Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1339: Task penalty

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In fact, Qi Wang’s skin is also very handsome. He has a handsome face and elegant temperament. If someone who doesn’t know him meets him, he will never contact him with the president of a large company. Together, he looks more like a professor than a businessman.

Compared with Bai Qiujiang, who is full of tendons, such Qi Wang lacks the so-called masculinity.

The man in front of him has been with Qi Wang for nearly two decades and has been helping him wholeheartedly. He has never failed the trust of the original owner. Without his help, the original owner will carry out many things. It's not that easy.

He is the person Qi Wang trusted the most, but in the end he hurt Qi Wang the most.

Looking at the worried Bai Qiujiang in front of him, if it weren't for those memories, Qi Wang would be fooled by him.

I am not afraid that the scum is capable, I am afraid that the scum has acting skills. If his acting skills were not comparable to the movie king, the original owner would not have been so miserable by him.

"Qiujiang, here you are, the injuries on my body are all right, but in my heart..."

Qi Wang said, his voice lowered, and a deep sadness appeared on his face. This president who was stunned in the mall seemed to be omnipotent, but at this time he looked fragile. a child.

Bai Qiujiang has never seen this kind of Qi Wang, he has always been strong, as if nothing can beat him down, even more than ten years ago, he took over the position of president without any experience When faced with the chase and interception of the old foxes on the board of directors, he did not show any vulnerability.

But now just because Qi Qiuyu proposed to divorce him, he has revealed his most vulnerable side, hiding his most unwillingness to be seen.

Seeing Qi Wang like this, Bai Qiujiang's eyes darkened.

He originally thought that Qi Wang was a mountain that could never be surpassed, but he did not expect that such a character would be trapped by the love of his children.

However, Qi Wang has always been like this. Although he is the president of the Qi Group, he has turned the Qi Group into a behemoth, but he has only 2% of the shares in his hand. , All the shares are in Qi Qiuyu’s hands. The real estate they have purchased in these years are all under Qi Qiuyu’s name. The only thing that belongs to Qi Qiuyu is the money in his private account, which is even a fraction of the assets in Qi Qiuyu’s hands. nothing.

If it were him, he had controlled the Qi Group for so many years, and he would never allow himself to hold only such a thing.

Bai Qiujiang felt that Qi Wang, although smart, was too naive, but if it weren't for his character, they really couldn't deal with him.

Bai Qiujiang sat down next to Qi Wang. He reached out and patted Qi Wang on the shoulder, and said with a heavy tone: "I understand your mood, but I think it might be a good thing for you to separate. Er, you have been with Qiu Yu for so many years, she has long been inseparable from you, now she is confused for a while, when you leave her, she will think of you, after all, no one in this world treats her better than you Even better, Qiu Yu will think about it clearly, and the Qi Group can’t do without you, trust me and also believe in Qiu Yu’s affection..."

"I agree to the divorce."

"Perhaps you calm down and find out...what, do you agree to a divorce?"

Bai Qiujiang still wanted to continue to persuade him, but when he heard Qi Wang say that he agreed to the divorce, Bai Qiujiang showed a look of astonishment on his face, not believing that Qi Wang had agreed to the divorce so easily.

Isn’t Qi Qiuyu still saying that Qi Wang did not agree to divorce? If it wasn't because Qi Qiuyu couldn't fix Qi Wang, he wouldn't have come to persuade Qi Wang. How could he know that he hadn't said anything yet, Qi Wang would have already let go.

This seems a little different from what you imagined.

The corner of Qi Wang's eyes swept across Bai Qiujiang's face, and he did not miss the look of astonishment on his face.

Are you surprised or surprised? He didn't need to persuade him at all, and he didn't use the methods they used to make them so that he agreed to the divorce.

He is such a sweet man.

The atmosphere in the ward was a bit strange. Bai Qiujiang quickly sorted out his emotions: "President Qi, have you considered it?"

He still doesn’t quite believe it. He feels that it is not so easy for Qi to give up Qi Qiuyu, and put his feelings aside. Holding Qi Qiuyu is equivalent to holding the Qi group. Qi Wang is really willing to give up what he is now. Wealth and status?

It is natural to make a full set of acting. Qi Wang knows what Bai Qiujiang wants to see, he sighed, and his head is lowered deeply, his tone is full of frustration and helplessness. .

"I love Qiuyu. After so many years of marriage, I have never violated her meaning. Since the divorce is what she wants, then I will naturally fulfill her."

Is his affection for Qi Qiuyu so deep?

Bai Qiujiang understands Qi Wang. He is a man who must do what he says. Now that he agrees to divorce, there will be no more surprises.

"President Qi, don't worry, when Qiu Yu wants to understand, she will come back to you."

Qi Wang didn't speak, but the decadence on his body became more intense. Obviously, he didn't have much hope for Qi Qiuyu's return to him.

Bai Qiujiang knew that it was useless to persuade him. He accompanied Qi Wang to sit in the ward for a while, and only left when the nurse came to round up the ward.

"Qiujiang, tell Qiu Yu, let her visit me tomorrow, let's discuss the divorce."

Bai Qiujiang nodded and asked Qi Wang to take a good rest, and then left the ward. When he drove out of the hospital, Bai Qiujiang called Qi Qiuyu.

"Qiu Yu, Qi Wang agreed to the divorce, and the next step of the plan can be omitted."

Bai Qiujiang still has some feelings for Qi Wang. Since Qi Wang agreed to the divorce, he will not force him to death. Qi Qiuyu over there doesn’t know what he said, Bai Qiu Jiang said a few more words to her, and then hung up the phone.

Bai Qiujiang, who put down the phone, looked at the vehicles coming and going on the street, and the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably.

After so many years of careful layout, it is finally time to harvest.

Early the next morning, Qi Qiuyu came to the ward. At this time, Qi Wang was sitting on the bed and reading. He was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and slender white fingers. Turning the pages of the book, he seemed to have taken a look at it, and he didn't notice that there was an extra person in the room.

Qi Qiuyu stood by the bed and looked at the quietly reading man on the bed, with a complex expression in his eyes.

After so many years of marriage, the years did not seem to leave any trace on Qi Wang. What Qi Qiuyu once liked the most was the bookishness of Qi Wang. She remembered when she ran after Qi Wang when she was young At the time, I remembered the faint scent of ink that belonged to him that she was leaning on in Qi Wang’s arms...

Those past feelings poured into Qi Qiuyu’s heart. When facing Qi Wang, her tone could not help but soften. After all, this is the man she really loved, since he has already She agreed to the divorce, and she didn't need to attack him again.

"Qi Wang."

After hearing this familiar voice, Qi Wang's body trembled, and his hands could not help but let go. The book originally held in his hand also fell on the quilt, but Qi Wang But as if he hadn't noticed it, he still looked at Qi Qiuyu obsessively.

Qi Qiuyu avoided his gaze somewhat unnaturally, and said in a low voice, "I heard that you agreed to a divorce."

After hearing this sentence, the light in Qi Wang's eyes dimmed and turned into a deadly color. He pushed his glasses, and soon his emotions were reduced.


He only said one word and didn't speak again. Qi Qiuyu didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere in the ward became more and more embarrassing.

In the end, Qi Qiuyu hardened his heart and handed out the divorce agreement to Qi Wang.

Qi Wang took a look and found that according to this divorce agreement, he basically left the house, except for the 10 million deposits in his account, he had nothing However, the prerequisite for him to get the ten million is to transfer the shares in his own hands to Qi Qiuyu, and he also has to resign from the position of executive president of the Qi Group.

Compared with their previous practice of killing them all, this time they are still talking about conscience. Qi Wang did not say much to Qi Qiuyu, and signed his name on this divorce agreement.

"Autumn Rain..."

Qi Wang looked at Qi Qiuyu sadly, and just wanted to say something, but Qi Qiuyu didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

"In the afternoon, I will ask the lawyer to come over. You have signed the equity transfer agreement, and the position of the CEO is also given to Aze. When you are discharged from the hospital, we will go through the divorce procedures. For the sake of the court, I will pay the hospitalization fee for you. Please take a good rest."

As if afraid that Qi Wang would stop calling herself, Qi Qiuyu snapped a lot of words, then left a sentence of hello, take a good rest, and then turned and left in strides.

The door to the ward was closed, and the sadness and despair on Qi Wang's face disappeared.

Well, I didn’t expect that acting in a play would prevent him from killing him. Such a situation is extremely beneficial to Qi Wang. All he has to do now is to take a good rest. Take care of your body as soon as possible. As for Bai Qiujiang and the group, sooner or later he will be able to take care of them.

A few days later, Qi Wang was discharged from the hospital, and after going through the divorce procedures with Qi Qiuyu, he took the 10 million he had received and left in a cool manner.

The news of the resignation of the CEO of Qi Group could not be kept for long, and the news of Qi Qiuyu and Qi Wang’s divorce soon broke out.

[Qi Group Change of Owner] [Qi Wang Divorce] news soon dominated the headlines of major newspapers, and at the same time, an up owner named Expectation was also at station b Posted a video.

[up bishop, you are a robot]

"I also read the news. It's true. My friend bought one. The function is much more powerful than the mobile phones on the market."

"I’m not dreaming, did the mobile phones in the science fiction blockbuster actually appear in reality?"

It didn’t take long for the Patriot mobile phone to be sold out. However, in just one month, the sales volume of Patriot mobile phone was far ahead. The stock of specialty stores across the country ran out, and the number of people queuing to make an appointment reached one. Amazing numbers.

Information about Patriot’s mobile phone is emerging from major newspapers and video sites.

The Patriot mobile phone has broken a **** road in the mobile phone market with powerful functions and technology far beyond this era. It took less than a month to replace other mobile phones.

The price is similar, but the functions are much more than ordinary mobile phones. Naturally, everyone is more willing to choose a more cost-effective mobile phone.

Other brands of mobile phones have already laid their foundations. Under the impact of Patriot phones, although their market shares have been declining, they have a foundation, but they have not yet reached a loss.

However, the Qi Group has no such good luck.

After Qi Ze took over the Qi Group, he began to transform. Originally, the Qi Group did most of the physical industries, supermarket chains, shopping malls, food processing and production, etc. Qi Ze felt that these were all The old things Qi Wang did have no future for future development. He didn't want to follow the old path of Qi Wang. He wanted to establish his own prestige, so he began to transform in the two directions of real estate and high-tech.

However, Qi Ze’s ambitions are, but there is no means corresponding to his ambitions. After he took office, he expelled several senior executives whom Qi Wei liked very much and replaced them with his own people. However, these people have the ability Insufficient, but not small in mind, Qi Ze, who is incapable and inexperienced, can't hold back his subordinates, and refuses to listen to Bai Qiujiang's persuasion, doing what he thinks is right.

After several previous projects failed, Qi Ze, who could not get help from Qi Wang, simply bought a mobile phone company that was on the verge of bankruptcy. With the company’s original technology base, Qi Ze could take a lot less. After spending a lot of money to research new technologies, the original mobile phone has changed a lot in appearance, and the style is better than the current mobile phones on the market.

Unfortunately, the confident Qi Ze also chose October 1st to launch a mobile phone produced by his own company.

With the Patriot mobile phone in front of Zhuyu, who can see a new mobile phone that has only changed its appearance but has not changed much in its functions?

Qi Ze was full of confidence and felt that he could take the company to the next level, but the cruel reality slapped him.

After the product went on the market, Qi Ze sold less than 800 mobile phones.

After getting the financial report handed over by the person below, Qi Ze, who was still calm and composed, panicked.

Frequent failures in recent projects have long caused Qi Ze to lose his feet. He is still young and wants to establish his prestige as soon as possible. This mobile phone company has invested a lot of money, but it has been a long way since it has been tossing it back.

Qi Ze is like a beast. He doesn’t think about his mistakes. Instead, he blames Hope Technology Co., Ltd. If this company does not choose to hold a new product launch conference like him on the same day, How could his phone not be sold?

"Check, check it out for me, I want to see who is behind this company, who dares to do the right thing with our Qi Group."

Qi Ze ordered his subordinates to look up the background of Hope Technology Co., Ltd.

This company is obviously new. How can such a small company compare with a giant like the Qi Group?

Qi Ze thinks beautifully. Since someone got in the way, he bought the company. Money is not a problem. In these years, business funding and contacts are the most important. Many new students The company seems to be in a hurry, but in fact, if there is no company injecting capital, it will be like that meteor, and it will soon disappear.

It is hoped that a small company such as the Science and Technology Co., Ltd. wants to support it. The big ship of the Shangqi Group is their best choice.

After sending people out, Qi Ze did not care about this matter anymore. Qi Ze was very confident about the acquisition of that company. He believed that no one would refuse the terms he had put forward.

After the secretary came out of Qi Ze’s office, although he still looked like an elite, he kept complaining in his heart.

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