Chapter 457

When Shirai Kuroko heard the dormitory's name, the image of a terrifying woman appeared in his mind, and he shuddered subconsciously.

But he soon calmed down and said,"Even if I am the dormitory supervisor, I can't stop my determination to warm my sister!"

"never mind."

Misaka Mikoto knew that trying to reason with her was a lie.

Even if she persuaded her to go back this time, she didn't know when she would come over secretly next time.

Seeing that Misaka Mikoto no longer stopped her, Shirai Kuroko showed a smile on her face, and at the same time secretly hid it. The"computer accessories" she took out of her pocket.

She sighed, put on her coat and said,"I'm going out next, so you can pack it up yourself.""

"Yes! sister!"

Shirai Kuroko jumped up excitedly.

Although he also wanted to go out with Misaka Mikoto, he had to pack his things right now....Especially the"computer accessories" you brought over need to be well hidden so that they cannot be discovered!

"Be careful not to mess with my stuff."

Misaka Mikoto waved her hands helplessly, and after leaving the dormitory, she closed the door. After Misaka Mikoto's footsteps gradually faded away, Bai 31 Kuroko paused, and his eyes involuntarily fell on the bed with the Gutai doll..The space transfer was activated!

Immediately teleported to Misaka Mikoto's bed. She covered her mouth and nose deeply on the pillow, and took a deep breath as if it was some fairy spirit, with a dazed expression on her face.

"Ahhh...This, this is the smell of my sister!"

Shirai Kuroko fluttered her legs excitedly.

Her wish for many years has finally come true!

And at this moment, the door opened from the outside.

"I forgot my mobile phone and student card."

Misaka Mikoto appeared at the door.

Then she met the stunned Shirai Kuroko.

The pink-haired girl with twin ponytails suddenly froze like a stop-motion movie. She turned back mechanically and said hello to the brown-haired girl with a smile.

"sister...Onee-sama, I can explain!"

"It’s useless to talk!"


There were veins on Misaka Mikoto's forehead beating crazily, and the expression on her face suddenly became extremely sinister.


The lightning flashed, and Kuroko on the bed howled like Tom Cat.

Misaka Mikoto, who had taught Kuroko a lesson, left the Tokiwadai campus and asked for two seats in a nearby outdoor cafe.

At the same time, opened Chat group, private chat with Bai Ming.

After receiving a prompt from her side to agree to enter, Misaka Mikoto pressed select.

The blue gate of time and space lit up in front of the girl's eyes.

However, the students who were wandering around seemed not to have seen it. , without any strange looks.

Then, under Misaka Mikoto's nervous and expectant gaze, a black-haired figure appeared from the gate of time and space, and the breeze blew the hair on his forehead, revealing a Zhang's cheeks were extremely perfect from any angle.

At the same time, the breath that hit her face made Misaka Mikoto subconsciously tighten her muscles.

But this feeling soon disappeared with Bai Ming's smile.

"Long time no see, Sister Pao, no...Misaka-san."

As soon as she spoke, Misaka Mikoto's nervousness disappeared.

After all, they had formed a team once before in Demon Slayer World and Zhanka World.

They chatted and had live broadcasts, so they were very familiar with each other.

"Well...Am I going to say, welcome to my world?"

Misaka Mikoto smiled while organizing appropriate words.

Although she was already very familiar with it, the temperament of Bai Ming when she appeared on the scene was still completely different from that during the live broadcast.

Just like fans and celebrities, they will automatically be brought to a lower position.

"It seems that you really like things related to Gutai."

Bai Ming said when he saw the Guatai pendant on Sister Pao's phone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"this...This is just a gift that the store clerk happened to give me when I was buying crepes a few days ago. It’s not what I like......."

Misaka Mikoto put away her phone and said coyly.

But Bai Ming just smiled and said nothing

"Okay, I admit I like Gutai."

Misaka Mikoto realized that Bai Ming had seen her own future, so she must also understand her interests and hobbies.

She still explained it this way, which was a bit cover-up.

"Everyone has some hobbies and interests, that's normal. Bai

Ming said, without any intention of ridiculing.

"For example, I have many hobbies that you don’t quite understand."

"Beautiful girl?"

Misaka Mikoto blurted out.

This time it was Bai Ming's turn to have black lines on his head.

There is no way to continue talking today.


Misaka Mikoto laughed a few times. She also didn't think there was anything abnormal about Bai Ming.

After all, the customs and settings of each world are different.

Gods, it is normal to have many wives.

And weren't all ancient emperors like this?.

After a brief exchange, the relationship between the two became much closer.

After that, Bai Ming listened to Misaka Mikoto's introduction to the Seventh School District, and then got to the point:"The absolute ability user evolution plan should have begun."

When it came to business, Misaka Mikoto's expression became serious.

Clones, secret experiments?

This kind of conspiracy that only happened in movies in the past actually happened to her one day.

"Can you tell me the specific situation? Nothing can be found on Academy City's public network."

Misaka Mikoto sighed.

She had tried her best, but could not find any clues.

After that, Bai Ming told all the information she knew, and Misaka Mikoto also listened very seriously.

In the chat group, some things came to light. I can’t feel it in words 150, but hearing it in person makes it feel like something else.

"Isn’t it illegal for those research institutes to conduct such research? Academy City’s top management just doesn’t care?"

In the past, Misaka Mikoto has always believed that Academy City has good security.

Even if there are some small fights, the overall situation is peaceful.

Especially after experiencing the chaos of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and the turmoil in the empire, she cherishes the daily life of Academy City..Clone technology is strictly prohibited in the entire world.

"Aleister must know!"

"Even if he knew, it would be useless. After all, this experiment was originally one of his backup plans."

Bai Ming feels that Misaka Mikoto is still a bit naive.

But this is also the influence of the living environment. After all, Sister Pao's life has been smooth in the past, and she has not encountered any unfair treatment. In her heart, she still has higher expectations for those big figures who control the political power. trust.

But in this world, the most untrustworthy people are the big shots.

"Then what should I do?"

After hearing the darker inside story, Misaka Mikoto suddenly became confused.

She felt like she was being sucked into a huge whirlpool.

At this moment, Shirai Kuroko, who was hiding in the dark and observing, saw this scene... It was a misunderstanding, and he immediately teleported out of the hiding corner.

"Damn apes! How dare you let onee-sama become like this! Unforgivable!".

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