Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 265 Five Elders Meet Im! Redhead Appeared

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

In the other party's pupils, one can see full of shock.

Obviously, there are still strong people in this World government that they don't even know about, even stronger than the Five Elders.

"Okay, let's go down and arrange it right away. According to cp0's news, there is not much time left!"

The tone of the old man in kimono could not bear to refute, and a trace of majesty broke out from his body.


Commander-in-Chief Kong nodded blankly, his thoughts still wandering in what Five Elders said earlier.

I was still speculating in my mind who the Five Elders were talking about, and they were actually stronger than them.

As the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Kong has always believed that the Five Elders are his greatest support and reliance on the World government.

Only now did he discover that there seemed to be someone who was stronger than the Five Elders, and even more powerful.

And this person is likely to be the real manipulator behind the World government, that is, the person Five Elders said just now to deal with Qin Ze.

But soon, Kong cleared up the expression on his face.

"Before that, we need a pass at Mariejois!"

"And the license to deploy troops!"

Kong said.

After all, he couldn't figure out who it would be, but he didn't bother to think about it anymore.

Since Five Elders said that this person can deal with Qin Ze, then he just needs to do the rest.

However, in order to deploy the troops of the World Government in Mariejois, the premise is that the corresponding permission must be obtained.

Otherwise, even if he is the commander in chief of the three armies, he will be unable to move an inch in the holy land of Celestial Dragons.

"This is not needed now!"

"I have already explained the specific affairs to Mariejois' soldiers!"

"And the Celestial Dragons are now all gathered forcibly, in a very safe place!"

"Here, you will not encounter any obstacles!"

The old man in kimono said.

Before starting this meeting, he arranged everything here.

The purpose is to free up time as much as possible and reduce some unnecessary procedures.

And under his coercive means, those ignorant Celestial Dragons were also moved to a safe area with a burst of complaints.

Hearing this, Kong's goatee trembled, and the voice of Kaidō was sonorous and powerful.

"it is good!"

The rest of the people also had extremely solemn expressions at the moment. They knew that this war would directly affect the structure of the world.

It will even become a question whether the world government will still exist in this world after this war.

After all, the revolutionary army led by Qin Ze is not just a force with ostentatious appearances.

It is an existence that really has the background to overthrow the World government.

Therefore, everyone present is extremely clear that they must go all out for the next time.

"Go down and make arrangements as soon as possible!"

The old man in the kimono in Five Elders frowned slightly, motioning for them to back off.

Soon, Marine and other high-level officials left from Mariejois's chamber.

And go back as quickly as possible to arrange the next plan.

And the Five Elders stood up from the sofa after everyone left.

"Let's go!"

"It's time to report to the adults!"

At the same time, at the highest point of Pangu City.

A figure in a floor-length gown and a crown of four towering spikes sits on a throne, thrown into the shadows on high.

Tapping the back of the chair rhythmically with his fingers, he glanced at the five kneeling elders below, without any expression fluctuations in the red eye circles.



The thick voice resounded in the huge room, causing Five Elders' body to tremble violently.

Just now, they reported the recent events and the movement of the Qin Ze Revolutionary Army to the lord.

"Master Im!"

"Please also turn off this lamp yourself!"

The tone of the old man in kimono was extremely humble, and his expression was completely different from the expression he had when facing the Marine executives.

"I will handle this matter myself!"

"You guys do your job well!"

"Back off!"

Im's circular pupils are slowly expanding outward.

Hearing this, Five Elders slowly got up from his knees, and bowed respectfully to Im.

However, when they raised their heads, there was an uncontrollable joy in the expressions on their faces.

Master Im's first sentence has already proved that this time he will make a move himself.

At this moment, their hearts were slightly calmed down.

With Yimu Qin Ze against Qin Ze, the hope of winning this battle is no longer bleak.

Immediately, he backed out slowly.

Ignoring the five people who left away, Im stopped tapping his fingers on the back of the chair suddenly.

The pupils of the red eye sockets suddenly constricted.

"Qin Ze!"

"After all, I want to kill you with my own hands!"

Meanwhile, on an uncharted sea in the New World.

A pirate ship is slowly moving forward on the calm sea, with a pirate flag hanging on the pole.

On the flag fluttering in the wind is a white skull with the Pirate logo, three red scars on the left eye of the skull, and two crossed western knives on the back.

It's one of the Four Emperors, the red-haired Pirate Ship: Red Force! !

And on this pirate ship, there was a seat on the deck at the bow. A middle-aged man with red hair and black robe was looking at the newspaper in his hand, with an unkind gleam in his eyes.

And on the two sides, stood the various crew members of the Red Hair Pirates.

Benn Beckman, Yasopp, Lackey Road, Dego, Bendik Snake, Benk Pinch, Monstad (Monkey), Lime Jones, Roar Gabb.

"The world is about to change!"

Behind the red hair, Beckman glanced at the newspaper in the red hair's hand, a gleam in his sharp eyes,

The content published on it is the recent movement of the revolutionary army around the world, and there is also a striking big character on the top.

"Revolutionary Army Assembled: Qin Ze Will Overthrow the World Government?" ! "

"The world pattern is in turmoil, and the balance will be broken!"

Slowly putting down the newspaper in his hand, the sea breeze blew his empty sleeve on the other side, looking inexplicably sad.

"The flames of war will spread!"

As one of the Four Emperors of New World, the redhead is known as the freest man on the sea,

His philosophy is different from that of other children. They are cultivating their own power, thinking that they can master more wealth or greater rights.

But after he became Four Emperors, what he did most was to travel around various sea areas, and he was the leader of the newcomer pirates, and he never did things like burning, killing, and looting.

Of course, I don't even want a war in this world.

But now it seems that under the impetus of Qin Ze, there is a war even bigger than the Summit War.

This is what he does not want to see.

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