Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 74 Captains Fight Landlords

The time came one day later.

On this day, on the deck of the Rocks, several pirates were discussing something together.

If someone is close at this time, you can hear what they are talking about.

"Have you heard? Captain Qin Ze is going to make a bet with Ochoku, Captain Silver Ax!"

"Really? Who did you hear from?"

"Everyone on board is spreading the word! Not only that, but I also know that Captain Qin Ze lost 30 million Baileys last time he came back!"

"Captain Qin Ze lost 30 million Baileys? I didn't expect him to be so powerful and so mediocre in this respect!"

"This is also normal. You must know that Captain John is a veteran in this field."

"Then I must go and see it. I haven't seen this game between the captains much! This time it will be an eye-opener! I just don't know who will win in the end!"

"That goes without saying, it must be Captain Ochoku! I just don't know how much Captain Qin Ze will lose this time."


Not only a few of them, Qin Ze and Ochoku, Silver Ax and their gambling news, who leaked the secret, quickly spread like wildfire on the Rocks.

And this also made Qin Ze very distressed, not because the rumor that he lost money was widely spread, but because everyone paid attention to this gambling game, which made him feel that he had lost hundreds of millions.

Originally, Qin Ze wanted to make a fortune silently, but after winning Ochoku and Silver Ax this time, he can continue to rely on this skill in the future to reap a wave of other people's wallets.

But in this way, this idea is ruined.

This is indeed the case, and the crew members on the ship were all very surprised when they found out.

You know, in the Rocks Pirates, things like gambling are too common. Apart from squandering the treasures on land, a large part of the treasures that the pirates plunder are on board. Hands go back and forth.

To put it bluntly, gambling is a way of pastime at sea, a way to pass the boring time, so in the pirate group, almost half of the people have come into contact with it.

But this time, Qin Ze, who lost money, had to continue betting against Silver Ax and Ochoku, which made some people who love gambling and those who want to see Qin Ze's jokes feel curious.

Especially Golden Lion, after learning that Qin Ze had lost 30 million Baileys, he smoked a few more cigars.

He knew that with Qin Ze's financial resources, such a small amount of money was nothing to him at all, but he felt inexplicably relieved to see Qin Ze deflated.

When he knew that Qin Ze was going to gamble with Ochoku and the others, he laughed even more happily, because this time he could see Qin Ze deflated with his own eyes.

Thinking of this, Golden Lion couldn't hold back his excitement, and wanted to mock Qin Ze first.

At this time, Qin Ze had just finished exercising on the boat, and was thinking about relaxing, when he saw the Golden Lion walking towards him.


"Qin Ze, I heard that you lost more than 30 million Baileys last time?"

Seeing Qin Ze for the first time, Golden Lion couldn't wait to mention this matter, with a playful look on his face.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be very well informed! You actually found out so soon!"

"Why, do you want to come over and give me money to comfort me?"

Qin Ze didn't justify his loss, he made a mistake, anyway, after he wins a game later, this matter will naturally be resolved without attack.

"You, the richest owner in the whole ship, still need me to send you money?"

Golden Lion sniffled and said slowly.

"But even if you have money, don't use it like this! Go play with Ochoku and Silver Ax!"

"Do you think you can beat the two of them? I think you should just give me the money! I promise to lose slower than you!"

Golden Lion took a deep puff of his cigarette, and laughed with a mocking look on his face.

"Golden Lion, do you know why you lost to me last time?"

Qin Ze completely ignored Golden Lion's taunt and spoke.


Golden Lion frowned and asked.

"Because you're too busy!"

"With all this time, what can you do? Isn't it good to improve your strength?"

Qin Ze rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Hearing this, Golden Lion's complexion changed, and he was about to get angry, but thought that he couldn't beat Qin Ze, so he said a harsh word.

"Hmph! I'll see how badly you lost!"

After speaking, he flicked his sleeves, turned around and left!

For this, Qin Ze is ashamed, this Golden Lion is really here to scold

The time Qin Ze and Ochoku set was this afternoon.

The sun outside was setting in the west at this time, and the time was almost up.

Originally, Qin Ze wanted to play casually with them in his own room, but everyone knew about it, and under their strong request, he set the game on a deck in the middle of the Rocks.

There is no other reason for choosing this place. It is purely because it is more convenient to watch and has a wide view.

On the Rocks pirate ship, there are all kinds of gambling equipment, such as dice, poker, roulette, darts, as long as there are things in the casino outside, they are basically equipped here.

If you put these things together, you can open a casino directly, and it can be put into operation immediately.

Among the many gambling tools, Qin Ze and the others chose playing cards this time.

And it is a game that Qin Ze is very familiar with: Fighting the Landlords.

Although the names in this world are different, the gameplay is exactly the same.

Moved a gaming table to the middle of the deck, Qin Ze, Ochoku, and Silver Ax gathered around the table, smiling at each other.

Everyone has Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

"Qin Ze, I didn't expect to attract so many people's attention just by playing cards. I'm really speechless!"

Ochoku spoke first, pulling out a big bag full of treasures and Baileys.

The reason why the people on board knew this was that Ochoku sent the news, the purpose was to arouse the onlookers on board, because he couldn't beat Qin Ze, and he was afraid that Qin Ze would renege on the money if he lost the money.

So after doing this, with so many pairs of eyes staring at him, Qin Ze won't be cheating!

"Who knows, anyway, the person who tells the story will definitely have a son with a bad asshole!"

When Qin Ze spoke, he glanced at the two of them. Although Qin Ze didn't know who released the news, it must be one of them, or both.

Because John didn't know the 30 million Baileys he said casually.

Hearing Qin Ze's venomous mouth, Ochoku was momentarily at a loss for words, as if he had eaten a fly, and he didn't answer for a long time.

"Cough cough let's start!"

After coughing twice, Ochoku picked up a deck of cards.

At the same time, when other people on the deck saw Qin Ze and the others, they all rushed over here

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