Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 241 Head To Ghost Island! See You Again

Wanokuni, the capital of flowers.

Among the thick clouds in the sky, a huge island floated in midair, and in the middle of the island was a huge skull.

And on the skull, there are two large curved horns, one of which has been broken off, and the cross section is extremely smooth. There is no doubt that this is the wound left by the sharp blade!

What's even weirder than this is that around the island, there are circles of hot flames, like clouds, floating around the brown clods.

Hold up an entire island.

Under the support of these flame clouds, it slowly floated in the dark clouds, and plundered towards the capital of flowers below.

In the flower capital of Wanokuni, a grand banquet is being held at the moment. Although it is already evening, the lights are still brightly lit.

On the street, in the house, everyone's face is filled with happy smiles.

Some people put lanterns in the river, and some people are admiring the beauty of the night.

At this moment, the ordinary citizens in the Flower City are immersed in the long-lost happiness.

However, in complete contrast to the situation in the Capital of Flowers, the situation on Ghost Island is extremely tragic at this moment.

The battle has been waged on Ghost Island.

The samurai in Wanokuni, together with the Straw Hat Pirates and several supernovas who shine in the new era, and the pirates of Beasts Pirates are fighting fiercely.

Now, the battle between the two sides has come to a fever pitch. The supernovas of the new era on the Skull Dome of Onishima are confronting Kaido of the Beasts Pirates.

Suddenly, a shocking sound came from the island floating in the cloud.


Accompanied by this sound, a place on the edge of Ghost Island broke open, and pieces of earth and rock fell from above.

Among the huge stones, there is a tall and fat man, who is falling towards the sea with these stones.

The black sand on her body was draped over her body, and she was blown by the gust of wind during the fall, and her pink hair was coiled into a semi-circle hairstyle at the back of her head.

With lipstick on her mouth, the fleshy head is connected to the fat body, and the neck has been perfectly integrated into the upper and lower layers of flesh.

Only listening to the mouth of this completely deformed person, a loud cry for help can be heard.


"help me!"

Big Mom's body was falling rapidly, as one of the Four Emperors, the strongest female pirate in history.

At this moment, she panicked.

There is nothing to rely on in the air, only gravity acts on her body, she has no way to change her current state.

As a Demon fruit power, she knows exactly what would happen if she fell into the ocean below.

The result must be death.

The palms and soles of the feet are constantly flapping in the air. The aunt who has always been strong and walks sideways in the ocean of this world seems quite helpless at this moment.

Pin all the last hopes on Homiz Prometheus.

However, at this moment, a powerful aura suddenly appeared below Guidao.

From the darkness, an extremely fast figure shot from a distance, approaching the place where Big Mom fell.

next moment.

Accompanied by the sound of an air explosion, the black figure who was a few kilometers away just now appeared next to Big Mom in the blink of an eye, and the speed seemed to be teleporting.

I saw the black figure grabbing Big Mom's collar, and Big Mom's falling figure stopped a few meters away from the sea.

"long time no see!"

"Charlotte Linlin!"

Hearing the sound, the aunt was obviously stunned for a moment, and then turned her head to look in disbelief.

A shiny bald head appeared in front of her.

"Qin Ze!!"

The moment she saw the person coming, the aunt was as happy as a child. While shocked, her face was full of excitement.

Not only because I knew I was saved, but also because I met my old friend.

She hasn't seen Qin Ze since the Rocks Pirates split during the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, except on the big screen at the last Summit War.

She didn't expect that the first offline meeting in these years would be in this way.

However, seeing the excitement on the aunt's face, Qin Ze's forehead went dark, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Forty years have passed, and the beautiful girl back then still hasn't escaped the clutches of time!"

Qin Ze shook his head slightly, thinking to himself.

In the Daughter Country before, when Qin Ze heard the news, he immediately dropped the business at hand and rushed to the location of Wanokuni Flower City at top speed.

And just as he was about to adjust the wind to head towards Guidao, he just heard Da Ma's cry for help.

At Qin Ze's speed of stomping on the air and rushing forward, he did not let the aunt get wet in spite of her age.

"It seems that the battle has reached a very intense level!"

Qin Ze looked up at the ghost island surrounded by flame clouds above, and said.

Hearing this, the aunt said with hatred in her eyes.

"Kaido is still up there, Straw Hat Boys, they are too hateful!"

"And those supernovas!"

And when the aunt just finished saying these words.

Suddenly, a group of flames appeared from the ghost island in the sky, and flew towards the position below.

At the same time, he kept muttering in his mouth.

"Mommy mommy!"

"I'm here to save you now!"

The voice fell.

Seeing that group of yellow flames came to the two of them, it was Big Mom's Homiz Prometheus.

Seeing this, Qin Ze used his arms hard, flipped his wrist, and threw Aunt on the ground.

"You bad boy, you came so late!"

"If Qin Ze hadn't come over, Mom, I would have drowned in the sea!"

The aunt slapped Prometheus under her body fiercely with her hand, and cursed.

At the same time, Napoleon, the big mom's weapon, came down from the ghost island, and kept talking about mom and mom.

At this time, Homiz, who was close to the two aunts, noticed that Qin Ze, who had smashed everything in the Summit War, was actually by his side.

His face suddenly changed with fright, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.

As a soul object with the same IQ as human beings, it has lived for many years, and was on the same boat with Qin Ze in the Rocks era.

During that time, she was usually bullied by Qin Ze a lot, but seeing Qin Ze at this time is like a mouse seeing a cat.

"It's worthless!" The aunt patted the two Homiz again and cursed.

The beaten Homiz suddenly felt aggrieved.

"Let's go to Ghost Island first!"

Qin Ze, who stepped on the air with his feet at a high frequency, said when he saw that the aunt was fine.

next moment.

Big Mom directed Prometheus to fly in the direction of Ghost Island, and at the same time, her devilish laughter rang out in the air.

And Qin Ze followed closely behind, sweeping upwards.

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