Chapter 288

"I know you are very dissatisfied now. Let's do this. I can give you time to go to other sects to move reinforcements. I will give you twenty minutes. That should be okay, right?"

While speaking, Bai Ming walked forward casually.

Every time he took a step, the Himejima family took a step back. They were afraid that their fate would be like that of the attendants outside, who would die in an unknown manner.

Until finally, Bai Ming had arrived. In front of Himejima Zhuhuang

"Get out of here"


As the head of the family, it's natural that he can't stand being insulted like this.

Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!

But before he could resist, he couldn't help but stare into Bai Ming's eyes.

It was as if he was in a hell of yellow sand, and his soul was imprisoned by the violent wind that could wipe out thousands of corpses.

The soul absorbs the mastery exercised by Bai Ming.

For a life that is too weak, Bai Ming can absorb its soul energy through the air even if he doesn't do it himself.

Combined with the power"Cage of Servants of Death".

It can capture others in an instant and transform them into servants of the dead.

After losing his soul, Himejima Zhuhuang's cheeks lost color and became extremely pale.

Then automatically get out of the way of the owner of the house.

In the eyes of other members of the Himejima family, their head of the family looked pale because of fear.

The act of getting out of the way means not only fear, but also surrender.

This undoubtedly poured cold water on other people's heads.

I want to fight to the death, why would your Majesty surrender first?

After that, Bai Ming designated one person to go to other clans to report the news.

Although the five major sects compete with each other privately, they also share the same hatred when facing foreign enemies.

Soon, after receiving the news, the head of the clan and senior officials brought the clan masters and dispatched urgently.

Fifteen minutes later, the four major families except the Himejima family gathered at the entrance of the hall.

Looking at the wounded lying on the ground, the expressions on the faces of the four major sects became increasingly ugly.

Being able to dismantle the backbone of the Himejima family in such a short period of time, and yet arrogantly appointing one person to inform them.

The strength must be extremely terrifying.

No one thought it was a joke.

After all, if it's an April Fool's Day joke, then it's a bit too big.

"Sect leaders, what should we do next?" asked a young man in kimono.

The young man's name is Kushihashi Seiryu. Like Himejima Suzaku, he is the successor of the Kushibashi family and the successor of the spiritual beast"Aolong".

In addition to him, there are also real Luo Baihu, Tongmen Xuanwu, Baigui Gou, Chen Huanglong, and the successor heads of the other two families were also present.

"If it is true, this will be the biggest disaster that our five major sects have ever encountered, but no matter what kind of evil spirits we face, our five major sects must expel them from this land!"

No matter what the relationship is in private.

At least in front of the public, you still have to say something nice.

In fact, the heads of the four major sects who rushed here were not only surprised that the Himejima family was disintegrated, but they were also more surprised.

Among the five major sects The Himejima family, which is one, has always been at the top among the five families thanks to the protection of gods.

This is the only chance to pull the Himejima family from the first position.

Thinking of this.

The heads of the clans who have their own evil intentions, They led their respective troops and entered through the main entrance in a grand manner. As for the outcome, they had never thought about it.

The Himejima family was the only one in the family, so it would be understandable if they were disintegrated by a sneak attack. But now their four major clans have joined forces to do this. If you take all precautions, you will be able to fight even if you fight monster forces with ease. Not to mention the power of the four spiritual beasts.

Tell me, how can you lose when a spiritual beast rides on your face?!

But in the next second.

Just when they stepped on it Climb the stairs to the main hall.

The golden light of divine power pierces the dark night sky and shines on the territory of the Himejima family. At the same time, there is a faint chant of spirits.

It is like the glory of God appearing in the clouds.

Then, listen to the supreme voice handed down from the cloud

"...It's a good realization. For the glory and dignity of the five major families, you actually chose to gather here, but it just saved me a lot of time."

Hearing the sound, the people of the four major sects looked up at the golden sky illuminated by the sun at night. They opened their mouths, but no sound came out.

Even the spiritual power in their bodies could not be used.

Even if The same is true for the boarders of those spiritual beasts. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Bathed in the brilliant light of divine power, the spiritual beasts in the body seem to have encountered some kind of more terrifying existence, letting them No matter how they called, there was no response.

The reason was the huge sense of fear and oppression that was like a tsunami, drowning everyone present.

Staring at the sky, they seemed to see a golden sun hanging high in the sky.

The golden light containing heat almost burned everyone's eyeballs.

That was...The sun?

Can actually summon the sun......

Who is this guy that the Himejima family provoked?

It was only then that the four major clans gathered here realized that this was the Himejima family's request for help.

He was clearly sold by the Himejima family! at the same time.

Bai Ming sat in the seat of the head of the Himejima family, but the scene he saw with his eyes was a scene from a high altitude.

"If you want to know who I am, why not experience it for yourself."

Bai Ming chuckled and then activated the authority of God.

Akeno Himejima and Linali were a little confused.

But then they heard a thunderous roar from the sky.


It was dyed gold. There was a low muffled sound in the sky, followed by a huge shadow covering the sky.

People raised their eyes dully, their eyes filled with fear of the unknown.

Then, like a waterfall, the sky The blue thunder tore through the atmosphere and descended with extremely terrifying power.

Just a second after seeing the lightning, everything in the eyes of the four major sects was covered in white, and they could no longer perceive anything.

The world seemed to There was a pause.

In the eyes of the people in the hall, the reinforcements from the four major sects were instantly drowned by the heavy rain of thunder.

When the dazzling lightning disappeared, neither the ground nor the buildings were damaged.

Even even None of the members of the four major clans lost a single member.

However, they fell into a deathly silence.

All those who were still standing fell to the ground in a mess, not knowing whether they were alive or dead..

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