Chapter 320

After that, Black Rabbit, whose psychological defense was easily broken, revealed the details of his side.

This is not much different from what Bai Ming knows.

Good guy.

If it were another indescribable drama, Black Rabbit would be afraid of being sold by him, but he would happily help him count the money.

Bai Ming:"I already understand the general situation, so Black Rabbit, your current trouble is the maintenance of the community. The reason why you didn't say it in the group is because you considered that the group members would have a bad impression of you or lose interest. Right?"

Seeing that Bai Ming did not have a bad impression of her deliberately concealing her behavior because of the current situation of the Nameless Community.

Black Rabbit felt a sense of peace of mind.

Then he started to complain to Bai Ming in private chat.

No matter how hard it is for Black Rabbit to work alone every day, he still has to grit his teeth and persevere for the sake of the children of the community.

Not a Shoutu:"What should I do? Master Bai Ming, how can we change the current situation that the community is about to be unable to operate?"

Bai Ming:"If you sell yourself to Shiro Yaksha, the lives of the 27 communities will be improved. Now."

He's not a Shoutu:"! If it falls into the hands of Lord Shiroyasha, then Black Rabbit will definitely be forced to wear such and such erotic clothes every day, and even so, without my children, it will be difficult to persevere alone."

It's not like Black Rabbit has not considered Shiro Yaksha, who is very interested in him.

But this can only solve an urgent need.

Bai Ming:"I was joking just now, don't take it to heart."

I'm not a fool:"But people will take it seriously......."

Bai Ming:"If it's just this kind of thing, there's no need to worry too much. How long can you last?"

Not Shoutu:"Judging from the current reserves of funds, it can only support consumption for about a month."

Bai Ming:"That's enough. When I finish things here, I'll go over and deal with the current dilemma."

Not Shoutu:"Huh? Master Bai Ming wants to come here in person?"

Bai Ming:" Is there a problem?"

Not Shoutu:"No, no, no! There is no problem at all here! It's just that if you want to come over, you need me to issue a mission, right? But...Points thing.

Bai Ming:"Group members can transfer money to each other. When the time comes, I will transfer some points to you, and I will just go there again.""

For those who have traveled through the world once, when they travel again later, the points required will become less than the first time.

And even if the mission is completed the second time, the points required to stay will be higher than the first time. Much less.

This is also a function that Bai Ming discovered when he traveled to and from the dark bullet world.

The chat group did not give an answer to why this is the case. Judging from conspiracy theories, perhaps there are many undiscovered things in this chat group Secret.

But Bai Ming didn’t think too much for the time being.

After all, even if there was a conspiracy theory, it would only be aimed at other worlds themselves, not their group members.

He is not a shoutu:"Okay, okay!"

After that, there was no reply from Bai Ming.

However, she was extremely excited after getting the exact answer.

After all, the strong person recognized by the chat group would personally come to help her solve the difficulties faced by the community, so that those who had hit the wall everywhere in the small garden Black Rabbit was flattered.

Of course, besides being excited, he was also a little uneasy.

Back to reality.

The reason why Bai Ming went to help Black Rabbit was because Hakoniwa was very attractive to him.

Not to mention all kinds of favors and miracles.

The grand stage alone makes Bai Ming want to go there immediately.

It is most suitable to use Wuming, where Black Rabbit is, as a base.

As for the problems Black Rabbit faces, it is also easy to solve.

Water and food.

If the water source is available, it can be directly Go to Bai Xueji, the five-digit shame. As long as you solve her puzzle, you can get the water tree saplings that produce water.

This is extremely simple for Bai Ming, who has read the original work. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for the problem of shortage of funds, he can also make money with the knowledge and technology he currently possesses.

For example, the production of Teigu and artifacts.

Xiaona has mastered the production process of the former, but lacks manpower.

In terms of materials, Bai Ming’s Wang The treasure trove is enough for him to make thousands of imperial tools.

As for artifacts, all major forces are currently researching them.

Although it is impossible to make divine annihilation tools, some of the most common artifacts that do not require the soul of a strong person can already be made. It has reached small-scale mass production.

Gastrea virus.

There should be people over there at Hakoba who are also interested.

And later on, you can go back to the world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba to find a recipe for turning Muzan into a ghost.

All of the above A way to solve the dilemma of the nameless community.

Of course.

Bai Ming cannot help Black Rabbit for no reason.

After all, it is not his style to give away points while doing it himself.

It is time to give Black Rabbit a little"free gift""It's the most expensive" shocked me.

Back to reality.

The battle between Himejima Suzaku and Esdeath is coming to an end.

Although Himejima Suzaku couldn't survive a single move in Bai Ming's hands before, the actual combat power is still quite strong.

Except for In addition to the spells he mastered, the spiritual beast Suzaku also put great pressure on Esdeath.

In the end, he had to force Esdeath to use Mokobotemo again to win.

And Himejima Suzaku was in the frozen world Esdeath finally realized the tenacity shown in her.

Why did Bai Ming say before that her ability was"pseudo-freezing the world"?

Because Suzaku's flames continued to melt the world of Mokobotemo.

If it continues If you delay for a few seconds, this ability will be useless.

"How does it feel?"

Bai Ming looked at Esdeath with a smile.

"It was really strong and I almost lost."

Having said that, Esdeath was quite excited.

Not only that, the power displayed by Himejima Suzaku also made her extremely curious.

"If you are interested, go ahead and learn it. Maybe you are gifted and can learn it."

Bai Ming said

"I will"


Not long after that, Rias, Akeno and their group also returned from their trip.

Reactions to Bai Ming's bringing back Esdeath varied.

Except for Xenovia and Akeno who were already on base, the other girls more or less felt a sense of urgency.

After all, there are more and more women around Bai Ming..

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