Gu la la la!"

"Not only are we connected, but Qin Ze is also my best brother!"

"This kid called me big brother for a while!"

Whitebeard heard his son ask himself, and said very proudly.

The complacent look on his face was beyond words, as if this was something worth bragging about.


"Edward, after all these years, how can you still learn to brag!"

Golden Lion mocked Whitebeard, smoking a cigar.

After all, his body floating in mid-air slowly drifted towards Qin Ze, and then stood beside Qin Ze.

"Golden Lion!"

"In terms of bragging, is there anyone else who can compare to you?"

"Before, I used to talk big words in front of my captain Qin Ze every day!"

In Kaido not far away, imitating the tone of Golden Lion, he teased him.

next moment.

I saw him bend one knee, and suddenly point down, the ground exploded suddenly, and his body like an iron tower flew straight towards Qin Ze.


It landed on the bow of the ship in the blink of an eye, and the huge impact made the huge ship shake.

"Kaido, can't you lighten it?" Golden Lion took a sharp puff on his cigar and said angrily while looking at Kaido who was standing beside Whitebeard.

"It's up to you, Captain Qin Ze didn't say anything!"

Kaido folded his hands in front of his chest and slapped Golden Lion.

However, such a seemingly ordinary conversation stunned the pirates present.

Let's not talk about Marco and Joz for now.

Those of the Beasts Pirates were all stunned.

"Just now our Lord Governor is called Captain Qin Ze?"

Yan Calamity Ember's face was full of disbelief, and he exclaimed.

When he heard Sengoku talk about that period of history, he thought that with the current achievements of the governor, he was also a captain in the Rocks era.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a team member under Qin Ze's command, and he seemed to be very respectful to Qin Ze, taking every captain Qin Ze one by one.

"It's really someone beyond human!" Jack was not too surprised, but just lamented Qin Ze's strength, and even the governor respected him so much.

But he knows that the governor is not valued by anyone in this world, and the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air are not just talking!


"Our Lord Governor has such a good relationship with Qin Ze!"

"According to Qin Ze's strength, don't we need to make a move!"

Quinn shook his two yellow beards and said to himself.

Hearing this, the other two looked at each other with eyes in unison, and the corners of their mouths twitched non-stop.

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