Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 68 Draw A Big Pie For Kaido

On the Rocks, in a cabin, Kaido is admiring himself in front of a mirror.

Since eating Yuyu Fruit, Kaido feels that he has become much prettier, not only his muscles have become bigger and harder, but he has also grown taller than before.

Recalling the taste of that Devil Fruit, Kaido shuddered, it was the worst thing he had ever eaten, even if he had never eaten shit, he was absolutely sure that it would not taste any better than it.

If it wasn't for Devil Fruit's great reputation, the fruit Qin Ze described was too tempting, and Kaido could spit out all the food he ate on the spot.

Fortunately, after all the hardships, the rewards come quickly. Devil Fruit can improve a person very quickly.

Through this period of non-stop training and comprehension, Kaido's fruit ability has been initially developed, and he can feel a very obvious improvement in physical strength, endurance, and strength.

Kaido felt that even the current Qin Ze might not necessarily be much stronger than himself in terms of strength.

"Well, yes, mighty Haki, tall and mighty!"

Looking at himself in the mirror, Kaido commented on himself.

During this time, Kaido would take a look in front of the mirror and observe his own changes after each exercise.

However, just as Kaido was about to turn around and look at the muscles in his back.


Suddenly, there was a sound of the door being kicked open.

Kaido in front of the mirror was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look, and saw Qin Ze staring at him at the door, his face suddenly changed.

How did Qin Ze come back! !

Kaido, who has been an otaku in the room, doesn't know what's going on outside. Some people came to him before. In order not to affect his exercise, Kaido scolded them back. The news is blocked.

This time when Qin Ze came back, Kaido was completely unaware.

"Damn! I came back as the captain, and you are actually looking in the mirror in the room!"

Qin Ze saw Kaido standing in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror, and cursed with a black face.

"Captain, I don't know about this, no one informed me!"

Seeing Qin Ze with an angry face, Kaido froze immediately, losing all the momentum he had just now.

If you want to say who is the person he most wants to defeat in the Rocks pirate group, it must be Qin Ze, and if you want to say who is the person he fears the most, besides Rocks, it must also be Qin Ze.

Seeing Kaido's appearance, as if he really didn't know about it, Qin Ze's expression softened a little, and he spoke.

"I heard that you have been staying in the house during this time, report to the captain about the work during this time!"

"It's about exercising every day, stimulating fruit ability, and enhancing strength!"

Hearing this, Kaido seemed to be just here for inspection, and nothing happened. The stone in his heart fell, and he said slowly.


"Then what were you doing just now?"

Hearing Kaido's words, Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

After eating Devil Fruit, it is indeed reasonable to want to develop its abilities in time, but I think that when I first came in, Kaido was not exercising, and he was still posing in front of the mirror.

"That, isn't this eating the fruit, just want to see what kind of changes will happen to the body!"

Kaido opened his mouth and explained that this is indeed true. After eating the fruit, Kaido felt that he became more beautiful, which is also an external change.

Hearing this, Qin Ze nodded.

"Well, it seems that the muscles on your body are indeed more powerful than before, and your explosive power should have been greatly improved compared to before!"

Qin Ze glanced at Kaido's whole body, and objectively commented that after eating the fruit, although the change was not too obvious, it could still be observed under Qin Ze's eyesight.

However, the specifics will only be known after the fight.

Withdrawing his eyes, Qin Ze cleared his throat and said seriously.

"Of course you exercise!"

"But you, the vice-captain, can you do something serious!"

"I asked you to be the vice-captain. Did you stay in the room every day?"

During the time when he was not there, Qin Ze thought that Kaido, the vice-captain, would be the leader of the team and could organize the members of the team well, but when he came back, he found that there was nothing at all.

Although Qin Ze had never done these things when he was here, Qin Ze didn't think there was anything unreasonable. After all, he had to do it himself, so why would he need the vice-captain?

"Do business?"

"Isn't exercise a business?"

Kaido asked suspiciously, in this Rocks pirate group, what else can be corrected than exercising to increase strength?

"Train the players! The strength of the players in our team is too weak!"

"As the vice-captain, you have time to train them well! Bring their strength up!"

Qin Ze spoke to Kaido earnestly.

Hearing this, Kaido frowned and directly refused.

"Don't do it!"

"I'm busy exercising, how can I have time to take care of them!"

To help Qin Ze train the team is to help him train the team members. Wouldn't this be working for Qin Ze as a coolie for free? Kaido will not do this.

As if seeing what Kaido was thinking, Qin Ze sighed and said again.

"Hey! Think about it!"

"If you train these players, they will become stronger in the future! Can't they handle some things!"

"In this way, you can save yourself time and give yourself more time to devote to what you need to do!"

"And the most important thing is, if you beat me to become the captain in the future, isn't everything you do now is to build the strength of the team for yourself!"

"When the time comes, even I will be your subordinate, why don't you worry about it!"

Hearing Qin Ze say this, Qin Ze's brows slowly relaxed, it seemed that what he said made sense!

I ate Devil Fruit myself, and through hard training, if I want to catch up with Qin Ze, it will be a matter of time!

When the time comes to replace Qin Ze, the entire team will be his own, but now to train the players, you can also gain a wave of favor.

With this in mind, Kaido felt it was entirely in his own interest.

"You're right, then leave this matter to me in the future!"

Hearing that Kaido agreed, Qin Ze smiled, a child can be taught!

Teacher Kaido can even teach Luffy. I believe there are a few pirates in this area, it should be no problem at all.

At this time, Kaido, who had just finished speaking, seemed to think of something, suddenly frowned, and said.

"Captain, do we need to expand our team? There are still too few people! The strength of the overall team is weak!"

Hearing this, Qin Ze froze for a moment, but his heart burst into laughter.

good! You have already started to learn to answer quickly, and you are about to talk about this!

On the surface, Qin Ze didn't show it, resting his chin with his palm, with a slightly thoughtful expression, he said slowly

"Yes, your suggestion is very good!"

"It seems that you, the vice-captain, have not made a mistake. You have already started to think about the interests of the group!"

"Since you brought it up, I'll leave this matter to you in the future!"

Hearing this, Kaido laughed because his purpose was achieved.

Expand the strength of the team. After defeating Qin Ze later, you can directly take over a powerful team at that time. Presumably it is not a problem to build another pirate group!

Thinking of this, Kaido laughed even louder.

When Qin Ze saw Kaido laughing suddenly, he couldn't help laughing too, but the two people's smiles were different.

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