No. 294

Discharge Girl:"Isn't this just burning the bridge across the river?"

Lao Mo Na:"That's too much!"

Prison Attack Officer:"Although history is written by the victors, no matter how you say it, colluding with foreigners to invade and occupy your country's territory is still a bit It's too much."

I'm not a Loli god:"It's just a matter of dynasties changing and the cycle starts over again. The revolutionary army is just the next empire. I have seen this kind of thing many times."

I'm not a Loli god:"The biggest thing that human beings have gained from history is The lesson is that the lesson has not been learned."

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:"So Miss Chelsea was deceived by the Revolutionary Army."

Bai Ming:"That cannot be said, the Revolutionary Army has many low-level people, at least they The idea is very simple, but the high-level officials are all nobles and generals of the original empire, and their thoughts must be different from the ordinary people."

Bai Ming:"That's why I suggest this. If you really want to solve the problem once and for all, it's better to let us It’s over."

In the world of Zhanchi at this time.

After reading Bai Ming's description, Chelsea began to fall into self-doubt.

The"Revolutionary Army", the organization he had always been loyal to, actually existed like this.

They ceded the land to the aliens and allowed the 403 aliens to kill innocent people indiscriminately in the territory. In the end, the night attack organization that had made great military achievements was given the title of a terrorist organization, and even sent people to kill them all.

In this case, what is the difference between the revolutionary army and the empire?

This was completely unacceptable to Chelsea, who joined the Revolutionary Army in order to improve people's lives.

However, you can't change anything by yourself.

Although he is said to be a Teigu user, he is actually just a lucky guy.

In the past, she worked in the official office of a local noble. Later, in the noble's treasure house, she accidentally discovered the imperial weapon"Transformation Ease, Gaia Foundation" that can change her body.

After killing corrupt local officials, he left the place and joined the revolutionary army. After training, he became a professional assassin.

Originally, Chelsea's idea was to simply accept the Revolutionary Army's commission to assassinate the nobles they requested, while she would just wait for the Revolutionary Army to slowly encroach on the empire.

But now that she knew the truth, she gradually changed her mind.

After all, it's just as Bai Ming said.

As a member of the chat group (cffj), my purpose must be very simple.

For points.

Taking a deep breath, Chelsea made a decision. at the same time.

Bai Ming is also popularizing some plots of the world of Red Killing to the group members.

Main stage - Empire.

After the initial prosperity of a country that has been established for thousands of years, just like people and trees will decay, the empire that has been prosperous for thousands of years also gradually declines.

Demons and monsters dressed in human skin are running around arrogantly and domineeringly.

Especially the Imperial Capital, the capital of the empire, is a corrupt and twisted hell on earth.

Corruption and embezzlement are just trivial matters.

It is distortion to treat people evilly.

The experience of men may be okay, but women from the countryside who come to the imperial capital to find work are likely to be attracted by nobles or human traffickers. After being lured into the trap, they will never get ahead.

Of course, persuasion is the mildest method, and it is not uncommon for someone to be forcibly abducted while walking on the street.

Even if a kind person declares the customs, the noble only needs to pay a fine and treat it as if nothing happened, and the kidnapped person will naturally not be released. besides.

There are also nobles who regard hunting and killing civilians as a game.

His ruthless way of treating others may not even be comparable to some scumbags in the dark world.

After reading Bai Ming's description, the girls in the group unexpectedly became angry again. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nightmare Elf:"If those scum in the dark world still have a reason, then those nobles are pure psychopaths."

Lao Mo Na:"Damn it! Why? There are such bad people in every world!"

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:"And that minister is the most hateful! Even the emperor is controlled by him!"

Discharge Girl:"I think that little emperor He was not innocent either. After all, he issued the order himself and was not given Ecstasy. As an emperor, he only listened to the fat pig's opinions seriously. He did whatever the fat pig said. He had no sense of self at all. A little opinion!"

Butterfly Chane:"...No matter which world it is, it is the people at the bottom who live the most miserable lives."

Nightmare Elf:"That Bude and Esdeath are also accomplices. They are obviously so powerful, but they do nothing."

Prison Attack Officer:" Bude is probably what is called Yu Zhong, and Esdeath, judging from Mr. Bai Ming's description, is just a fighting madman."

Discharge Girl:"I really want to go over and electrocute all those hateful nobles! The number one genius of the Red Demon Clan:"

To eliminate harm for the people, add me as well!""

On the other side.

Chelsea looked at the chat history and was a little bit dumbfounded.

But seeing such an atmosphere, she felt a little relieved.

After all, facing the evil deeds of nobles and ministers, anyone with a conscience will feel indignant and want to Those"cannibal" nobles must be brought to justice.

However, letting the group members come over will completely determine the future fate of the empire and the Revolutionary Army.

And Chelsea also stayed in the Revolutionary Army for a long time.

She still has a certain affection for this organization.

After all, her master, friends, and companions are all from the Revolutionary Army.

If the Revolutionary Army is not what Boss Bai Ming described, but is really"just", maybe she can persuade her to I advise the group members to let the Revolutionary Army go.

After all, she is the one who least wants to see the group members conflict with the Revolutionary Army. It is normal for Chelsea to have this idea.

After all, people are not interested in anything. Will have even a glimmer of hope

"Let's talk to the leader first. Chelsea took a deep breath.

Not long ago, she received an instruction that she might be transferred to the"Night Raid" activity.

Although she didn't know when it was, it wouldn't be long before it came.

After all, she now, After the previous team was wiped out, they all acted alone.

Today, it happened to be the day when Najiexitan, the leader of the night attack, picked her up to take her to the night attack headquarters.

As both a high-ranking member of the revolutionary army and the leader of the night attack, I must know a lot of things...

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