Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 239 Offer A Reward To Marine! Qin Ze's Arrangement

It is not Qin Ze's whim to carry out world conscription.

It is a decision made after careful consideration.

Because since the World government is going to be overthrown, there will be such a day sooner or later.

And now is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

Although Qin Ze has been staying at the headquarters of the revolutionaries for the past few days, through the reports of the people in the alliance, he has a clear picture of what happened in the outside world.

"Conscription to the world is feasible!"

"Now outside, there are resistance organizations everywhere, and people in these organizations hope to join the revolutionary army! But there is no way to enter"

"This time our public convening will undoubtedly be an opportunity!"

"When the World government loses its credibility, it is the best time for our alliance and our revolutionary army to grow stronger!"

The revolutionary Long calmed down the excitement in his heart, and said in a sonorous voice.

"The next most important thing is to publicize this matter as quickly as possible!"

"Contact News Agency President Morgans immediately and ask him to write a report and distribute it around the world!"

"The recruiting location is set in the headquarters of Bardigo!"

"Spots in East Blue, West Blue, North Blue, South Blue, and Grand Line at the same time!"

"Arrange some people in the revolutionary army who have not surfaced to the World Government's conscription training!"

"At that time, there may not be enough room for those people here, so a branch must be set up"

"Dragon, you are responsible for the arrangement of recruits during this time, and Tezolo, you are responsible for the funds"


After about ten minutes of briefing, Qin Ze outlined the next arrangement, and even subdivided everything to everyone in Dali.


After saying this, Qin Ze let out a long breath, his mouth was a little dry.

"And besides that, there is one last thing!"

Qin Ze stood up from his seat, coughed twice and said.

"The World government has always set a bounty for us!"

"Are we going to fight back with an eye for an eye, and give the people of the World government a certainty!"

Hearing Qin Ze's words, everyone's expressions changed again.

The pupils in the eyes slowly dilated, still immersed in the leader's words just now and did not react.

Putting a bounty on someone from the World government, what a madness!

For eight hundred years, people from the world government have always bullied rebels, and no one dared to bully them.

This decision is undoubtedly a shocking big news.

Everyone understands what this decision means, and the message it will send to the world is that the Revolutionary Army and the World government are on the same level.

This is the smoke of gunpowder that has not really started.

After a long time, the people in the conference hall slowly recovered from the shock and looked at the leader.

"How to determine the amount of this reward order?" Lonely Red said slowly.

"The amount of the reward is determined by strength and influence!"

"The specific amount, let's discuss it!"

Qin Ze said lightly.

"Time is running out, let's deal with our own affairs!"

Say it! He waved his hand to everyone.

Watching the backs of everyone leaving, Qin Ze picked up a phone bug from the other side of the room and dialed the number of Morgans, the director of the news agency.

Gribas Island, in a pirate bar.

Some scary-looking pirates were drinking and eating meat, clinking glasses and yelling constantly, everyone's face was extremely excited.

Everyone's mouths seemed to be loaded with machine guns, and they kept talking about what they had seen and heard.

And what they talked about was almost all about the Summit War, the strength of Qin Ze and the alliance he formed.

As the only person who has led the pirate group to defeat the World government head-on for eight hundred years.

Qin Ze's prestige in the hearts of the pirates is undoubtedly huge, he gave a sigh of relief to the pirates in the whole sea, and gave them confidence.

Almost everyone in the bar regards Qin Ze as their life goal and spiritual support.

"Hahaha! Qin Ze is the god of our pirates! What a shit world government!"

"Yeah, Qin Ze who appeared in the middle of the Summit War is simply too handsome, ruling the world like a god!"

"I really didn't expect that there are such characters lurking in this world, and we only know now!"

"If I had known earlier, I would have joined Qin Ze's alliance, and I could have had a fight with the World Government and Marine in the Summit War!"

"Don't talk about the alliance now, even the revolutionary army can't find it, I want to join it!"

"Hey, if you don't follow Qin Ze in this life, you will be in vain!"


The people in the bar were chatting in a hurry, and the noisy voices continued to be extremely noisy.

at this time.

The door outside the bar was suddenly pushed open, and a thin man ran in hastily, holding a newspaper in his hand.

He was still shouting while running.

"Look, everyone, another big event has happened!"

However, as soon as the words fell, a muffled bang was heard.

Due to the haste of running, the little man didn't pay attention to one of his feet and fell directly to the ground.

The newspaper was thrown aside.

Among the crowd, a burly and vicious-looking pirate stepped out, grabbed the little man by the collar, and lifted him up.

"Boy! How dare you disturb our elegance!"

"You better have something to do, or you will really have something to do next!"

Hearing this, the little man's face suddenly turned pale, looking at the pirate in front of him who felt like he could eat several living people.

His body trembled with fright, and he couldn't speak for a while.

Seeing that he didn't reply, the mighty man was about to squeeze his fist and punch him.

"and many more!"

At this moment, a young man noticed the article in the newspaper and hurriedly stopped the man.

Muttering on the mouth.

"The World government is going to conduct world conscription!"

"Qin Ze's revolutionary army will also conduct worldwide conscription! And open to everyone!"

"The Qin Ze Alliance issued a reward order, offering rewards to the top executives of Marine and World government!"


As the young man read out every word, the whole bar fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone was dumbfounded, their expressions suddenly changed.

Conscription to the Revolutionary Army!

Bounty on Marine!

Here's an opportunity! !

The next moment, everyone dropped the wine glasses in their hands and ran out as if rushing.

In an instant, the originally noisy bar immediately became empty, only the burly man and the small man remained.


"Wait for me!"

The burly man's face darkened, and he cursed.

Immediately afterwards, the little man was thrown on the ground, his legs exerted strength, and he immediately ran towards the outside.

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