Chapter 455

Somewhat surprisingly, it took a while for Sister Pao to reply.

Discharge Girl:"What's wrong?"

Bai Ming:"Why do I feel like you have changed?"

Discharge Girl:"No....And how do you know I've changed? Are you like that pervert Aleister, spying on me in secret?"

As she said that, Misaka Mikoto was still very wary and looked around the dormitory.

But everything was fine.

Bai Ming:"You have a really rich imagination. What can you see in a mere airport?"

Discharge girl:"???"

Discharge Girl:"I'm an airport, I'm really sorry!"

Bai Ming:"But by the way, do you have any clues about what I asked you to investigate before?"

Discharge Girl:"Uh....Are you talking about the absolute ability user evolution plan? But I checked around on the Internet and even hacked into the servers of some research institutes, but I couldn't find anything."

During this period, the reason why there are relatively few activities is simply because there is a school girl who has been pestering me.

And he is obviously a first-year student at Tokiwadai Academy, but he just stuffed himself into his second-year dormitory. Here.

As for the original roommate.

Because Sister Pao was promoted to 1v5, her self-esteem did not allow her to stay here anymore.

But even so.

A first-year student forced himself to unilaterally stuff himself without going through the school procedures. If he were to be discovered by the terrifying dormitory in this dormitory, the ending would definitely be very bad!

Bai Ming naturally didn't know Sister Pao's worries.

However, it was within his expectation that Sister Pao would end up in vain.

After all, he was absolutely capable. The Explorer Evolution Plan is a dark experiment that contacted ANBU, 1v6, and many Academy City directors.

The importance of this experiment was that preparations had already begun in secret when Sister Pao donated her genetic map.

And anything related to ANBU Related events are completely impossible to find on Academy City's public network.

Even the intranets of some research institutes are tightly blocked. And even if Pao Jie's hacking skills are all-powerful on the Internet, there is no way to pass them through the public network. The network invaded the LAN of those research institutes.

It is normal that it cannot be found.

After realizing this, Bai Ming also planned to tell the other party the truth about the matter.

After all, this matter has been delayed for long enough.

With Misaka Mikoto's current personality should be able to withstand the negative impact of this incident.

Bai Ming:"Discharge Girl, don't be afraid of what I'm going to say."

Lao Mo Na:"We are the police, we are not afraid.jpg."

Discharge Girl:"What are you doing? Why is it so serious all of a sudden? It makes me a little scared."

If it were other group members, Sister Pao would not be like this.

But after all, Bai Ming knew the future of her world.

Moreover, most of them were related to her own life, which naturally made her nervous.

Prison Attack Officer:"It should be It's about the evolution plan for those with absolute abilities. I've been curious about it before.

Bai Ming:"Yes, the so-called absolute power user is another level 1v6 above the 1v5 super power user. Among the seven super power users in the entire Academy City, only Accelerator, who is ranked first, has a chance." Become a person of absolute ability.

Bai Ming:"However, it takes two hundred and fifty years for general education and training to become an absolute ability person, so those researchers should use actual combat to promote ability enhancement.""

Nightmare Elf:"This sounds a bit......normal?"

Headless female killer:" Uh-huh....Could it be that Accelerator is needed to fight Misaka Mikoto? so...Will Misaka Mikoto's life be in danger because she can't defeat Accelerator?

Bai Ming:"That's half right. If you want to complete the actual combat conditions, you need to kill Misaka Mikoto 128 times on 128 different battlefields.""

Lao Mo Na:" Ah this...Is it so miserable?"

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:"It's just like killing a pig......"

Discharge Girl:"Kill me one hundred and twenty-eight times? Are you kidding me?"

Academy City's third-ranked railgun actually had to be killed more than a hundred times?

Are you assuming her superpowers don't exist? (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the guy named Accelerator is not both 1v5 like her, so why is only the first one considered to have the potential to upgrade?

And Misaka Mikoto has wanted to complain for a long time.

Obviously everyone is 1v5, why is he third and not first?

Bai Ming:"Because you don't have one hundred and twenty-eight, there is no way to kill you so many times. However, the research institute used your genetic map to clone your mass-produced individuals. As long as there are 20,000 species If you kill your clone 20,000 times on the battlefield, the experiment can still continue."

Prison Attack Officer:"Clone? Shouldn't this technology have been banned a long time ago?"

Bai Ming:"Only on the surface it has been banned. It's just banned."

Discharge Girl:"How on earth are you going to clone me? I obviously have no relevant memory!"

At this point, Misaka Mikoto was suddenly stunned.

She saw the words"gene map" in Bai Ming's words.

Distant memories come to mind.

I remember that a few years ago, I handed over my genetic map in order to treat patients with muscle atrophy.

Could it be because of that time?!

Think of this.

Misaka Mikoto's mood suddenly became extremely bad.

She was there for those patients.

As a person with abilities, it is self-evident how important her genetic map is.

However, those guys who deceived themselves actually secretly cloned their own clones and used them for experiments on people with absolute abilities?

Anyone else would not be in a good mood.

Discharge Girl:"How can we stop this experiment?!"

Bai Ming:"It's good to defeat Accelerator, but now you can't win the first place."

Although among the many fans Bai Ming watched in the past, Accelerator was It's because of being abused, but that's also based on the fact that he is the protagonist.

Although Misaka Mikoto's railgun is not weak, if it is against Accelerator, it will only be played by the opponent.

After all, Accelerator's ability is indeed Academy City's No. 1.

Discharge Girl:"How do you know if you haven't fought before?!"

She said that she couldn't win, and Sister Pao was naturally not convinced.

After all, she had used points to strengthen herself before, and she had long wanted to challenge the top two players!.

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