Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1180: Bright Starlight Road

A variety of thoughts surfaced in Qi Tianyan's mind, but after confirming that this incident was probably Ye Zhengzheng's self-directed and self-acted performance, Qi Tianyan instantly calmed down.

Yes, everyone is a man, do you know if you have done that kind of thing? Since Qi Wang is so hard-hearted, it proves that he has never done anything embarrassing.

"Okay, call the police. If my family really forced Ye Zhengzheng into your family, I will let the police arrest him and go to jail. If this is not the case, I will not let it go. people."

Thinking that he just had to pretend to be a grandson, Qi Tianyan finally got up and took out his mobile phone and called the police.

Meng Zhifei, who was on the other side, was still holding Sun Jingyun and Ye Zhengzheng. She was taken aback when she saw her man’s behavior, and then she understood.

I have said all my good things. The two people still have noses and faces. If they are really their own children, they do something wrong. If not, what do you want to do here? grandson?

Thinking of this, Meng Zhifei didn't say anything, but silently retreated to Qi Tianyan's side.

Qi Tianyan moved very quickly. It took only three minutes from the time he took out the phone to the end of the call. Ye Chaoyang and the others reacted after he hung up the phone.

"Lao Qi, are you too impulsive like this? Qi Wang is a top idol. If this is really troublesome, I am afraid it will not do him any good."

I haven't called the police yet, why did this guy call the police first? Is he really not afraid that after the police came, he would ruin Qi Wang?

Qi Tianyan righteously said: "I Qi Tianyan admires the world without shame, and the son I teach will not be a scammer. What if he is a top idol? It is still my son, if he is right. After doing something worse than a pig and a dog, I will definitely send him to jail myself."

The two have known each other for so many years, who doesn’t know who is who?

Qi Tianyan’s attitude has changed a lot before and after. Just now he looked like he was afraid of calling the police. There was a whole lot of good things to say, and his attitude was so low. As a result, he is righteous and killed?

Is it really a misunderstanding?

Ye Chaoyang was surprised and subconsciously looked at his daughter who was in his arms by his wife.

Is it true that my daughter did this time? How could she have such courage?

Compared with Ye Chaoyang, Sun Jingyun is much simpler, or she believes in her daughter even more, thinking that her daughter has a simple temperament and cannot do anything embarrassing, like Qi Tianyan. , Obviously because of a guilty conscience, deliberately flaring his teeth and claws to call the police, it is estimated that it is the idea of ​​going back and forth.

If the police do not come, she can be so stinky Qi Tianyan, if the police come, she is not afraid, Qi Wang is a public figure, a top idol with 80 million fans, this matter The child is just like yellow mud, not **** but shit.

While waiting for the police to come, Qi Wang and Ye Zhengzheng were both naked, only relying on a quilt to cover the key parts, and the others wanted them to wear clothes. , But was rejected by Qi Wang.

"No, just keep it as it is. If you are suspected of **** or rape, it is a criminal case. The reporter must keep all the evidence at the scene. Everyone should not disturb the things here. We will wait for professionals to solve the problem. Confused.

If you really are a rapist, can you be as calm as you are now? Seeing his righteous and awe-inspiring look, it seemed as if he hadn't done anything criminal.

Qi Tianyan and Meng Zhifei slowly calmed down with their hanging hearts, and they chose to believe in their son.

In a **** and **** case, the perpetrator and the victim are completely of two natures. From the perspective of my son, I am afraid that it is the victim.

I want to come too, as a top idol, what kind of beauty hasn't Qi Wang seen? In places like the entertainment industry, there has always been no shortage of beauties. My son is so good-looking, what kind of beauties can't be obtained?

He has been in the industry for three years and has been keeping himself clean. He has never had any scandals. When everyone mentions him, who doesn't say that he is a rare stream in the entertainment industry?

How could such a man **** and **** Ye Zhengzheng?

Compared with the Qi's family who became more calm, Ye Chaoyang became more impatient. The attitude of the two families instantly reversed, and now the lower one was replaced by Ye Chaoyang.

However, Qi Tianyan is just as oily and salty as Ye Chaoyang.

"Ye Chaoyang, don't say anything. Let the professionals come and solve this matter. The police will know everything, and we will just wait."

Ye Chaoyang: "..."

It doesn't matter whether he wants it or not, he can't do anything about it anyway.

While waiting for the police to come, everyone in the room never spoke, and the atmosphere became strange and heavy.

About half an hour later, the police finally arrived. Under the leadership of the helper, they came to Qiwang's room.

Also, the room where I feel sad is big enough, otherwise so many people may not be able to fit it.

It was three policemen who received the call, a middle-aged policeman with two young policemen, a man and a woman. Qi Zhengli originally thought that the case was no different from the previous one. As a result, After arriving at the place, Qi Zhengli was also bewildered by this peculiar case after hearing the facts of the case.

To put it simply, women said that the man raped and raped themselves, but the man did not admit it. Instead, they said it was a woman’s design. Oh, yes, the man who reported the case was the man.

Moreover, what makes Qi Zhengli feel that this case is terrible is that one of the persons involved in the case is the hottest male celebrity at the moment, the world's most popular male celebrity.

What is this expansion?

However, regardless of the deep desire for complaints in his heart, Qi Zhengli still looks like an official business.

"Since you both insist on each other, what evidence do you have?"

Both parties say that the other party is the murderer, they are the victims, and they don’t judge who is pitiful when they decide the case. You have to pay attention to evidence in everything, and you need to show evidence to prove who is right. Who is wrong.

Sun Jingyun hugged her daughter, and said angrily: "Is this still necessary? Anyone with a discerning eye can see what is going on. This kind of thing is tantamount to a catastrophe for a woman. , Who would use this kind of thing to frame others?"

After finishing these words, Sun Jingyun turned to look at the man sitting on the other side of the bed who only wrapped the sheets around the key parts.

His skin is very white, and it is because of the whiteness that the traces on it appear shocking. Apart from other things, only these traces can tell what happened last night. What a fight.

The other party is really good-looking, if under normal circumstances, Sun Jingyun actually likes the face of Qi Wang, after all, he was once rated as one of the sexiest men in the world by foreign media, and he is the only one The selected Asian man, he is the dream of countless women, and there are not many women in this world who have never experienced him.

However, no matter how beautiful or beautiful the other person is, if they make a fatal mistake, they will not be attracted by his skin.

"Qi Wang, is your heart really so vicious? Zheng Zheng grew up with you. It is not too much to say that you are a sister. You hurt her and want to send her in Prison? You are so vicious. How did we offend you and let you deal with us like this."

Sun Jingyun can be described as crying and crying, questioning grief, and if the person who hears it is sad, the person who sees tears, if it is shameful, now I am afraid that it will just hang on the neck and commit suicide in shame. .

However, the expression on Qi Wang's face has not changed from beginning to end, even if the other party accused him of his viciousness and ruthlessness, he still remained unmoved.

Ye Zhengzheng, who pretended to cry in Sun Jingyun's arms, felt that something went wrong.

According to the content of the novel she read, the man Qi Wang is arrogant and arrogant. According to the author’s setting, he is a blank paper in this respect. The original owner slept on a bed and nothing happened. He thought the two had really been in close contact. Now with the help of the system, she made so many traces on each other. Like doing it, is it possible that he can still see it?

At this moment, Ye Zhengzheng became suspicious, and at the same time asked the system, should its methods be seen by others?

The system bound to Ye Zhengzheng is very lively. It is extremely confident that it is a product far beyond this era, and it possesses skills that Ye Zhengzheng could not imagine. It said no The problem must be no problem.

"Don’t worry, with the current technology, you will not find the hands and feet I made. The marks on his body are real, and the marks on your body are also real. This is anything It can’t be tested by inspection methods, just rest assured."

After getting the system, Ye Zhengzheng breathed a sigh of relief, completely relieved, and continued to pretend to be her victim while lying in Sun Jingyun's arms.

Although Qi Wang is almost the same as being in full light now, but his calm and calm appearance is as if he is fully armed and sitting under a flashlight, and that delicate face is as beautiful as a monster .

The eyes of the two young men, the man and the woman, were about to stare out. If it weren't for the inappropriate clothes, their saliva was about to flow out.

In the past, they have only seen Qi Wang in the video. The beauty of Qi Wang under the flashlight is as beautiful as an elf falling into the world. He satisfies all human illusions about beauty. It is no exaggeration. In other words, he is the incarnation of beauty.

But looking at people through a layer of screen, plus the various high-tech beauty methods now, ordinary people can be made into small beauties, and they will be beautiful Fuck, don’t you want to be pretty?

So although he looks good, many people firmly believe that his beauty is not natural, but artificial.

But now, when a real person appeared in front of them and confronted Fang Tianran's sculpted beauty crit, they realized that there are people who are actually more beautiful and better-looking in reality than in the video.

After that, they heard this beautiful, not-human-looking beautiful man opened his mouth, and started talking about the case with that ethereal, soul-washing voice.

"I have a few points to say about this case."

"First, there is actually a monitoring system installed in the corridor of our house. From the monitoring, you can see when I entered my room and when did Ye Zhengzheng come here? Because of professional reasons, entering the room and locking the door is the cultivation of a celebrity, so my door was locked at the time. Since I entered last night and woke up in the morning, I have not been out of this door."

This is actually a strong evidence. After all, he raped and raped. How could he **** and **** Ye Zhengzheng in the room where he locked the door without going out?

But this kind of thing still has to hammer the opponent to death, so that the opponent does not have the slightest strength to turn over.

"Secondly, I have the habit of drinking alcohol before going to bed every night, but the alcohol is used to help sleep, not to make people pass out directly, but after I drank alcohol last night, I directly I passed out into a coma, and I didn't wake up until my parents came in just now."

"The third point, if these traces on Ye Zhengzheng's body are really made by me, if I really strengthen her as she said, fingerprints, sweat stains, these are all OK The comparison shows whether there is my jy in her body. If she has used a condom, where is the condom? Even if the condom is handled by me, whether a man has **** and life within 24 hours can be detected. Whether a woman has been violated can also be detected."

Qi Wang's statement is justified and well-founded. Compared with the woman who only stalks, pretends to be pitiful, and bites people indiscriminately, everyone naturally believes in Qi Wang.

After all, what he said is well-documented. Is it true? Isn't it found out all at once?

For a time, everyone's balance was basically tilted to Qi Wang's side.

Ye Zhengzheng was anxious when he saw the situation begin to fall to the ground and head towards Qi Wang.

"System, are you sure that the things you made are foolproof?"

Who would have thought that the innocent and somewhat stupid person in the book could say so many well-organized things?

These are obviously the baskets stabbed by the original owner that idiot, but now he has to clean up the mess for her, Ye Zhengzheng is a little angry, and wants to quit.

She is so good that she is a female sea king improper, why did she run into the book to suffer this foreign crime?

The system was afraid that Ye Zhengzheng would really quit, so he hurriedly said: "Don’t worry, I’ve done tricks, you take out your phone, and it contains the information he sent you last night. What if he doesn’t enter? It’s true that you lie together naked, and it’s true that you have traces on your body. If he doesn’t die, he will peel off. Just rest assured."

Ye Zhengzheng was still a little bit dubious, but the system had only dropped the chain just once, but the other party vowed that it had handled the matter properly, and Ye Zhengzheng could only believe it.

So, Ye Zhengzheng, who had been lying in Sun Jingyun’s arms as a victim just now, struggled to get out of her arms, and said loudly, “I have the message you sent to you yesterday on my phone. You let me come into your room. Even if you didn't make the last step, you made these traces on my body. Don't deny it."

Qi Wang looked back at Ye Zhengzheng, and said lightly: "You forged the information. For hackers, this kind of thing is very simple."

The author has something to say: Second, I would like to thank the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021081519:08:362021081523:13:59

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 3408569199 bottles; 3213016320 bottles; 17 bottles of Guan Lier; 10 bottles of Gongziyou and Lan Erge;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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