Chapter 453:

The doomsday beast in the Book of Revelation represents the rebellion against God.

The size is larger than that of the Great Red.

Each head has the shape of a different creature, like a lion, like a cheetah, like a brown bear, like a dragon. Each head has no sense of unity. The structure of the body is also mixed with the characteristics of various creatures, exuding a sense of distortion and strangeness..

Ordinary people will feel their scalp numb and have difficulty breathing just by looking at it.

This is just the oppressive feeling caused by sleeping.

If he wakes up, this floating city will not be able to accommodate the beast of the apocalypse.

However, none of Bai Ming's group was an ordinary person.

The Beast King, who could destroy the world, was not even a threat in Bai Ming's eyes.

The power of the Beast King is at most about the same as that of Ophis, and even worse than the Great Red.

When he first traveled to this world, Bai Ming was able to use the power of the phantom god to stabilize the great red head, let alone now.

Even if the Beast King is completely unsealed, his combat power is only four digits.

"Yahweh, let him wake up first."

Bai Ming did not intend to kill the Beast King.

After all, it would be a pity to get rid of such a good pet. It is better to harvest a pet.

The Bible Loli God knew what Bai Ming wanted to do and did not hesitate.

Immediately, he exuded a sacred feeling. The light shrouded Beast King 666's whole body.

Although it took Rizevim decades to remove dozens of seals, there were as many as a thousand seals on Beast King 666. But after all, it was the seal imposed by the God of the Bible himself. , it is not difficult to lift it.

About twenty minutes later.

As the last seal was lifted by Yahweh, the Beast King, who had been sleeping for thousands of years, finally woke up from his slumber.

One head after another opened his head. Eyes and the awakening of each head made the Beast King's momentum increase.

When the seven heads were fully awake, they soon emitted a deafening roar that shook the whole city.

There is a cloud in the Book of Revelation.I saw a beast coming out of the sea.

The beast had ten horns and seven heads, and on its ten horns was ten crowns, and on its heads was a blasphemous name for God. The shape of the beast I saw was like a leopard, and its feet were like those of a bear. Its feet and mouth are like a lion's mouth. The dragon gave its power, seat and great authority to the beast.

Who can match this beast?

Who can fight with this beast?

When Beast King 666 fully awakened, his aura had already surged to The level that surpasses all the main gods and transcendents in the world.

The seven heads have fangs protruding, and the eyes are red. They look at the former enemy"God of the Bible" with a somewhat ferocious meaning.

And feel the Beast King 666 When the aura of the creature was stronger than before, Yahweh also had a worried look on his face.

Although her strength had recovered, it was still difficult to kill it.

If she had to do it over again, she might have to pay a greater effort. Only by paying the price can it be sealed.

But fortunately, there is still a master.

Yawei stepped back and looked at Bai Ming.

The latter also slowly stepped forward when the Beast King looked over, with a smile on his face:"It happens that there is still one missing at home. Watchdog, just tie you to the door."

Hearing these words, the Beast King let out an angry roar, and powerful arrogance condensed in his mouth.

But before it could be spit out, the white light in the Beast King's eyes disappeared from sight, and when it appeared again, it was in that condensed Above the flame's head.

The Beast King wanted to spit out a fireball to engulf him, but his head suffered a heavy blow before that. The fireball with huge energy exploded in his mouth, causing the Beast King to scream instantly and blood flowed from his head.

"So do you still want to be my dog? Bai

Ming chuckled and spoke.

Obviously the Beast King would not agree so easily. The injured head instantly returned to its original shape, and the seven ferocious beast skulls lit up with bright flames.

Bai Ming also knew that the Beast King would not take it so easily. Therefore, a spell mark was directly created in the mind of the Beast King. Just like the ability to grant other life souls and make them become dependents in the Little Garden, what Bai Ming did was similar. It was just more rough. In the Little Garden,

Bai Ming did the same thing.

It's just forbidden. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in this world, no one can control him.

And feeling the spell in his head that made him surrender, the Beast King used all his power resistance

"Ho ho ho ho ho——!"

The Beast of Apocalypse roars with rage.

But to no avail.

Even if the underground cavity of the floating city is messed up and even the floating device is affected, the spell mark at the core of the soul still cannot be erased.

Bai Ming, on the other hand, continued to increase his control, allowing the spells to continuously impact the Beast King's spiritual defense.

It wasn't until a moment later that the Beast King exhausted all his strength and finally couldn't resist the invasion of the spell, and the mark of obedience to Bai Ming was impressed into his core.

"It really wasted a lot of my time."

Bai Ming said to himself helplessly.

If instead of asking the Beast King to obey, he could directly beat it to death. He could do it in an instant.

Temple of Hades.

The morning light was dim.

The goddess of night, Nyx, snored lazily, and so did Ingvir. The same is true.

After all, the two of them were tortured almost all night.

The gods of death in the outside world also regained their freedom, but none of them dared to do anything extraordinary.

Alger chased the undead on the plain in hell, and there was a road on the plain. Bizarre, dog-like creatures are also chasing the undead and playing.

Monsters that can destroy the world are collected by Bai Ming as pets.

Moreover, no existence in this world has discovered this change.

This is exactly the fact.

If Bai Ming's current strength is still If everyone can make it known, it means that Kung Fu has not yet reached its home.

Now, the biggest threat on the earth has been eradicated.

There are only two or three big cats and kittens left, which is nothing to worry about.

As for the machines that the EXE world is eyeing Evil God, Bai (Nuo Zhao's) Ming is too lazy to take care of it for the time being.

After all, even if the Great Red misses and allows the Evil God's army to suppress the situation, there will be no trouble now.

Thinking of this, Bai Ming pinched Knick's smooth and round hand.

The goddess woke up leisurely, but her eyes were not opened yet

"Knicks, you can’t rest now!"


After having fun, Bai Ming left the room and saw Valerie Tepes, whom he had brought back from Romania after defeating the Beast King.

This girl has never left the vampire city since she was born, and was used for various experiments because of the Holy Grail. She has a bad fate, so Bai Ming naturally fulfilled his promise and took her away from the vampire territory.

As for what Alger said about"motivating someone because of sex", Bai Ming would never admit it.

He is doing good things for people, how can he say that he is motivated by sex?.

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