Chapter 298

After restricting the movements of Najehitan and Susanoo, Bai Ming summoned the incarnation of the curse book.

Let her transmit the information about Zhanchi World directly into Najiexitan's brain in the form of information.

After receiving the message, Najexitan was shocked at first, but after a while, she completely relaxed her vigilance, with a complicated look on her face.

Bai Ming asked Nangong Nayue to take back the lock of commandments.

Susano'o, who regained his freedom, felt his master's intention and silently guarded her.

"...The revolutionary army has actually done so many evil things behind the scenes. Will the night attack actually lead to the complete destruction of all members in the future, and will it also lead to infamy?...Another world, it turns out that you are visitors from other worlds, so are you not spies of the empire?"

"Are you finally willing to believe us now? Bai

Ming asked with his arms folded.

Najiexitan nodded slightly:"There is no need to doubt anymore. Although the Teigu may be able to do such a thing, I am willing to believe you, but I want to know if the Revolutionary Army cannot be trusted either." If so, how exactly are you going to end the empire's rule?"

"Isn't it simple? As long as the party headed by the minister is eliminated and the leadership is changed, wouldn't it be easy to solve it?"

Bai Ming said

"The night raids I led were active in the imperial capital for this reason, but it was not easy to assassinate them. Minister Ernest had always stayed in the palace and was heavily guarded. In addition, the terrain in the palace was complicated, and I wanted to find his location. It's all very difficult."

Najiexitan said

"What's more, there are two generals, Esdeath and Bude. It is because of them that the revolutionary army was unable to attack for a long time."

Whenever she recalled the scene when Esdeath faced hundreds of thousands of foreign troops, but was still able to slaughter them all single-handedly, Najexitan couldn't help but feel a chill.

That inhuman power was absolutely extraordinary. People can fight.

Based on the military chess deduction, the final conclusion is that the only way to fill the gap is to use human lives to fill the gap.

"This is not something you should consider."

Bai Ming had a smile on his face

"All you have to do is break away from the revolutionary army, and after we deal with those nobles, just ascend to the throne."

"etc....Do you mean you want me to be the new emperor?"

Hearing this, a look of astonishment appeared on Najiexitan's face.

She, a general who betrayed the empire, became the leader of the empire?

This joke is not funny at all!

"if not? Or would you rather let someone with a fat head like the Revolutionary Army be the commander? I'm afraid it won't be long before it becomes the same as the empire again."

The revolutionary army is not a real peasant uprising. It just raised the banner of"uprising" and gathered the trust of the people.

If it had not done anything like colluding with foreigners and ceding territory, it might still be worthy of trust.

But doing so What is the difference between the revolutionary army and the invaders when something like this happened?

"Let me tell you a story, Miss Najesitan."

Bai Ming said

"In my world, there was a nation in the past that established a large-scale dynasty. The emperors of each generation were"kindhearted" and allowed foreign ethnic groups to migrate into the country and live in the country and intermarry. Subsequently, the population of foreign ethnic groups expanded, until later, the national power of the dynasty declined. , foreign nations became disloyal, established armies, established political power, destroyed the already weakened dynasty, and even the emperor was captured"

"Do you think that’s all I said?"

Bai Ming grinned.

"Those foreign nations were not satisfied with the status quo and wanted to completely invade all the territory of the dynasty, so they kept marching. But what was the most important thing during the march? As an imperial general, you should be able to guess, right?"

"...It is supplies. Logistics supplies are the lifeline of the frontline army. Only with sufficient material support can the army have combat effectiveness."

Najiexitan said

"That's it, but it's a pity that because of the war in that country at that time, there were no farmers to grow food. But even so, the foreign army still had sufficient reserves of meat. Where do you think the meat came from?"

Bai Ming said in a calm tone.

Najiexitan fell into deep thought.

"You guys might as well take a guess."

Bai Ming looked at the girls standing aside.

"Well...During the war, no one grew food, and the army still had meat to eat. Did they rob the livestock raised by farmers?"

Tokisaki Kurumi said

"No, the stolen livestock can only meet temporary needs."

Nangong Nayue held her chin and thought. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Shouldn't it......"

As if thinking of something, Nangong Nayue's little face turned gloomy.

"...That meat must be human."

Najiesitan said the conclusion she had thought about.

"Food cannot be grown and livestock cannot be raised. In that situation, only people are the only source of meat. After all, refugees are everywhere."

"this...How can this be?"

Misaka Mikoto seemed to have thought of a certain scene and couldn't help but retched.

Chelsea on the side quickly went to pour her a glass of water. After drinking it, she felt relieved a lot.

"By the way, those foreign peoples also nicknamed those who served as meat, called two-legged sheep."

Bai Ming said.

The story he told was actually the famous"Five Husbands" in the history of the Celestial Dynasty.

Foreign nations launched wars, and no grass grew where they passed.

Men may only be killed, but women's fate is even worse. Ups and downs.

Not only did they have to be used as a tool for the soldiers of foreign nationalities to vent their anger, but they were also used as food and killed to be made into dried meat.

(of promise)"......"Dog"

Najiexitan was silent for a long time.

The story Bai Ming told finally destroyed the last trace of nostalgia for the revolutionary army in her heart.

After all, she was also an imperial general in her early years.

Foreign nations often invaded the border and committed Their crimes are also well known.

The current relationship between the revolutionary army and the foreign nations, combined with the story Bai Ming just told, also reminds her that once the empire is destroyed, those foreign nations will really do what they promised, but Will they occupy the planned territory without violating the river?

This is of course impossible.

Once the empire is destroyed, the revolutionary army successfully replaces it and establishes a new regime.

Maybe the foreign nation will not make any moves at the beginning, but in ten or twenty years In the end, it will definitely be the same as the story told by Bai Ming.

By then, the situation of the residents may be even more miserable than now.

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