Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1349: Dark abyss

Nanyang’s spring was like a naughty child. Not long after he showed up, he ran out of sight. After two rains, the temperature dropped again. People could only The put away winter clothes were taken out again.

At the end of get off work, Song Tongyu packed his things as quickly as possible and ran out of the company like a gust of wind.

The rain outside was a bit heavy, and the rain shed of the electric car did not have much effect. The clothes on her body soon wetted a lot, but Song Tongyu didn’t care about it and hurried. I went to the vegetable market and bought some vegetables that the children loved. When passing by the meat stall, she gritted her teeth and bought half a catty of meat.

It was already five thirty in the afternoon, and the after-school services were all over. Song Tongyu hurried to home on an electric bike because he was riding fast and in a hurry, plus The road was slippery on rainy days, and she almost fell to the ground several times.

Fortunately, at the end, I returned home without any risk.

Song Tongyu’s home is in an old community. This community was a former dormitory building of a machinery factory. It has been more than 40 years old. The houses in the community are not high and have red exterior walls. After so many years of tinkering and tinkering, at first glance, the different color blocks look like patches on it, looking very eye-catching.

Song Tongyu carried the vegetables and ran upstairs. The height of the four-story building was nothing to her. She didn't blush or breathe all the way, and arrived at the door of the house. She kicked the door of the room with her foot, and shouted cheerfully: "A Wang, open the door quickly, mom is back!"

As soon as the voice fell, the old anti-theft door in front of him was opened, and a handsome little boy appeared in front of Song Tongyu.

He obediently took out a compromise and placed it on the mat at the door, then took the plastic bag in Song Tongyu’s hand, and put it in the kitchen well, until he came back, Song Tongyu also After changing her shoes, she hung the clothes that had been wet by rain on a hanger beside her, and then gave the little boy a kiss on the head.

"Does mom come back soon? Should you give mom a reward?"

Looking at the smiling young woman, the little boy stood on tiptoe and kissed her on the cheek.

Song Tongyu laughed and rubbed the boy's soft hair, motioning him to go back and continue his homework.

"You do your homework obediently, and mom will prepare the food immediately."

Speaking, she went to the kitchen and got busy.

The little boy walked over silently and looked at Song Tongyu, who was busy in the kitchen humming a song, and suddenly said: "The person called just now and he said he will be back soon."

The little boy's words seemed to have pressed the pause button, Song Tongyu's singing stopped abruptly, and the kitchen knife she was holding fell on the cutting board with a bang.

The environment that made people feel comfortable and relaxing changed in a moment, and a suffocating atmosphere spread quietly. After a long time, Song Tongyu picked up the kitchen knife again and moved stiffly. Started to cut up the vegetables.

The little boy looked at the woman’s back, his lips pursed, and after a long time, he said: "Mom, are you getting divorced?"

This time Song Tongyu finally turned around and looked at the little boy. There was a smile on her face, but if you look closely, you will find that her smile appears to be false.

"Aw, that's your father, and father is very good to you, how can you let your mother divorce him? If your mother really divorces your father, you will have no father, no Dad’s children will have a miserable life... Mom doesn’t want you to have no dad."

Song Tongyu’s voice was very gentle. She put down the kitchen knife and slowly walked towards her son. Then she squatted down and looked at her son. She reached out and grabbed his arms by her. Perhaps the emotion is out of control, and the two hands holding his son's arm are using a bit of strength.

"Don’t say anything like this. Also, you have to call his father, you can’t call him by that person, you know? You say that, he will be unhappy."

The little boy wanted to say something, but Song Tongyu stopped him from continuing to say: "Okay, okay, you are still a child. This kind of thing should be handled by an adult. What do the children know? Do you do your homework obediently? Mom will make you the sweet and sour meatballs you like. If you don't do your homework obediently, then mom won't make you sweet and sour meatballs. ."

At this time, the expression on the woman’s face looked a little strange, the little boy wanted to say something, but in the end he was defeated by the woman’s strange gaze, his head hung down, obediently Hmm.

Song Tongyu saw this, touched his hair, and then sent him back to the room.

"Okay, okay, mom promises that when you finish your homework, mom will put the warm food on the table."

After saying this, Song Tongyu smiled and closed the door, but after the door was closed, the smile on her face could no longer be maintained and disappeared instantly.

She returned to the kitchen in a daze, but when she picked up the kitchen knife to cut vegetables, she almost cut her finger. The muscles are completely beyond her control.

The sky outside was completely dark, the glass window in the kitchen turned into a mirror, and she saw the strange woman in the mirror.

The strange woman was full of panic on her face, as if she was afraid of something, the strange woman was so strange, yet so familiar, so familiar to Song Tongyu. I didn't dare to look at each other.

"It’s okay, don’t panic, don’t be afraid, it’s okay, it’s okay..."

Song Tongyu repeatedly chanted these words nervously, the original ordinary words seemed to have magical powers, which made her calm down slowly, on her pale cheeks. Also a little more bloody.

There is nothing to be afraid of. That person is her son's father. Even for her own son, she has to get used to getting along with him.

Son needs a dad. No one knows better than Song Tongyu. It doesn’t matter what kind of bullying a child without a dad suffers, and what kind of grievance she suffers. As long as the son can have a dad, as long as the family It’s normal and complete...

The soundproofing effect of the door of the small house is not good, and the messy chopped vegetables outside has become full of rhythm again, and the woman’s singing rang again, just compared with the previous one. There was a little trembling in the singing, as if a singer who didn't want to sing was forced to sing on stage. She was full of unwillingness, but she had to sing on the stage.

The little boy was holding a pen in his hand, but there was no way to write a completed sentence in the notebook. He bit his finger nervously, and the light in his eyes began to collapse...

When Qi Wang regained consciousness, he found that he was sitting at a desk with the books in front of him spread out, but the original owner sprinkled the draft paper on the side and was messyly filled with' The word divorce.

Qi Meng frowned and glanced at his much shrunken hands. It seems that this time he has become a child again.

Qi Wang is already familiar with playing as a child. He confirmed that there is no danger in the surrounding environment, so he closed his eyes and began to receive the memory that belonged to the original owner.

The original owner died at the age of sixteen, just the first year of high school. He took a machete and killed several classmates who had been bullying him. After killing them, he did not hesitate to wipe it with a machete. Up the neck.

Before the age of eight, the original owner's life has always been very happy. He has a mother who loves him, and a father who is very busy and often goes out on business, but will take him to play when he comes back. Like every ordinary child in the world, living a happy life.

But I don’t know when it started, and the happy life is gone forever.

The frequency of my father’s business trips is getting higher and higher. He often spends more than half of a month away from home. There are only two people living in the house, the original owner and his mother.

In the beginning, my dad just often didn't go home. After he got home, he quarreled with his mother and became perfunctory and impatient with his attitude. The original owner didn’t know what happened, so he did his best Be a good child who is obedient and sensible, with a perfect score in the exam, just want his father to praise him and love him as much as before.

But Dad's attitude towards him is still getting worse, and he often looks at him with a look of disgusting things.

The original owner slowly recognized one thing. His father no longer treated him as he did before. The father who once loved him and liked him has disappeared.

If this is the case, then everything is fine, but I don’t know when the original owner’s father has a bad problem. He will beat his mother and use whatever he catches. Beat, often beat Song Tongyu to his head.

At the beginning, he would avoid the original owner, and did not let the original owner see him beating Song Tongyu. At that time, the original owner was still wondering why every time his father came back, his mother would get hurt, and his father was not there. At the time, my mother has been fine and nothing. When my father comes back, my mother will become careless and keep hurting herself.

Until that day, he saw his crazy father beating his mother violently, Song Tongyu was beaten to the ground, and kept kowtow at his father begging for mercy, but he did not show any mercy and grabbed Song Tongyu. He banged his head hard against the wall.

It wasn't until that time that he understood why his mother would be hurt as soon as his father came back. It was never the mother's carelessness, but the father's hand to her, and the mother's injuries were all It's all caused by my father.

The original owner who witnessed all this rushed forward to protect Song Tongyu, but how could he be an adult male opponent when he was young? His father, the demon-like man threw him back into the room, then locked his door behind him, and then continued to beat Song Tongyu in the bedroom separated by a wall.

The banging sound was when he was holding Song Tongyu’s head against the wall, and the banging sound was that he was violently beating Song Tongyu with a mop and stick. When every sound rang, the original owner could Imagining what kind of crit his mother was hitting, he yelled desperately, crying and begging for his father to let him let his mother go, but no matter how loudly he cried, there was no such devilish man. stop.

He will come back once a month, and every time he comes back, he will do nothing but catch Song Tongyu for a violent beating. When he finds that Song Tongyu was beaten by the original owner, it will become more painful. The man tied the original owner to the bench and let him see with his own eyes how Song Tongyu was violently beaten by the man...

For the past three years, the man has been violent to Song Tongyu again. Song Tongyu’s injuries often get better or worse, but she keeps gritting her teeth and does not let go of agreeing to divorce the man.

Song Tongyu often said to the original owner: "You must have a father. A family without a father is incomplete."

"I know too well how difficult life is without a dad. You must have a dad."

Let him have a father and a complete family seems to have become Song Tongyu’s obsession, so no matter how that man beats her or abuses her, she refuses to divorce that man.

The original owner has said many times that he does not need a dad. The man only comes back once a month, and every time he hits her, he has never done a dad. Responsibility, he doesn't need such a father.

"Mom, is there any difference between that man and no? No, his existence has no effect on our lives. Why do you refuse to divorce?"

The original owner said many, many times that he prayed to Song Tongyu to get her divorced, and even went to the Women’s Federation to ask them to persuade Song Tongyu to get a divorce. He even went to the police and wanted the police. He helped Song Tongyu to get a forced divorce.

That man is a complete demon, why must there be such a man as his father?

The original owner does not need the so-called complete family, nor does he need this demon-like father. He only hopes that Song Tongyu can get divorced and they can live their lives.

But no matter what the original owner does, Song Tongyu is still reluctant to let go of the divorce. The Women’s Federation came, she kept silent, and the police came to arrest the man. She even interceded for the man, saying that everything was Housework, don’t let the police take that man...

"Awang, I am all for you. You have to understand my painstaking efforts. Life without a father is too hard. If you don’t understand, you will be looked down upon. Without a father, the whole society will Won't give you a way to survive, you need a dad..."

Song Tongyu tells the original owner to stop doing those useless work, no matter what, she will not divorce, because the original owner needs a father and a complete family, so she must keep this paragraph that is dead in name Marriage, even if the man had only one symbol left, she would not let go.

In the end, the original owner was desperate. He did not try to persuade Song Tongyu because he knew that no matter what he said, ‘for him to have a father’, Song Tongyu would not divorce.

Because of him, Song Tongyu endured the beating of that man.

Because of him, Song Tongyu worked hard to make money, just to better nurture him.

Song Tongyu lives for him, for him, be beaten, humiliated, it doesn't matter what she is, as long as it is for him, she is willing to do anything.

However, the man would not be softened by Song Tongyu's resignation. Instead, he became more and more intensified. Especially when he discovered that Song Tongyu refused to divorce, it was all because he wanted to give the original owner a'normal family'. Because of this, he began to hit the original owner with his idea.

Aren't you unwilling to divorce?

Aren't you doing everything for your children?

In this case, I will take the child you care about most.

Many times in the past, it was a man who **** the original owner and asked him to watch his mother be beaten by his father, but this time, the man changed his mind and he tied Song Tongyu up, and then The original owner was beaten violently in front of her.

At that time, the original owner was just an eleven-year-old child. He was so young, and how could he be the opponent of an adult man. In front of Song Tongyu, he was beaten to death by his father, almost No breath.

The original owner is Song Tongyu's lifeblood. Seeing that man beat his son violently, Song Tongyu broke the rope madly, and then killed the man who beat the original owner with a kitchen knife.

Song Tongyu hugged the dying original owner and said that she apologized, said she was covered with lard, said she should not expect anything from that man, and said that she caused the original owner to become like this.

"Sorry, my mother was wrong. It turns out that sometimes it is better to have a father than to not have this father."

At this moment, she finally recognized that she was wrong in the past, but now she has no chance to repent.

Song Tongyu killed her husband, but she couldn't face the fact that she caused the child to become the same as she is now. She could not accept that it was all because of her, and finally chose to commit suicide.

The original owner lost his parents on the same day and became an orphan.

The original owner's mother has long since lost her relatives. When she was young, she had no father, and when she became an adult, she did not have a mother. The original owner's father still has parents and siblings.

The original owner was taken to his grandparents’ house, but the old couple didn’t have any affection for the child who had their son’s bloodline. Instead, his mother killed his father. He hit or scolded.

They hated Song Tongyu, who killed his son, and hated the child with half of Song Tongyu’s blood on him. They not only abused the original owner, they even went to the original owner’s school to make his mother. The matter came out.

They said that the original owner's mother was so sloppy and that she hooked up with men everywhere, and that the original owner was the wild species she was carrying.

They said that the original owner's mother was discovered by the original owner's father when she was having an affair. The original owner's mother and her lover killed her husband together.

The dead can’t speak for themselves, and the original owner and his mother have never lived here. Everyone around believes the original owner’s grandparents’ words. No one has killed the original owner. The murderer’s children had good intentions, and they pointed to him behind their backs, and the children of those people continued to bully the original owner at school.

School bullying has been going on for many years. He has been in the same school with those who bullied him, so he has never escaped their clutches.

until he was sixteen this year, until they bullied him as usual, and this time, they even insulted his mother who died early with all kinds of unbearable words.

The original owner could no longer bear it, and finally broke out completely.

The author has something to say: First, thank you for voting for me or irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-11-0823:57:28~2021-11-0923:03:41 Little angel~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Angel, don’t pull 10 bottles; 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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