Chapter 306

Esdeath is a complete fighting madman.

For her, fighting has become a part of life.

Coupled with hatred towards foreign races.

Therefore, what Bai Ming said hit the two most sensitive parts of her heart.

Although Esdeath remained silent, looking directly into Bai Ming's eyes, she seemed to be telling him the word"elaborate"

"I can take you to a wider world, where you can encounter enemies that are stronger than everyone else in this world, including yourself."

Which of the gods and demons in the DXD world is not stronger than the so-called Teigu user?

What's more, the whole world over there is in turmoil and undercurrents are surging. It is the time to recruit people.

Esdeath is undoubtedly an excellent candidate.

"...Who are you?"

""913" Esdeath asked.

She couldn't smell the smell of a normal enemy from Bai Ming.

Combined with what Bai Ming said, she already had some vague guesses in her mind.

"In other worlds, others regard me as a god."

Bai Ming responded with a chuckle.

Esdeath fell silent again, but it was obvious that Bai Ming's answer gave her a great spiritual shock.



It must be!

No wonder he has such powerful power , if it was a"god", then everything would make sense.

Otherwise, how could Najehitan, who betrayed the empire and joined the revolutionary army, set foot in the imperial capital again and falsely claim to destroy the empire?

"Choose, are you willing to die alone in this world?I am willing to witness the powerful gods and demons with me."

Bai Ming's voice was like honey, and it was like poison that penetrated her heart.

"Wu Gu..."

Although he didn't speak, Esdeath swallowed, and his whole body trembled slightly with inexplicable excitement.

"If you don't agree, forget it."

Bai Ming pretended, sighed, and was about to take action.

"wait...etc! I...I promise you."

Esdeath used her last strength to speak.

"As long as you allow me to continue killing foreigners, and then let me witness the gods and demons in your mouth...I...I am willing to be your woman."

The opportunity to witness a miracle is right in front of us.

Esdeath is as excited as a drowning man grasping at straws at this moment.

What's more, Bai Ming's image and temperament are excellent.

If it were replaced by the disgusting image of the minister, even if No matter how great the temptation is, Esdeath will reconsider

"So, deal."

Bai Ming had a smile on his face and complained in his heart.

Sure enough, fan fiction is all lies.

Although Esdeath advocates force and the law of the jungle, he doesn't mean that as long as he defeats her, he can peacefully enter the harem.

Moreover , With a character like Esdeath, coercion will only be counterproductive.

In the end, coercion plus inducement is most appropriate.

"Xiaona, sign the contract."

The words fell.

A blond girl with a slender figure and a weak waist, who seemed to be able to break it easily with hands, appeared next to Bai Ming.

He summoned the girl at will. Is it really a god?......

While Esdeath was thinking, a pale golden floating text suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

"What's this?"

"You can regard the contract as insurance. I will fulfill my promise and you will have to pay the corresponding price."

Hearing this, Esdeath looked at the floating text.

Although it was not the language of the empire, she could understand it.

The content of the contract was also very simple.

It was nothing more than the content of the conversation between the two people.

Kill the aliens who invaded the empire. And take her to other worlds to witness the existence of gods and demons.

The price she paid was to become his private property. Is her name Bai Ming?

Keeping the man's name in her heart, Esdeath did not hesitate to He signed his name on the contract.


Esdeath felt a faint sense of connection and familiarity with Bai Ming.

The young man in front of him became more and more pleasing to the eye.

Tolerance surged in his heart. I can't help but have the urge to hug him and then ravage him fiercely.

Of course, it's ravage in another sense. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Xiaona, heal her injury"

"Yes, master."

Then a halo of light fell on Esdeath, who suddenly felt as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring, and the pain that had paralyzed the nerves gradually disappeared.........

"It’s amazing. Is this the power of God?"

Esdeath stood up and looked at Xiaona with some surprise.

"Is she also a god?"

"No, Xiaona is my familiar, and the prototype is a book."

Bai Ming explained

"Let’s not talk about this now. We’ll talk about other things after we finish dealing with the Imperial City."

"Do you need me to take action?"

Esdeath asked.

Since you have chosen to side with Bai Ming, there is nothing to hesitate about.

What's more, we should kill those nobles who are plundering people's wealth.

"Then go and kill those you know, and be careful not to implicate innocent people."

The list of people who must be killed in the night attack in Bai Ming's hand is a thick stack.

The imperial capital has a population of one million. Among them, there are hundreds of nobles just staying in the imperial capital.

Among them are officials who collude with ministers, plus There are at least thousands of nobles, businessmen and some local gangsters who collude with officials. It would be difficult for Kuang San and the others to kill even a thousand pigs, let alone people scattered throughout the imperial capital.


Esdeath nodded, and then strode away.

She didn't know about civilian affairs, but there were definitely a lot of people in the palace who often came into contact with ministers.

There was no one in the hall.

Esdeath and Bude were defeated one after another. After that, all the officials who had been huddled in the corner ran away.

The ministers and the little emperor also disappeared.

In the entire grand hall, only Bai Ming, Xiaona, and a few corpses on the ground were left.

Looking at Bu Bai Ming felt a pity for De's already cold corpse.

Bude was not a bad guy in the strict sense.

If you are also a beautiful girl, well, you let it slip.

No longer thinking about it, Bai Ming's eyes flashed with blue light when he looked directly at the corpse.

Then. , Bude, who was supposed to be dead, stood up again.

If his skin hadn't been as pale as losing blood, one would have thought he would still be alive.

"If you want to completely control the empire, you can't die."

Bai Ming looked at Bude who had become an undead and said.

"Put on your mask, don't let anyone notice that you're dead, and secure your army to serve your new king."

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