Just Joined Rocks: Fusion Saitama Template

Chapter 82 Departure To Flower Street

the next day.

Qin Ze was lying on the bed, dreaming a good dream, when he was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door.

Rubbing his eyes, he stood up and opened the door, standing outside was Kaido who had promised to go out yesterday.

In this regard, Qin Ze patted his head and was speechless for a while.

Because looking at the sky outside, it was only around five o'clock, and the sky hadn't even dawned yet!

To say that Kaido is so active is because he can't wait to go outside to fight to improve his strength, even a dog would shake his head when he heard this.

Qin Ze is now sure that this Kaido is definitely using the name of improving his strength to go to Huajie to have fun. After all, he failed to go last time, and he may be holding a fire in his heart!

"Damn it! You're too active this morning!"

The moment Qin Ze opened the door, he cursed!

"Captain Qin Ze, if you go at this time, you will be there in the afternoon! With a little preparation, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the Flower Street in the evening! Oh no, the beautiful scenery!"

With an excited face, Kaido said to Qin Ze.

In the previous discussion among the crew, when Kaido learned that there was a flower street, he decided to go there.

The last time I didn't succeed, there was always a lump in my heart, which made Kaido feel extremely uncomfortable.

As for why Qin Ze was invited, it was entirely because he had no experience in this kind of place, so he wanted to pull Qin Ze.

But what he didn't know was that although Qin Ze seemed very old-fashioned, he was not much different from him.

"All right!"

Qin Ze yawned and spoke.

While waiting outside Kaido's house, Qin Ze casually tidied up inside the house.

In addition to a bag of banknotes, Qin Ze also took a mask.

This mask was collected from the pirates on the ship before, and it looks a bit like a fox in appearance.

The purpose of collecting the mask is mainly to consider that it may be used when leaving the ship in the future. After all, with the current influence, it is very likely that others will recognize it.

At that time, don't talk about looking at the Flower Street, even if you want to buy something, you won't be able to.

"Let's go!"

Calling Kaido outside the door, Qin Ze carried a big bag of money and walked to the place where the lifeboat was placed.

After a while, the two arrived at their destination.

From the side of the boat, Kaido pulled the lifeboat out, threw it into the water, and sat on it.

"No wonder you greeted Captain Rocks yesterday, and you have already planned to set off at this point!"

Qin Ze threw a bag of money onto the deck of the lifeboat, turned over the side of the boat, and landed lightly on the bow of the boat.

And took out the navigation tool from his arms, holding the map in one hand, and fiddling with the recording guide in the other,

"Go early and come back early!"

When Kaido spoke, the boat had already been started, and with a sound, the sound of water breaking under the lifeboat came out.

"Hehe! I think you can't wait!"

Qin Ze glanced at him and said contemptuously, "Let's go! Turn to the left!"

Under Qin Ze's instruction, Kaido controlled the direction of the ship, and amidst a roar, the lifeboat gradually distanced itself from the Rocks.

This time, because it was too early, no one on the deck saw Qin Ze off.

Fortunately, Qin Ze told Whitebeard yesterday that he would go out tomorrow, so there was no need to say goodbye again.

As the roar of the ship gradually diminished, the lifeboat gradually moved away in the still faint night until it disappeared.

At the port of a bustling island, an extremely luxuriously decorated ship is docked aside.

Two young men with huge height differences came down from above.

The short one wears a mask, and the tall one has two horns on his head.

It was Qin Ze and Kaido!

"Why do you have a mask to wear and I don't!"

When Kaido got off the boat, he saw Qin Ze take out a mask from the bag and put it on. He frowned and asked involuntarily.

"With your fame, do you need to wear a mask?"

Qin Ze pouted, and threw the bag to Kaido.

Hearing this, Kaido was stunned for a while, the corner of his mouth twitched, but he couldn't refute.

The current Kaido, no matter in terms of strength or fame, is far from when he became the Four Emperors later, so no one can recognize him in this area where the Rocks pirates first appeared.

Before the two of them walked a few steps away, a voice came.

"Hello, do you need to hire a ship manager?"

At this time, a young man in blue clothes came to the port and asked Kaido.

"Need it!"

Kaido was a little confused when he was asked such a question. In his opinion, this kind of question should be asked to Qin Ze, after all, he is the boss who makes the decision.

But unexpectedly, this person regarded himself as the leader.

But this is understandable, after all, with Kaido's size and the sense of oppression on his body, compared to the ordinary Qin Ze standing next to him, he is not ordinary at all.

After seeing this scene, Qin Ze felt quite novel.

Because this island can be said to be the most prosperous place Qin Ze has ever seen when he came to this pirate world.

Not only does the port exist, but there are also dedicated reception staff at the port.

I have to say, this place came to the right place!

"Okay, in view of the luxury of your ship, you need to arrange multiple people to guard it, so you need to pay 6,000 Baileys!"

The man in Tsing Yi smiled and said slowly.


While speaking, without any hesitation, Qin Ze reached out and took out a 6,000 Bailey bill from the bag, and handed it to the man in Tsing Yi.

After receiving the money, the man in Tsing Yi flashed a hint of joy in his eyes, and said again.

"I don't know if the two of you are here to visit the Flower Street on Chigri Island?"


Qin Ze raised his eyebrows slightly, it seems that there are many people who come to Huajie every day!

"I can take the two of you there, and save unnecessary detours!"

"But you need to pay a guide fee of 1,000 Baileys!"

After hearing the affirmative answers from the two, the man in Tsing Yi spoke again.


Qin Ze took out another one thousand Bailey bill from the bag.

When going out this time, Qin Ze had only one idea, spend money where you can, don't bargain.

He wants to feel thoroughly what it's like to have money to burn.

This can be understood as retaliatory consumption after being suppressed for a long time.

But the other party didn't seem to expect that the two would agree so happily. After a little hesitation, he took the money and said politely.

"The two please follow me!"


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