Chapter 461

"Evacuated early?"

At this moment, a low buzzing sound erupted from the depths of the research institute, tearing apart the atmosphere and flying towards Misaka Mikoto as if it was dragging an afterimage.

Bai Ming raised his face calmly. Arm.

The moment the light collided with the palm, there was no explosion.

Instead, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without even a small wave being released.

"It seems that he should be prepared."

Bai Ming put down his arms and looked calmly into the depths of the research institute.

Beside him, there was Misaka Mikoto with a frightened expression.

After all, the sneak attack just now happened so fast that she didn't react for a while.

Five minutes In front.

The four-person team of props came to the"890" research institute in advance to fortify and wait. The entrance and the interior of the institute are connected by a straight tunnel. For the props hidden in the dark, the field of view is quite wide.

Very Soon, they saw two figures breaking into the research institute.

"Well, it’s pretty much the same as in the video, so it should be the target."

Takitsubo Rikou said while looking at the photos on his phone, and then nodded to Mugino Shinri.

The latter lacked interest.

I thought it would be a fierce battle, but I didn't expect that the third person didn't even have the slightest sense of defense. No.

Then a ball of light appeared in Mugino Shenli's hand, and she threw it casually.

The original speed was very slow, and after one second, the speed was extremely fast, shaking the air.

In her fantasy, Misaka Mikoto There was no way to stop Mugino's reflexes.

This mission was completed too easily.

However, in the eyes of the four women, Mugino's achievements were blocked by the third man next to him.

"cut! Did anyone actually react?"

Mugino Shenli clicked his tongue, but it didn't matter.

How could someone be stupid enough to block her atomic collapse with their hands?

This is even stupider than catching a bullet with your hands!

"That man is so miserable! My hands must have melted away!"

Kinuhata said the most.

Mugino Shinri's Atomic Collapse not only has strong penetrating power, but also blows away metal like paper scraps, and can even dissolve walls.

People who have been hit by Atomic Collapse have not yet Death is more painful than death

"Um? Something's wrong?"

Flanda originally wanted to celebrate, but soon noticed something abnormal.

Others were the same as her.

Normally, even if the tank's armor was hit by atomic collapse, it would be burned through and melted, but The third man next to him blocked Mugino's achievement with one hand.

"This is impossible!"

"Could it be that the shot missed?"

"Very lucky!"

But only Mugino Shenri himself knows that Atomic Collapse did hit the target, but there is no follow-up.

Is it an esper with special abilities?

Atomic Collapse is not invincible, and there are ways to prevent it.

Misaka Mikoto She was able to manipulate electrons to distort atoms and collapse them, so she chose a sneak attack.

But she still miscalculated.

At this moment, the four-person group of props suddenly discovered that the man at the entrance of the research institute had turned his face towards them. They looked at each other with an expression that was half-smiling but not smiling. Even though they were far apart, the girls still had a creepy feeling in an instant, and the collective shuddered uncontrollably, as if they were being targeted by some ferocious beast.

But because Bai Ming He didn't reveal too much.

After all, he doesn't want to deal with the devil yet.

Plus, the students of Academy City don't know what divine power and oppression are. They just think it is the influence of Bai Ming's super power. (Read the Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is no need to hide anymore, the four props appeared from the darkness one after another.

Mugino Shinri’s hands lit up with white light. It was not the light of magic, but because of the collection of free electrons in the air. The electric light that blooms.

The laser light emitted by the collapse of atoms is basically an electron beam.

"I suggest you surrender now, otherwise, it will be extremely painful later!"

Jinqi loves to put on a thick layer of nitrogen armor.

This invisible armor can easily block even bullets from anti-material sniper rifles.

If the ability is attached to his hands, he can also fight in close combat. The power was comparable to that of the Vulcan cannon.

Flanda held the remote control.

She had already installed a bomb nearby, which was powerful enough to blow up tanks.

As for Takitsubo Rikou, who had no fighting ability, she stood Behind the three of them, she is responsible for investigation.

She will not directly participate in previous battles.

"who are you?!"

Misaka Mikoto frowned.

These four people all looked like students.

"ANBU props, responsible for organizing riots in the council, but in my opinion all ANBU are just like mercenaries who get paid to do things."

Bai Ming explained.

The difference lies in the name and personnel composition.

The name ANBU also sounds bluffing.

"It seems you know us very well."

Mugino Shenli showed a dangerous smile on his face.

It is impossible for ordinary students to know the existence of ANBU

"Maybe they know you better than you yourself."

A smile appeared on Bai Ming's face.

If the four props team up together, Misaka Mikoto will not be their opponent. After all, Mugino Shenli alone can hold off Sister Pao.

"If you surrender now, I can still treat you favorably."

"hehe...This was the first time I heard a dead person say such things."

Mugino Shenli showed a disdainful smile.

Pale electric arcs flashed around his body and wavy hair, flying around like a silver snake. 4.0 then dispersed the electron beams around him, like a laser turret, firing dozens of The electron beam flew in the direction of Bai Ming.

Even if the tank came, it would be stuck in the shape of a hornet's nest.

But then, something happened that made the four props show incredible expressions on their faces.

The electrons reflected by Mugino Shimri The bundle collapsed with the wind during the flight.

Before they could react to what happened, they felt great fear.

The girls froze on the spot. In their eyes, in the direction of the black-haired boy, there was only a pair of huge blood-red The eyes existed.

Being stared at by these eyes, it was as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

Mukino Shenli instantly lost all thoughts of resistance.

His mind was filled with the confusion and fear after seeing the gods.

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