Chapter 342

Although it is bizarre, it is not fabricated out of thin air after all.

The alchemists of the past were trying to deceive Qin Shihuang.

He used the records in the"Book of Mountains and Seas" to describe the three fairy mountains in the East China Sea.

This island is similar.

The outermost part is Yingzhou, the middle part is the abbot, and the place where the immortals live is called Penglai.

It sounded very bluffing, so Qin Shihuang, who was eager to seek medicine, naturally believed it.

And at this time.

In this building complex called Penglai Fairy Mountain, a group of figures sit around a long table.

The appearance is the same as that of humans, but it always exudes an aura that is different from humans.

Their identities are self-evident, they are all"immortals" living in Penglai.

Led by the immortal named"Lian", there are seven immortals named after flowers.

And they also used titles such as Samantabhadra, Master Manjusri, and Ruyi Yuanjun in ancient mythology as code names.

They all looked solemn at this time, and some were about to speak but hesitated, but when the words came to their lips, they didn't know how to speak.

As for the reason.

That was naturally due to the behemoths that suddenly descended on the island.

Compared with them, the monsters they used to sew together using the secret method of cultivating immortals - the door god and the poor god, were completely insignificant.

The arrival of the giants made the immortals, who originally wanted to use the bodies of the people who landed on the island as nourishment and as materials for cultivating immortals, feel terrified and uneasy.

After all, they already knew it from those who had landed on the island before.

Humans are extremely weak and cannot even be defeated by poor gods.

However, the people who landed on the island this time were not only able to kill the Poor God, they were even able to summon such a huge monster.

How can they not be frightened by the reality that exceeds their psychological expectations?

If this is a strong man among human beings, this is not like letting a sheep into a tiger's mouth, it is clearly inviting a wolf into the house!

"The current situation is not clear, and it just looks bigger. What is there to panic about?"

Seeing the other immortals showing signs of decline, the man named"Lian" snorted coldly.

"Have you forgotten the information you learned from the previous interrogations of those warriors?"

Thousands of years have passed since the pre-Qin era when she and her husband Xu Fu were ordered to go to sea.

Now, the territory that used to belong to the Qin State is ruled by a dynasty called"Qing".

And the island country at that time, when she arrived, They are just rural savages who have just escaped from primitive society.

Although thousands of years have passed, the national power is still far inferior to that of Great Qin.

For those who have become half-immortals, (cheg) why do they need to be afraid?

"But how to explain those huge monsters?"

A fairy with a"chrysanthemum" said

"...Perhaps, they were alchemists from the"Qing Dynasty"."

Thousands of years of time have changed, and it is not impossible that alchemists who practice immortal magic will appear in the outside world.

"so what? If this is the case, how should we respond?"

Another figure with the name of"Peach Blossom" but the appearance of a woman said.

"Summoning those giant creatures cannot be as simple as saying hello. When they see us, there is a high possibility of conflict. And if it is true as Rulian said, the alchemists outside may have discovered us."

The immortal magic they practice can sense the"Tao" of different living organisms.

Those weak warriors do not have Tao in their bodies.

This time, although they did not feel the"Tao", it is impossible for them to feel it now that the matter is over. , the alchemists outside are as weak as the previous warriors.

Then, there is only one answer.

That is, the"Tao" of the alchemists outside is stronger than them, so powerful that even they cannot sense it.

Lian rubbed the center of his eyebrows, She really couldn't figure out the current situation at all.

But then a look of ferocity appeared on her face.

The elixir must be made no matter what. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Otherwise If so, wouldn’t these thousand years of hard work be in vain?!

"Different ways do not work together. If they come in, they will..."


Before they finished speaking, the building they were in was not...The ground where the entire Penglai building complex should be located shook violently.

It was as if the cauldron covering hell had been opened, and something sleeping inside was about to wake up.

The fourth natural disaster that broke the peace of the island and brought disaster to the world.

The next second.

The heavy roof was lifted off by a huge force.

Before they could react, two strange figures came into view from the sky.

"Have you all gathered together? This will save me time wasting looking for you."

A voice whose source could not be identified rang out.

Looking at the two people falling from the sky, these identical-looking immortals instantly stood up from their chairs and looked at Bai Ming and Zuoqie behind him with extremely indifferent expressions.

However, when a wave like When the abyss-like sense of oppression came, all the indifference on their faces disappeared, replaced by extremely horrified eyes.

They could not make any movement, they could only watch him coming.

Not to mention their fingers, or even their eyeballs, I can't even move my tongue

"All seven of them are pretty much what I remember, they should all be here."

The words fell.

The immortals who were fixed in place showed fear in their eyes because of the strange phenomenon that was completely incomprehensible at the moment. The world in their eyes was also changed.

It was completely incomprehensible, purely invaded by gold, red and blue. A dyed alien world.

And the ordinary man in front of them has turned into a golden human form in their eyes at this moment. The spirit and consciousness suffered a strong impact, and in just this moment, they realized that the existence in front of them was incomparable. The sublimity and holiness.

In comparison, their power is like the gap between an embryo and a god.

All the indifference, disdain and anger in the heart disappear, and in the end all that is left is humility and obedience.

Zuoqie looked at it curiously Immortals.

In her eyes, the world had not changed at all.

Only when they appeared, this group of identical immortals all stayed in place, motionless like sculptures.

It looked extremely weird.

And until Bai Ming spoke, he brought the immortals The oppressive feeling of great fear disappeared.

But at this moment, they have completely lost the idea of ​​resistance.

This level of power is no longer a level that mortals can reach.

Isn't it ?...Really a fairy?! at some point.

Lian suddenly found that she could move.

Before he had time to think about it, he spoke in a humble and trembling tone:"Fellow Taoist, I hope you can atone for your sins.""

"Who is your Taoist friend?"

Hearing this, Bai Ming was not polite and directly stated his purpose.

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