Chapter 450

The teleportation array used by Erebus can be teleported directly to a location not far from the temple of Hades.

A breeze blew in the aura-filled square, and after the runes carved on the ground lit up, Erebos and Rizevim appeared in the underworld.

"Lord Rizevim, let’s go."

Erebos took the lead and led the way.

But before he went far, Rizevim noticed something was wrong.

When he pushed through the fog and arrived at the boundary of the temple, the soft sunlight shone on him, and green plants filled the garden.

The obvious change made Rizevim freeze in place.

Erebus also paused in place. Before leaving, he remembered that the underworld was not like this. How could he have changed so much after not seeing each other for a few days?

"Erebus, did Master Hades miss the sunshine on the earth so quickly?"

Li Zeweim has already begun to think about quitting.

For thousands of years, Hades has always been a dark and terrifying environment.

Why has there been such a big change when he came here this time?

Combined with the so-called"research breakthroughs in Lilith", It also makes people suspicious.

Lilith is his biological mother, so he should know best whether there will be changes.

Rizevim smells a hint of danger.

Moreover, his cooperation with Hades is only based on a fragile relationship of interest. , can break at any time.

Rizevim stopped, with a malicious smile on his face

"It seems that something happened in Hades during this period."

Although he likes changes, he doesn't like unforeseen changes happening to him.

You know, he originally planned to get the Holy Grail and resurrect the ancient evil dragon as his bodyguard before he came out to cause trouble.

But now......Still have a steady hand.

Then, the light of teleportation magic lit up around Rizevim's body, and his whole body was enveloped in a blood-red halo.

Seeing Erebos's ugly expression, he became even more convinced that running away now was the right move.

As for the enemy who was deceived, just wait until the beast of the apocalypse is unsealed by him, and then he can control that beast and destroy hell.

However, at the moment when Rizevim was about to complete the teleportation, Bai Ming quietly appeared behind Rizevim and raised his hand to easily tear apart Rizevim's teleportation magic.

The distorted space gradually stabilized, and Rizevim's smile froze on his face.

The next second.

Rizevim quickly retreated, his whole body floating in mid-air.

"Who are you?!"

For hundreds of years, he has been operating behind the scenes. This time he was plotted, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

His face instantly darkened.

At the same time, he became anxious inside.

Being able to forcibly interrupt the existence of teleportation magic would not be possible in the entire world. Not too much.

At the very least, he is at the level of a transcendent.

However, he doesn’t understand why he didn’t receive any reminder of the changes in Hades.

He must have had an informant in Hades.

"Was Hades killed by you?"

Having said this, Rizevim forced himself to calm down and put a frivolous smile on his face again.

"you know too much."

Bai Ming moved his steps, and his figure disappeared from the place. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Rizeweim and stretched out his right hand towards him.

Unable to see Bai Ming's speed clearly, Rizeweim became more and more impatient, and the smile on his face only lasted for a while. It will disappear completely in one second

"I'll fight with you!"

At the same time, the magic power in the body exploded, and all kinds of life-saving and attack methods were thrown out at once. The magic power that was superior to ordinary demon kings quickly gathered and formed, forming an arrow-like shape, and shot out in the direction of Bai Ming.

Garden. A deafening explosion broke out in the area. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The spreading shock wave swept through the surroundings in the blink of an eye, and even the entire hell was shaken by this powerful impact.

Smoke and dust From all directions, dark spiritual energy gradually filled the battlefield.

Bai Ming's figure was also engulfed by the heat wave and spiritual energy.

Then Rizevim was not reluctant to fight. After the power comparable to the transcendent exploded, twelve black demon flesh wings appeared behind him, and his body transformed. Escape as a stream of light

"Only a fool stays here to fight with you!"

As if the heroic declaration before the war was all a disguise, Rizevim returned to his original frivolity after escaping from the temple area in an instant, and was waiting for an opportunity to send magic to leave the underworld.

"Want to run again?"

0 Asking for flowers.

Bai Ming saw that Rizevim chose the same method as Hades, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Rizevim was not stupid at all.

Hades was transformed into this appearance, and Bai Ming launched an attack on him again, which clearly showed that Hades, the original owner of Hades, has suffered.

Even Hades, one of the top ten strong men in the world, is gone. How could he, a weaker transcendent, defeat Bai Ming.

However, while being nervous, Rizewim also gradually became excited.

From now on, he just needs to be the same as before.

Anyway, the days are long, and there is time to think about how to get back to where we are today.

Failure is only temporary, and only the one who laughs to the end is the winner.

The big deal is no more Hide for hundreds of years

"That's it for now."

Seeing that there was no stream of light chasing behind him, Rizevim was even more relieved.

Although he knew that he was weaker than other transcendents, he thought he was the best in escaping, and no one dared to think he was second. The teleportation magic was activated instantly, and compared to It was even faster before.

However, in the next second, the scenery in Rizeweim's eyes suddenly turned around.

"what happened?"

His mouth opened and closed.

In his field of vision, a corpse with bleeding neck was falling.

It wasn't until he fell to the ground and saw the gorgeous robe that Rizevim realized that it was him. corpse

"You are already dead."

Just when his consciousness gradually blurred, Bai Ming's figure appeared in Rizeweim's blurred vision.

Rizeweim wanted to say something else, but before he could say it, he was swallowed by the endless darkness and fell. To the space of death.

Bai Ming looked down at the head at his feet, letting the Bible Loli God appear here.

Yahweh had already been told by Bai Ming what to do, and immediately used the memory search spell on Rizevim. Rizevim had There are many secrets and wealth, but Bai Ming is not interested in those now.

After a while, Bai Ming got the news he wanted.

The location of the beast that sealed the Apocalypse.

And the unexpected harvest was a secret called"Netherworld" The Holy Grail's artifact is wide...

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