Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 276: One Punch Explodes Meteorite

Suddenly, the situation in the sky changed drastically under Fujitora's ability.

The sun's rays seem to have dimmed a bit at this moment, and there is a terrifying coercion in the sky.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

In the sky covered by the clouds, there was a whistling sound, as if a great terror was about to fall from above and appear in front of people.

On the Red Line, the World Government personnel, as well as the Revolutionary Army and the pirates all looked up when they heard the sound coming from the sky.

next moment.

Everyone's faces froze there, as if they saw something incredible. ,

In everyone's field of vision, a huge meteorite was falling down from the sky above the Red Line, breaking through the white clouds, and it was unstoppable.

Visually measuring its volume, if it were dropped, it would be enough to crash any island.


"It seems to be landing on our side!"


The revolutionary army and the pirates stared blankly at the huge meteorite in the sky, and lost their voices.

This meteorite with boundless flames on its body, which caused layers of waves in the air, was falling towards their position.

There is no doubt that if this meteorite falls like this, it will definitely smash them all directly to the top of the 10,000-meter-high Red Line.

Falling from such a position, even if you are not killed by the meteorite, you will definitely fall to your death.

Among these people, even Whitebeard, Golden Lion and others all had solemn faces.

This is not like the Golden Lion, which combines earth and rocks into something that looks like a meteorite.

This is the fruit of Fujitora's use of gravity to directly affect the trajectory of the meteorite outside and make it land on the ground.

Its power is hundreds of times greater than that of the Golden Lion.

"It seems that we have to take action!" A cold light flashed in Golden Lion's eyes, and he softly shouted.

"No need!" Kaido beside him said flatly without any expression change.

The voice fell.

Suddenly, at the mountain peak in the distance, an extremely fast figure jumped up from there, and came to everyone in the blink of an eye,

This figure did not stop at all, but flew towards the huge meteorite at an extremely fast speed.

A gust of wind blew by Qin Ze's side, making his robes rattle.

"Don't fall on my friend's side!" Accompanied by a low shout.

Qin Ze's arm fluttered, he clenched his fist, bent his arm, and shot, and instantly hit the huge meteorite.

A simple set of movements, but the power is enormous.


There was a loud noise, and the meteorite was crushed instantly like a piece of tofu in front of Qin Ze's great strength.

The boundless flames surrounding the meteorite, as the meteorite exploded, erupted with a dazzling light, and a layer of flame-filled shock circle spread towards the surroundings.

However, under the fist of Qin Ze, the meteorite did not end there.

The majestic power that erupted from Qin Ze's fist began to spread from the top of the meteorite towards the inside.

"Crack, click!!"

The meteorite, which was enough to sink an island instantly, cracked under the impact of energy, and cracks like spider webs continued to spread towards the back of the meteorite.

And Qin Ze's body directly broke through the meteorite, piercing through the middle.

The next moment.

Accompanied by another shocking explosion, the meteorite behind him exploded in mid-air.

Like huge fireworks blooming, those bursting small meteorites fell to the surroundings.

"Watch out for the flint in the sky!"

Almost at the moment when the meteorite exploded, the generals on both sides of the revolutionary army and the world government shouted in unison.

Those soldiers who were still immersed in the shocking scene just now reacted from it.

Under the protection of the general, avoid those meteorites that have been blasted into countless pieces.

As for Qin Ze, his body fell straight down.

At this moment, the green standing not far from Fujitora moved, and the aura on his body exploded suddenly.

The palm pointed to the sky, and then grabbed it suddenly.

"Wood Ginseng World, Imprisonment!!"

The voice fell.

Suddenly, where Qin Ze fell, the land was undergoing drastic changes, and the earth trembled at this moment.

Immediately, a touch of emerald green appeared on the red land.

The next moment.

Thick vines and towering trees emerged from the ground, and under the nourishment of those green awns, they instantly grew in size.

It swept towards Qin Ze who was falling straight from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, a lush forest appeared on the ground, and the trees and vines on it that grabbed Qin Ze.

The moment he touched Qin Ze's body, he wrapped it up layer by layer like a spider catching food.

Within a few calls, a huge plant ball appeared in the sky, and the vines and trees outside the ball were connected with the forest on the ground.

I don't know how many turns it took.

However, the next moment, the huge plant ball shook in the air, and the sound of wood cracking continued to be heard from inside.

"good chance!"

At this moment, Kong, who had been observing the changes in the battle situation, suddenly brightened his eyes.

The muscles on his body were beating violently at this moment, and his aura suddenly rose to the highest level.

The white goatee trembled, and his fists swelled in a circle.

brush! !

In an instant, the bronze-colored arm turned pitch black.


A little above Kong's feet, a large hole appeared in the ground.

At the same time, he flung his body high into the air, his fists clasped together.

"Sunset Hundred Kills!"

The voice fell.

Kong in the air, the black luster on his muscles flickered continuously, and the power from his arms poured continuously towards his fists.

This blow, he will have no reservations.

Immediately, a glaring ray of light emerged from Kong's fist, the tyrannical energy was so unrestrained that even the space trembled slightly.

at the same time.

The crackling sound of the plants enveloping Qin Ze became louder and louder.

In the end, it finally couldn't withstand the infusion of power inside, and it exploded with a bang.

Green sawdust splattered, and the plants below instantly became wilted.

And Qin Ze, who had just broken through the confinement of plants, saw Kong's figure coming towards him, and he had already arrived in front of him.


Qin Ze was hit hard, his body exploded in the air, and a cloud of dust rolled up.

However, there was no unexpected explosion, Qin Ze's body paused in the air and stabilized.

"Hundreds of years old!"

"You should retire too!"

Qin Ze looked at Kong's figure, and then his toes suddenly tapped in the air, followed by a muffled sound.

Then it swept towards Kong's position.

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