Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 48 John: Inviting A Big Sheep To The Casino

Time passed quickly, and the news spread even faster. In a few days, the news that Celestial Dragons was killed by Qin Ze, a member of the Rocks pirate group, spread throughout this sea area, and it was still spreading at an extremely fast speed. The velocity spreads around it.

And the disseminators of the news are those who escaped from Qin Ze's hands.

It turns out that those Marines released by Qin Ze did not all return to Naval Headquarters, because as Marines under the jurisdiction of the World government, they knew what the death of Celestial Dragons meant, and as a result, they would inevitably bear the wrath of the World government. Chances are that they will be secretly executed because they need to be silenced.

So those Marines have been divided into two groups since they came ashore. The first group still has confidence in Marines and went back to report on their duties. The Marines who reported in the holy land of Mariejois are just a few of them.

After the first group returned to their residence, they released the news that the Celestial Dragons had been killed, so as to cause a certain degree of confusion, so as to buy more time to escape.

For this, the high level of the World government was furious and clearly ordered that all the escaped Marines be arrested and sentenced to death, but even this operation could not restore their lost face.

The Rocks Pirates, of course, also learned the news.

"Captain Qin Ze's bounty is 1.3 billion?"

"The rise is too fast, it has more than doubled from 700 million!"

"Captain Qin Ze has become the second most bounty pirate in the Rocks Pirates at such a young age!"

"Yeah! But I think it makes sense, after all, kill the Celestial Dragons!"

"It has to be Captain Qin Ze! Now that there is a lot of rumors outside, it can be regarded as another wave of fame for our Rocks Pirates!"

"Hahahaha! Which pirate group can do this kind of thing, in front of our pirate group, other pirate groups are playing house!"


On the deck of the Rocks, all the pirates couldn't help discussing after hearing that Qin Ze's bounty was raised to 1.3 billion.

At this time, Qin Ze was leaning against the edge of the boat, and learned the content of their conversation through Observation Haki, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Qin Ze doesn't really care about the amount of his bounty, because it's just an external reference, and it can't be equated with the strength of the person involved, and sometimes the bounty is low, and it's not a bad thing, at least it can Let your opponent relax.

But hearing them praise themselves, Qin Ze is quite useful. Looking at these vicious pirates, Qin Ze feels that they are a little bit noble.

Learning to praise is indeed a virtue!

Just as Qin Ze was listening to the admiration from the pirates, there was a sound of footsteps approaching Qin Ze. Looking around, a man in a red robe and holding a western sword came over.

Captain John!

"Hahaha! Qin Ze! You are a big celebrity now, and almost the entire sea area knows your name!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's only been a few months since I became a pirate, and I've reached a bounty of 1.3 billion!"

Walking to Qin Ze, John said with a smile.

"Why, are you envious?"

Raising his eyebrows, Qin Ze took a deep look at him and said slowly.

He was very surprised why John suddenly found him. If he remembered correctly, he and John should not be very familiar with each other! Is it true that it is just to talk about the bounty with yourself?

Ghosts believe it!

"That's not enough!"

John touched his nose and smiled dryly.

"Speaking of which, since you hijacked the Celestial Dragons' ship last time and took the heavenly gold, you are the richest person in our pirate group!"

"Every time I think of this, I am envious!"

Hearing this, Qin Ze frowned. Why did John, an old money fan, tell him this?

"so what?"

"Hey! With so much money on me, of course I have to spend it. What's the point of keeping it on the boat!"

"Only if you spend the money, can you prove that the money is yours, you say no!"

John blinked and said slowly.

"Well, it makes sense!"

"So if you have something to say, let it go!"

Qin Ze didn't want to go around with him here, John obviously had something to do with him, so he said straight to the point.

"Hahahaha! It's still Qin Ze, you are refreshing!"

Hearing Qin Ze's words, John was not angry, and after complimenting Qin Ze, he said again.

"Beside this sea area, there is an island. There is an underground casino there. I've been fooling around on the boat these days. How about it? Do you want to play a few games?"

John spoke with a very sincere attitude, looked at Qin Ze, and waited for his reply.

Hearing this, Qin Ze immediately understood, casino? This old man is probably fancying his own treasure and wants to win his own money!

"Why don't you ask Ochoku and Silver Ax, they'd love to be with you!"

"Hey! They! They don't gamble, it's meaningless!"

"I think you, Qin Ze, should be on the same path as me, so I came here specially to ask you to join me!"

John sighed, and seemed to feel sorry for the two captains.

This time when he came to Qin Ze, John really wanted to go out and have fun. Ever since he got a part of the heavenly gold, his hands were itchy. This time, he happened to pass by an area with a casino, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

In addition, he also wanted to have a good relationship with Qin Ze, such as winning some money from Qin Ze at a certain point. After all, with Qin Ze's financial resources, he should not be able to afford to lose.


"From what you've said, I'm the best candidate!"

Qin Ze glanced at him and said meaningfully.

For John's invitation, Qin Ze didn't resist too much. To be honest, he really wanted to go and see, not because he likes to gamble, but because he was curious about what the casino in One Piece World would look like, whether there would be a sexy croupier, Deal online.

"How about it, do you want to play two tricks?"

John looked at Qin Ze still thinking, and asked again tentatively.

"Okay! Since Captain John kindly invites you, how can I not give you this face?"

Qin Ze withdrew his thoughts, cleared his throat, and spoke.

"Hahaha! It's Qin Ze who is more interesting to you, so let's make a deal like that!"

"I'll call you when the time comes, but remember to bring more treasures!"

John's eyes lit up when he heard Qin Ze's words, and he hurriedly told Qin Ze a few words.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, fearing that Qin Ze would regret it, he hurriedly bid farewell to Qin Ze and went back to prepare his own things.

Seeing the back of John leaving, Qin Ze smiled lightly, he is so stubborn and wants to win my money, then I will see if you have the ability at that time

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