Chapter 277

The Holy Son of Heaven has woken up, but after being told by Tendo Kisara that most people in the world have been destroyed by gods, he has fallen into autistic state.

When Bai Ming appeared here, he just came back to his senses, and then a slightly frightened expression appeared on his face.

A smile appeared on the boy's face, and he looked at the girl with long black hair standing aside:"Didn't you comfort her?"

The feeling of being spoken to by a god caught Tentong Mu off guard, and he hesitated and said:"Big...Sir, I have tried my best."

She was both excited and nervous. What was exciting was that the gods did not bring the prisoners of the Tendo clan to the survivor base, and the hatred for many years was finally paid off. What was nervous was that she had never faced the gods like this before. My dear.

The reason why she is here is also because of the arrangement of a mouthless blonde girl.

"It doesn't matter, you've done a good job."

Bai Ming nodded.

After hearing these words of comfort, Tendo Mugen was immediately fascinated by the young man in front of him, and his cheeks turned cherry red.

Then, Bai Ming looked at the autistic Sheng Tianzi 25 and said:"Go there You will be responsible for managing those people outside. If you need anything, just go and talk to Tina."


Hearing this, the Holy Emperor raised his head slightly and looked at Bai Ming with sad eyes.

"why do this......"

She has been in a coma since the first time she saw Bai Ming. After waking up, Mu Geng told her that more than 90% of her country's people had died in the judgment of the gods.

How could sheaccept

"To explain, I have said from the beginning that the burden of rebuilding civilization falls on you. If you continue like this, no one is sure whether the world will become what it was before."

Bai Ming is not good at comforting others.

And there is no way to comfort him for this kind of thing.

"Or do you want to see the remaining people buried with the dead?"

"please...Please let them go."

The Holy Emperor looked a little excited.

"That depends on your performance. If you manage it well enough, of course I will not take action against this planet again."

Under coercion, the Holy Emperor had no choice but to agree.

"Kisara, continue to take good care of her"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

The girl who was called by her name stood at attention.

After Bai Ming left, she realized that the Lord God just called her name? This unintentional move started to make the girl have wild thoughts again.

After convincing the Holy Emperor , After that, the rest of the work went much smoother.

The Holy Emperor first came to the stage and gave a speech, and the little girl and other survivors with conscience directly regarded the Holy Emperor as a saint sent to the mortal world by the gods.

Naturally, there will be no dissatisfaction at all.

"Although the family business was destroyed, at least in the new centuryI was also given some power."

Sima Weizhi, a girl with tear marks hanging from the corners of her eyes, said to herself with some emotion.

She used to be the eldest daughter of Sima Heavy Industry.

But after the gods pronounced the judgment, the family property naturally turned into ashes.

But she was fine. That’s easy to say.

Being alive is the greatest luck

"It's just that woman Tendou Kisara can actually walk with the saint."

Tendōgi is her schoolmate, and the two have had a competitive relationship since childhood.

She was a little jealous in her heart and decided to find an opportunity to introduce herself to the gods.

Virologist Sumire Muroto was also extremely excited about the arrival of the new world.

The virus outbreak After that, she, who had always been decadent, became even more enthusiastic about"human nihilism".

Now that she saw the god who brought destruction to the world, she was naturally so excited that she couldn't help herself.

As for other people she knew, and Satomi who had undergone surgery before Rentaro?

Who is that? I’m so unfamiliar!

Of course.

Not everyone has positive emotions towards the arrival of the new world.

For example, Enju Aihara and Hiroko Kohina.

The former also followed Rentaro for a while, although That time I saw Rentaro's true nature, but the kind-hearted Aihara Enju was still a little sad. And Kohina was sad about her father's departure.

But her father was a scumbag.

Of course, time will heal everything.

Bai Ming browsed casually After reviewing most of the children's emotions and learning that they were relatively positive, they were completely relieved. After that, Bai Ming temporarily left the dark bullet world.

He combined Muroto Sumire's research information and the living organisms of gastrea The sample was brought back to the DXD world.

Then I went directly to the Demon King's City and found Gurefia who was handling government affairs in the office.

The act of coming in directly without her permission made Gurefia slightly unhappy. (It's so cool to watch. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But after seeing that it was Bai Ming, the expression on his face suddenly changed 180 degrees.

At the same time, another familiar feeling came

"Lord Bai Ming, what a rare visitor."

Suppressing her desire to explore, Gurefia had a normal expression on her face.

She was good at observing people's emotions and could tell that Bai Ming wanted to find her.

"Is there anything I can help you with when you come here today?"


Bai Ming nodded.

Then he took out the information and samples of gasterozoa virus from the 793 King's Treasure House.

"This is a biological virus that I recently discovered that is quite pathogenic, so I would like to ask your help in the underworld to develop a vaccine."


Gurefia's expression was stunned. She never expected that this was the case.

But when she noticed a small piece of twisted flesh that was still squirming in the test tube, she also realized the potential of this virus with her careful mind. harm

"If you can, consider it a favor that I owe you."

If you entrust someone to do something, you can't come empty-handed.


Gurefia said politely.

But I can hear Bai Ming say this. She also knows the issue of developing a vaccine. Maybe it is very important in his eyes.

"If there is any newsJust notify me."

Bai Ming said

"I will notify you as soon as possible."

Gurefia nodded slightly.


Bai Ming left the Archon's office, and Gurifia also sent the virus information and samples to the laboratory in Demon King City, and immediately summoned the most skilled researchers in the underworld to start Intensive research work was carried out.

In the end, because Bai Ming provided sufficient samples and experimental subjects, combined with Muroto Sumire's research information, and with the technology possessed by the devil in the underworld, the vaccine was developed so fast.

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