Not only that, the monstrous seawater was sucked into the explosive energy center in an instant, and at this time, accompanied by the evaporated mist, the seawater in the sky suddenly fell to the ground at this moment, and the terrifying scene seemed to be caused by anger. The demon is bursting into anger.

And the Marines in the distance, seeing this scene, were all panicked, their eyes staring like copper bells.

"The sea water flew into the sky!"

"Is this a scene from hell?"

"How can it be so strong, what can the strong in this world do!"

"In front of them, I think we are actually inferior to ants!"

"When can it become like this!"


This terrifying scene, in the eyes of the Marines, hit the bottom of their hearts. They were not only shocked by Qin Ze's unfathomable strength, but also realized the gap between themselves and the real strong in this world. Everyone's heart was ignited. Strong desire, hope that one day I can grow to this point.

"Your moves are really strange!"

"Even the name is so strange!"

Zephyr had a strange expression when he heard the name of the move Qin Ze called out, as well as the ability displayed.

These moves do not have any fighting skills, they are simply relying on the terrifying physical body and powerful strength to fight

Turn the table? Water gun?

These children's tricks, in the hands of Qin Ze, can actually exert such great power, which has to make Zephyr amazed.

"What a monster!"

At this moment, Zephyr can only use this title to express his inner opinion, because if he does not have the six styles and those fighting skills, he may have lost the battle not long after the fight!

Compared with the guys in Naval Headquarters who claim to be outstanding in physical fitness and talent, they should really be pulled over to see what it means to be someone who is beyond others.

"You are strong! But justice must prevail!"

Zephyr let go of his thoughts, sank, his body tensed again, covered in armed colors, and the moment he disappeared, he kicked out with his right leg, and the rapid kick burst out with scorching heat, even burning the air.

The entire right leg was covered with raging flames! !


"Isn't this Sanji's move!"

Feeling the heat wave blowing towards his face, Qin Ze frowned and couldn't help complaining.

next moment.

The calf covered with Emission directly shook up. At this moment, without any pause, the two of them turned into a black lightning once again, and began to violently confront each other again and again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battle lasted for a long time, the two rays of light separated, merged, separated, merged.

Under such a staggered vertical and horizontal pattern, the four directions of east, south, north and west are fully blooming.

A series of terrifying shock waves scattered out, the atmosphere was torn apart, and Wang Yang was blasted into huge waves of more than ten meters.

The earth and rocks collapsed, and half of the island was turned into ruins during the battle.

The fighting intensity is extremely high.

During the fierce battle, Zephyr was more and more surprised as the confrontation progressed to the end.

"Where is Qin Ze's physical upper limit?"

Although the physical fitness of the strong in One Piece World is very terrifying, it is like Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji and Kizaru fought on a certain island for nearly ten days for the position of Marshal.

But the battle between the two of them is definitely not going all out and using the ultimate strength to confront each other.

But Zephyr at this time is different. As a leader in close combat, his physical fitness is only stronger than those Devil Fruit Admirals behind him.

But whether it is using the highest level of armed color, returning life, or six moves, they are all moves that consume a lot of energy.

In this state, Zephyr can hit the sky for two days.

But what surprised Zephyr was that his opponent, Qin Ze, seemed to have endless physical strength.

Although he was beaten into the air by himself before, he did not suffer any damage at all, and during the fight, he could clearly feel that the strength and speed of the opponent did not decrease, but became more and more excited as he fought.


Zephyr pulled away and jumped aside after a powerful blow.

A little bit of sweat dripped from his forehead, and the wound on his body burst open again due to the excessive explosion, with blood flowing.

"Why is this so? Is his physical strength inexhaustible? Could it be that Qin Ze is stronger than me now?"

Thinking of this, Zephyr looked at Qin Ze's young face. Such a thin body can contain such terrifying energy, and it also has a seemingly endless stream of physical strength.

A sense of powerlessness arises spontaneously.

At this time, in Qin Ze's heart, he was also thinking about this question.

"The physical strength of the strong in this world is really terrifying!"

From the beginning of the hand-to-hand combat between the two sides to the frequent moves now, Zephyr can still live with himself so many moves when he is injured.

And I even used the serious series, but still failed to defeat the opponent.

Although it is said that this is because the training time is too short and my own strength stretches my hips, but it is only compared to Teacher Saitama, my own moves are still very powerful. In this world of pirates, the next It's not that easy either.

But I didn't expect Zephyr to resolve it with two moves and six moves, and without the slightest sluggishness, he suddenly broke out again in an instant, and fought back and forth with himself.

It seems that I still underestimated the powerhouses in this world. I thought that I would have no problem handling people like Marine's Garp, but when facing Zephyr, I was already struggling.

Still need to get stronger, it takes time

At this time, the two of them had their own thoughts in their hearts, and since they separated, they had a tacit understanding and had no choice to make another move.

Zephyr squirmed the muscles on his body to stop the bleeding from the wound, and restrained his aura. He knew that it would be impossible to catch Qin Ze in a short time, so he continued to fight with his current state, although he could wait until the end of the headquarters. Support arrives.

But looking at the ruined island, there are all ruins. The previous fighting has scarred the area. If it continues, the island is likely to be sunk in the battle. None of the residents above will survive.

This is something he cannot see as a Marine general.

In the face of the safety of a Qin Ze and the lives of the residents of an island, he would choose the latter without hesitation.

Thinking of this, he looked up at Qin Ze, his eyes revealing calmness, and he spoke slowly.

"Qin Ze, how about our truce!"

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