Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 268 Top Of The Red Line! World Government Layout

Following the man's line of sight, I saw a large number of troops deployed on the open space outside Mariejois on the top of the Red Line.

From the perspective of the screen, the densely packed Marine soldiers, like a group of invisible ants, stand on the top of the Red Line.

Without exception, everyone had muskets and some big knives in their hands, and their faces were full of vigilance.

And on their outermost periphery, many gravity cannons were placed.

On the cliffs, there are even various cannon muzzles with metallic luster.

The entrance of Mariejois is also the most convenient place to enter Mariejois. Five Elders stood on a huge red rock, staring at the turbulent sea of ​​clouds outside with fiery eyes.

In this most critical position, several of them personally guarded it.

And in the outer circle of Five Elders, there are many main combat forces of Marine.

Army Marshal Kong, Marine Marshal Akainu, Marine Three Admiral Kizaru, Fujitora, Green Bull, and Sengoku and Garp who were forcibly pulled over.

These people were standing in different positions, not gathered together, but not scattered too far, maintaining a reasonable distance.

The sixteen Marine Vice Admirals were divided into four teams and guarded in four different positions.

Command the soldiers under his command to carry out the next battle with the Revolutionary Army.

Looking further outside, the latest version of the pacifist developed by Vegapunk is still standing on the red clod.

It is no longer the same model as the Tyrant Bear, but brown skin and white hair, with black wings, burning flames behind, star-shaped pupils, some hands can emit light, and some hold swords that can be used for swordsmanship.

Its body is so hard that it cannot be scratched even if it is hit by artillery fire.

The strength of these new pacifists is quite strong, and if one is pulled out at random, it even has the strength no less than Shichibukai.

"My God!"

"Is this the strength of the World government?"

"These soldiers standing on the Red Line not only have Marine uniforms, but even special outfits for Enies Lobby and Impel down!"

"Visual estimates are close to 200,000 people!"

In the square, a man exclaimed in surprise, as if he was frightened by the picture on the screen.

"Not only this, but you can see that there are soldiers from other countries in this, and the armies of these countries seem to have been drawn into this great war!"

"This will be a battle on a scale far greater than Summit War!"

"I don't know how Qin Ze's revolutionary army will finally launch an offensive against the World Government!"

The audience stared at the picture on the screen, and at the same time they kept discussing the current situation.

For them, Mariejois is the last line of World government.

Such a strict defense method, even if it is as strong as Qin Ze, it is difficult to take advantage of it here.

Because the world government will inevitably fight to the death and bet everything on this battle.

And right now on the Red Line, just outside Mariejois.

People in the world government don't know what the people of the world are thinking. Even if they know at this moment, they don't have the slightest mood to care about it.

They were all full of vigilance, looking at the white clouds surrounding the 10,000-meter-high peak.

"Marshal Kong!"

"Is it appropriate to broadcast live all over the world like this!"

Crane Vice Admiral stood in a relatively safe position among the generals, looked at Kong and asked.

"The last Summit War, the prestige of our world government has been lost!"

"This battle is the only chance to make a comeback. It will be broadcast live, and this is the only time to watch it!"

Shaking his goatee, Kong's face was tense, and he said sullenly.

There is no doubt that this battle with the revolutionary army will either succeed or fail.

If it succeeds, the revolutionary army will be completely wiped out after this day, and the World Government will show its strong strength in the live broadcast all over the world, and will get back all the lost things in one battle.

And if it fails, Mariejois, as well as the Celestial Dragons who took refuge inside, will be killed, and the headquarters of the World government will be overturned. At that time, even if it is broadcast live all over the world, it will be irreversible.

Because of the World government, it was directly overthrown.


"Qin Ze is coming soon!"

Not far from Kong, Akainu exhaled a trace of hot breath from the corner of his mouth.

His whole body is in a tense state, ready to attack in the shortest possible time.

As the Marshal of Marine who deeply understood Qin Ze's strength with his body, Akainu not only had deep resentment towards Qin Ze, but also had deep fear.

The huge scar on his abdomen at this time is the best evidence that Qin Ze left on him

"News from the Special Forces!"

"The Revolutionary Army is already marching towards the Red Line's position!"

"It's almost there now!"

At the entrance of Mariejois, the old man in the kimono of Five Elders said with a gloomy face.

CP0, who was on the outermost side to detect the traces of the revolutionary army, kept in touch with them with phone bugs.

Not long ago, they reported the specific situation outside the Red Line, and a large fleet was approaching them at this moment.

"It's not just the revolutionary army who came!"

"Those damned pirates have appeared again this time, and their ghosts linger!"

The yellow-haired old man glanced at Akainu, and the anger in his voice was palpable.

"Lord Im, you will never fail!"

"No matter how many people come, we must kill them all here this time!"

There was a flash of determination in the eyes of the old man with white curly hair, and when he said the word Im, his tone became respectful.

"Master Im! We must win!"

The old man in kimono looked at the tumbling sea of ​​clouds with empty hands, and said firmly.

Ever since his First Generation Onitsu was interrupted by Qin Ze in Summit War, he hasn't equipped himself with a sword.

At this moment, the entire peak of Red Line fell into silence.

No matter the heavily armed soldiers, or the main forces of the World government, or the Five Elders.

After a brief conversation, he stopped talking and silently watched the movements around him.

The atmosphere seemed extremely solemn.

In the outermost area, responsible for surveying, soldiers in Marine uniforms, holding binoculars in both hands, kept scanning the surroundings, with sweat streaming down their faces.


The perspective of the Marine soldiers not moving stopped at one place

Through the round lens, you can see that the sea of ​​clouds that was originally relatively calm suddenly surged rapidly.

It seemed that there was something inside, about to break through everything and attack the outside.

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