Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 236 The Arrival Of The Redhead! Give Me Face And Go Back Quickly

Immediately, Qin Ze's toes hit the air a little bit, accompanied by a loud popping sound.

His figure disappeared directly in place.

At this moment, a huge pirate group was approaching Marineford's position in the distance.

Under the gust of wind, a flag on the flagpole on the deck fluttered in the wind, and a white skull could be vaguely seen on the wave-shaped flag blown by the wind.

There is a red scar over the left eye of the skeleton, and two crossed swords are printed on the back.

It is the flag of the Red Hair Pirates, one of the Four Emperors.

Shanks stood on the bow deck, with his arms folded on his chest, looking forward, and beside him were all the key crew members.

Benn Beckman, Yasopp, Lackey Lou, Dege

"What's going on! Why hasn't Naval Headquarters Marineford seen it yet!"

"Could it be that we went wrong?"

In the crowd, Yasopp frowned, looked at the vast white sea, and said.

"How could the location of Naval Headquarters be wrong, it is in this area!"

Beckman's eyes were slightly fixed, and his tone was full of affirmation.

As a pirate, if you can even get the location of Naval Headquarters wrong, then you don't have to mess around in this sea.

What's more, they are one of the pirates of the Four Emperors.

"The loud noise just now came from this direction, and that huge mushroom cloud!"

"The battle may be over! We are late!"

The redhead slowly lowered his hand on the saber, and said with a somewhat lonely expression.

The war in Marineford is not just a battle between Marines and pirates, it will also make the world restless, and the entire world pattern will change.

As one of the Four Emperors, the man standing on top of the world, he had to do something.

Like stopping the fight from spreading


"The air still smells of earth and scorching heat!"

Dege sniffed the air, then let out a long breath.

The smell of earth in the air is very faint, but it can still be distinguished from the heat.

And this illustrates a problem.

Marineford is in this position, but it has sunk to the bottom of the sea in the battle just now, the smell of these mud is

"Did the Marineford sink really sink?"

The red-haired eyes were a little dazed, and he murmured softly, as if he didn't believe this result.

This is Naval Headquarters, a lot of firepower has been arranged in advance, in addition to those top powerhouses, there are even Five Elders sitting in command.

At this moment, the redhead, even though he was a pirate, was not at all happy about the sinking of Naval Headquarters.

Because this represents the failure of the World government, and the world will change drastically afterwards.

And at this moment.


A sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded from a distance.

next moment.

A man with a bald head appeared in everyone's eyes.

There was no time to react, and everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Because at this moment, the bald man was already standing on the deck, facing the red-haired Shanks.

"Qin Ze!!"

The red-haired man looked at the sudden man in front of him, his pupils were full of shock.

Not only him, but everyone on board felt their hearts skip a beat.

Before they came, they knew who the person in front of them was through the live broadcast screen, and they also knew that this person's performance on the Valley of Gods was so powerful that it was outrageous.

For a moment, everyone looked at Qin Ze blankly, without any desire to do anything.

Because of the sense of oppression emanating from Qin Ze's body, their souls trembled.

"Give me some face!"

"Go back where you came from!"

Qin Ze put his hand on the red-haired shoulder and said slowly.

Say it!

He didn't wait for the redhead to answer.

With a sharp lift on his body, he tapped his toes lightly.


The hard deck was directly stepped out of a huge gap, and sawdust splashed, piercing the sky.

And Qin Ze turned into a stream of light and disappeared in this world in an instant.

After a while, everyone came to their senses from their astonishment. Seeing Qin Ze leave, they couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

He reached out and wiped the sweat that appeared on his forehead.

Afterwards, everyone stabilized their inner emotions and looked at Captain Shanks in unison.

Awaiting his orders!


Shanks sighed helplessly and said, his eyes still stayed in the direction where Qin Ze disappeared, and the light in his eyes was uncertain.

The appearance of Qin Ze made all doubts clear.

Marineford is sunk, the World government is defeated, and they are no longer needed here.

After the words fell, the helmsman changed the course of the ship and sailed in the opposite direction.

In a sea of ​​blue, the pirate ship finally disappeared into the sea.

The Battle of Marineford ended, but the impact of the battle did not stop there, and even intensified around the world.

As soon as the battle was over, Morgans, the president of the World Press, sprang into action.

The cause, process, climax, and ending of this battlefield battle, as well as the shocking information revealed in it, were written into an article.

And under Morgans' hard thinking, he attached an extremely eye-catching title.

"Summit War: All Powers Gather!" The Qin Ze alliance surfaced! The sinking of Marineford! How will the world pattern change? "

Randomly picking out a piece of news here will cause an uproar in this world, and it is big enough to cause a sensation all over the world.

If it weren't for the fact that the title's name can't be too long, Morgans could have added two more lines.

Sure enough, the newspaper was sold out as soon as it was published.

For this reason, Morgans had to expedite the printing overnight, but even if he used printing houses all over the world, he hoped to meet the market demand in the shortest time.

However, it still can't keep up with the speed of people's panic buying.

In a few days, all the details of this battle spread to every corner of the world.

At the same time, the videos recorded by those video worms are even more sought-after. Some people who have never watched the live broadcast are willing to spend a lot of money to buy them.

All people talk about is this war.

Morgans, the president of the news agency, became a well-known figure all over the world with this article

And Qin Ze, after this battle, was exposed in front of people all over the world.

For a moment, his light covered everything, whether it was the streets, the ordinary alleys, the bustling downtown areas, or even the remote areas.

Everyone was talking about this bald man named Qin Ze.

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