Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1326: Task penalty

Xu Wenqing kept watching Qi Feifei enter the company, then turned around and took the elevator downstairs. The bakery he was in was on the first floor of this building. A bakery with an area of ​​80 square meters requires a lot of rent. In addition, they are taking a high-end route, so the price of the cake is very high. Although it is not too affordable for ordinary people, it is not something ordinary people can often eat.

Xu Wenqing and Qi Feifei knew each other, in fact, it was because Qi Feifei often went to the cake shop to buy cakes. For half a month, she went to the cake shop to buy cakes almost every day. The cakes sold inside were basically bought by Qi Fei Fei.

It is also a coincidence. Once when Qi Feifei was holding a cake pan to select cakes, he accidentally bumped into Xu Wenqing when he turned around. All the bread on the plate he was holding fell on. On the ground, because those breads were all just out of the oven, they hadn't had time to pack them, and because of her impact, the cakes were all useless and could only be thrown into the trash can.

This should be regarded as Xu Wenqing’s mistake. After all, as an employee of the cake shop, he is obligated to let the customers in the shop. These losses should be borne by him, but the kind-hearted Qi Feifei said yes. She hit someone and she should compensate for these cakes.

Then the value of a plate of cake reached 1,000 yuan, Qi Feifei did not feel any distress when swiping the card, but instead was distracted to pay attention to Xu Wenqing, and found that his hand was scratched by the cake pan, so she told him He should pay attention to the wound and don't get infected.

Because of this accident, the two had an intersection. According to Xu Wenqing, he wanted to pay half of the cost, but Qi Feifei repeatedly refused, saying that Jing did not need him to pay the price.

"This matter actually has nothing to do with you. Anyway, I have already paid for it. If you are really sorry, please invite me to dinner."

The two have left their contact information, and they have set up the next appointment.

The place to pay for the crime was set at a western restaurant. That restaurant is considered a slightly higher-end western restaurant in the city. The average per capita of that restaurant is 1,000 yuan, and this meal cost Xu Wenqing. Two thousand dollars.

After the meal was over, Qi Feifei knew the money Xu Wenqing had paid for the meal, and strongly expressed that she wanted aa, but this time she was rejected by Xu Wenqing.

"Well, the last time I wanted to compensate for the loss of the cake shop, you did not want to, then this time I invited you to dinner, how can I make you pay? If you pay, Where do you want me to put my face?"

Under Xu Wenqing’s insistence, the meal money Qi Fei did not succeed in the end, but because of the meal, the distance between the two was much closer, and then they They often exchange messages, and as they learn more, the two quickly crossed the boundaries of friends and became boy and girl friends.

When taking the elevator downstairs, Xu Wenqing took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and then lowered his head to edit the information of the mobile phone. It was different from the gentle smile on his face when he was in front of Qi Feifei. The look on his face looked a little cold at this moment under the reflection of.

Qi Feifei returned to her position with the bento box. Just after sitting down, Xu Xiaowen on the other side approached her. She looked at the cute bento box with teasing on her face. Laugh.

"Have your boyfriend come to give you a lunch box? Fei Fei, I really envy you. Now it’s hard to find a good man like him. There are really few people in the world who will do it. The boy whose girlfriend makes a bento, you are the right thing to pan for gold in the waves, and the golden man who is one in a million has been caught by you."

After hearing Xu Xiaowen's words, Qi Feifei's face was stained with a thin blush, she pursed her lips, and glanced at Xu Xiaowen strangely.

"If you are envious of you go find a boyfriend, sorrow me here-why?"

Xu Xiaowen sighed and said old-fashioned: "I can only think about it. You think everyone is like you, and you can meet such a good boyfriend like you. ?? You can meet the true king when you buy a cake. With this luck, who do you want to make sense?"

She was full of envy, and felt that Qi Fei Fei was simply lucky. When she went to buy a piece of bread, she would meet a good man. Every time Qi Fei Fei talked to Xu Xiaowen about her When he was a boyfriend, Xu Xiaowen looked like this, obviously very envious.

Qi Feifei's face turned redder, and she couldn't bear Xu Xiaowen's teasing. She glared at Xu Xiaowen and turned her head to open the lunch box.

The meals in the bento box are all carefully made, and they are all her favorites. From the careful arrangement of the dishes, you can see how hard the bento is.

Since the death of Qi Feifei’s mother, she has rarely been able to eat such a meal. After all, his father is busy with work, and the meals at home are very simple. , Occasionally, when I go to the restaurant, I will eat some exquisite food. Although the taste is good, it is always different from the food at home.

After being with Xu Wenqing, Qi Feifei seems to have gone back to the past, and can eat the food prepared by others for himself. As Xu Xiaowen said, Xu Wenqing is really good , Very attentive and gentle, and take good care of her.

Qi Feifei often thinks about how he can do, so that he can meet Xu Wenqing who takes care of himself in this way. Then his life will be very happy.

Just when Qi Feifei was about to enjoy the lunch, she received a WeChat message on her mobile phone. Qi Feifei put the chopsticks aside and picked up the phone.

This message was sent by Xu Wenqing. Qi Feifei originally thought that the other party would say something to him, but a sweet smile appeared on his face, but when he saw the content on WeChat, The smile on her face instantly solidified.

[Fei Fei, there is one thing I don’t know if I should tell you or not. I know I may be a little selfish in doing this, but I can’t control myself. Can you forgive me? 】

After seeing this message, Qi Feifei didn’t know how to react. It was okay just now. Why did she suddenly send such a message? She quickly edited a message and posted it. Past.

[Wenqing, what happened on earth, if you have anything, just tell me directly, we don’t need to cover it up like this. 】

This time Xu Wenqing’s news didn’t come back for a long time. Qi Qifei can imagine how tangled Xu Wenqing on the other side of the phone is. He is such a gentle person, this time I want to say It must be difficult to tell, otherwise it would not be the case.

[Wenqing, I am your girlfriend. You don’t need to hide anything in front of me. If you have anything you can tell me directly, let’s discuss the solution together, okay? 】

This time the person on the other side of the phone finally returned a message to her. However, when Qi Feifei saw those words on the screen, her heart that had been hanging high fell instantly, and she was a little bit dumbfounded. , I didn't expect Xu Wenqing to be entangled because of these, and even doubt whether he was a selfish person.

【It is because of this that you told me that you may be a selfish person. It is wrong for you to be unable to control yourself. Let me be considerate of you. 】

Qi Feifei was really dumbfounded. She didn’t expect Xu Wenqing to be so innocent and pure, but it’s such a simple thing, but he said as if the sky was falling down. I thought that something happened, and my heart was lifted up high.

It turned out that Xu Wenqing sent a message over, saying that the sleeveless heart-necked dress she was wearing just now was a bit too cool, and I hope she won’t wear this dress next time. NS.

[I know that girls are beautiful and like to dress themselves beautifully, but you are different from other girls, you are my girlfriend, I hope you are beautiful Just show it in front of me, so that you can highlight your feminine characteristics and show your perfect body. I hope you don’t continue to wear it, so I will be jealous. 】

[It’s okay, it’s just a piece of clothing, if you don’t like it, then I’m not wearing it. 】

After replying to this message, Qi Feifei started typing with her mobile phone again.

[But can you tell me, what kind of clothes do you like me to wear? Can I wear it for you? 】

This time Xu Wenqing waited a long time before sending a message: [I bought the clothes and prepared to give it to you. Will you change it when we meet in the evening? 】

[Ok, see you tonight. 】

Qi Feifei didn’t even notice that when she was sending messages with her mobile phone, she always wore a sweet smile on her face, and her appearance completely fell into Xu Xiaowen’s In the eyes.

After Qi Feifei put down the phone, Xu Xiaowen rubbed his shoulders and made a look of numbness.

"Fei Fei, you didn't see the appearance of your message just now, it is almost impossible to describe it in words."

After Xu Xiaowen finished speaking, he couldn't help but ask curiously: "What were you talking about with Xu Wenqing? Why did you look at you like that?"

Even if the relationship with Xu Xiaowen is very good, how can Qi Feifei talk to Xu Xiaowen about this kind of private affairs between lovers?

"It’s nothing, don’t think about it, hurry up and eat, it’s going to be cold after a while."

After she finished speaking, she ignored Xu Xiaowen and ate the lunch by herself, but when she thought of the news Xu Wenqing had just sent to herself, Qi Feifei felt sweet in her heart.

However, Qi Feifei felt very dissatisfied when she was deliberately trying to influence her choice of clothes, and she expressed resistance to it. She never listened to her father's words, but this time she changed it to When Xu Wenqing didn't want her to wear certain clothes, Qi Feifei had no other ideas, and just wanted to follow Xu Wenqing's.

This is probably the difference between a father and a lover.

For many people who do not like fishing, sitting on the shore fishing is a very boring thing, but for Qi Wang, he really enjoys this leisure and quiet time.

He leaned back on a special chair, propped the fishing rod aside, and the parasol was held by the side to cast a shade of shade, covering the venomous sun, and the water on the lake was sparkling and breeze. It struck, with a little fishy vapor rushing towards the face, and the annoying dry heat was gone.

Just when Qi Li was fainted and about to fall asleep, the hand-machine-bell-sound rang abruptly, the original quiet atmosphere was interrupted, and Qi Li was slightly wrinkled Frowning, he opened his eyes and took the phone that was placed aside.

A familiar number was scrolled on the phone screen, Qi Wang answered the call without hesitation, and a somewhat hoarse voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Mr. Qi, what you asked me to investigate has been investigated. Missy is indeed in a relationship with someone."

Qi Feifei is really in love.

Although he had a hunch before knowing about her daughter’s relationship, Qi Wang still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart after getting an accurate answer from the secretary.

Since the death of his wife, he and this daughter depended on each other for life. In the past, the daughter never had any secrets to hide from herself, but as the age grew, Qi Wang felt that their father and daughter There has been a deep barrier between them.

For his father, Qi Feifei chose to close his heart, and there are many secrets that he will not tell him. Now that I have a boyfriend, I refuse to tell him about such a big thing.

This is obviously a very angry thing, and Qi Wang also feels that he should be angry now, but he does not know why, but he behaves very indifferently.

"Okay, I see, you will send the other party's message to my mailbox later, thank you Secretary Xu."

Secretary Xu on the other end of the phone thought it was a bit strange. The president of his own family is a mad woman who loves her. It is obvious that her daughter is 22 years old, but she still feels that she should not fall in love with a child. Before, when he suspected that his daughter was in a relationship with someone, he looked like a thunder, as if he was going to be desperate, not allowing himself to investigate the identity of the man. Now the results of the investigation have come out, and it is confirmed that Qi Fei is indeed talking. In love, why is President Qi so peaceful now? In his tone, he couldn't even hear the slightest anger.

Is it possible that this is the calm before the storm in the legend?

Although various thoughts flashed in his mind, as a highly professional secretary, Secretary Xu said calmly.

"I see, I will send you the information right away."

Clearly Qi Wang asked him to notify him as soon as the investigation results were obtained. He also did this, but the response from the other party was mediocre, which made Secretary Xu feel that something was wrong.

Qi Wangjing didn't talk too much nonsense with Secretary Xu. After a few simple words, he hung up the phone, and then he looked at the calm lake and fell into contemplation.

Qi Fei Fei is in love?

Strictly speaking, it’s okay for Qi Fei to fall in love now, after all, she is 22 years old, not fifteen or six. It’s not a big deal to fall in love at her age. Was he a bit too nervous before, that his adult daughter would have to investigate other people when he was in a relationship?

Although it is a very normal thing for her daughter to fall in love, Qi Wang vaguely feels that a strange emotion has arisen in her heart, and that emotion has suddenly emerged, as if it belongs to The other person is completely out of his control.

What's wrong with it? Isn't it because the daughter is in a relationship that he must be fine-tuned for his old father?

The sudden emotion has been stuck in his heart for a long time, which made Qi Wang feel very uncomfortable. He felt that he should do something and stared at the phone. After a while, he dialed Qi Feifei's phone.

At this point, Qi Feifei should be eating, and the call will not disturb her work.

"Dad, isn't it your day off today? Why did you suddenly remember to call me?"

Daughter’s lively voice came from the other end of the phone. After hearing his voice, the strange emotions that had been in his heart slowly disappeared, blocking his chest and became smooth again. stand up.

"Nothing, just want to call you suddenly."

After a moment of silence, Qi Wang still asked the question he wanted to ask.

"Fei Fei, are you in love?"

After this sentence was asked, the person on the other end of the phone fell into silence. After a long time, a timid voice rang.

"Dad, do you know everything?"

In fact, Qi Feifei didn’t deliberately want to hide from her father, how can she say, she is already a big girl, falling in love is a matter of course, she just doesn’t know how to talk to herself Dad just spoke.

But now that the other party asked it out, Qi Feifei simply told the other party.

"Yes, I’m in love, but it’s not a long time. Dad, don’t mention anything like meeting people. We’re just starting now. If you suddenly say you’d like to meet I'm afraid it will scare people."

The character of her father said that the wind is rainy, and she is really afraid that Qi Wang will suddenly come to her company.

"Okay, I see, you can continue to work and work hard."

After saying this, the phone was hung up, Qi Feifei held the phone with a dazed expression on his face.

No, that's it?

There was no violent storm, no repeated questions, just let the matter go so gently and skillfully?

How does it feel like a dream.

Qi Feifei pinched her face, and the pain on her cheek made her understand that this well was not a dream.

Her father's reaction was too calm, right?

Qi Feifei, who was inexplicably troubled, sent a tangled message to her father.

[Dad, I am in a serious relationship with others, and there is no mess, don’t worry. 】

The author has something to say: the second more

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