Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1102: Horse joint venture

When Qin Lang rushed into the temporary nest of the Emperor and the Shadow Force with a group of killers, he actually encountered six gates obstructing. It was not the six-door man, but the action team of the six doors in Pingchuan. The team leader Cao Ming is here, and he is the guest of the dinner this evening. Because the sect is raising the second devastating action against the poison, they also contacted six doors, hoping that the six doors can join. Come in "host justice."

In the smog, the ghosts, and the murder of the sword, the people of the sects have always been good at it.

For the six doors, Qin Lang always has a respectful attitude, because according to Qin Lang’s understanding, the organization of the six doors is also necessary, because the order of the rivers and lakes really needs to be maintained, and the excessive behavior of some rivers and lakes is indeed needed. Restricted, otherwise ordinary people are likely to encounter violent fists from people in the rivers and lakes.

The team leader of the previous six doors in Pingchuan was Fang Baiqiu, which is the teacher of Qinlang. At this point, Qinlang’s relationship with the six doors was relatively harmonious, but after Fang Baiqiu left, this Cao Ming After succeeding her position, there was no connection between Qin Lang and the six doors.

Now Cao Ming appears here, and it is clearly for the shadow troops and the sects, which makes Qin Lang students very unhappy, but Qin Lang is not eager to shoot, he still intends to give this Cao Ming a choice.

Cao Minggang took over as the leader of the six-door Pingchuan Provincial Action Team. Well, in fact, the six doors are not called six doors, but the "six innings". The name is also advancing with the times, but the function is not much. Change, but the function has been somewhat reduced, because today's state institutions are much more than the previous court institutions, and the functions of the six doors have been reduced.

However, as the leader of the action team of the six doors in Pingchuan, according to Cao Ming’s understanding, he is the imperial minister of six doors in Pingchuan Province. Everything on the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province should be under his control, but unfortunately After Cao Ming took office, no matter whether it was Wolongtang, Qingcheng, Emei, etc., no one would call him. It seems that he did not regard his "adult" as one thing at all, which made Cao Ming feel dissatisfied. The most dissatisfied place of Cao Ming is that after his investigation, he learned that the rivers and lakes in Pingchuan Province are basically controlled by a boy named Qin Lang, the largest gang organization in Pingchuan Province. Under the control of the kid.

Cao Ming feels that his position has been threatened, so he thinks it is necessary to beat and beat some people, so that people in Pingchuan Province know who is the real boss, who is the real "speaker", at this time, The people of Shuzong and Guojia found Cao Ming and hoped that Cao Ming would cooperate with them to attack Qin Lang. This is the middle of Cao Ming’s heart, so the two sides hit it off.

At this time, in the face of Qin Lang and others coming to the night attack, Cao Ming put on the majesty of the imperial minister, and yelled at Qin Lang and others: "Who are you, I am the leader of the action group of six doors in Pingchuan, monitoring everything in Hirakawa. Jianghu,."

"Cao Ming, you can go, there is nothing wrong with you here." Qin Lang, who turned into a "bug demon", interrupted Cao Ming's words unceremoniously, but on the face of the six doors, Qin Lang did not want to clean up Cao. Ming, even if there is something wrong with it.

"Stop, how can I be scared by the people of the six gates of my church? I warn you, if you dare to come, it is against our six doors, and the consequences are very serious." Cao Ming continued to move out of the names of the six doors to scare Qin Lang and others.

"Take him away." Qin Lang did not have any interest in Cao Ming's lips. He directly threw out Cao Ming. Cao Ming was only the cultivation of Wu Xuanzhen, and he was in front of Qin Lang. Without the opportunity to resist, it was thrown out a dozen feet away and landed outside the training base.

After throwing away Cao Ming, Qin Lang issued an order to completely obliterate.

The tiger does not show up, others think you are a sick cat.

During this time, Qin Lang refused to do so, just to wait for the opportunity. On the one hand, he needed to consolidate his front, such as the Qingcheng faction and the Tantric, in order to avoid the fire in the backyard and the enemy in the back; on the other hand, he needed to collect the enemy. The information and materials, to figure out the other's plan, now the time is ripe, Qin Lang does not want to wait for a moment, just want to kill these jump clowns directly, let Guo people know who is the site.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

In an instant, the sound of the Tangmen hidden weapon sounded through the night sky. On this cold night, the blood spewing out of the air became cold in an instant.

This time killing, Tangmen killer is the main force, even Tang Shengyin has personally shot, it can be said that Tangmen is the elite to move, not to mention the ten temples of Luomen and Qinlang's poison slaves, to clean up the shadow troops and the sects of this Helping people is just like a wind and cloud.

As for Qin Lang himself, after being transformed into a "bug demon", it is simply an incarnation of the demon. The soldiers of the shadow army have weapons in their hands that can harm the martial artists and destroy the infuriating and defensive body, but in the dark they not only have to In the midnight, Qin Lang’s worms are the most horrible weapon, as Tang San said, “the secret weapon master pursues life. The realm is to use the hidden weapon to make the hidden weapon become alive, and the Qinlang guy uses the living thing as the hidden weapon, which is already the first opportunity. Therefore, Qin Lang’s insect hidden weapon is even more embarrassing and more terrifying.

The scarred beetle is invincible. Whether it is a bullet-proof vest or a steel helmet, this thing can be drilled in, but it is a matter of time, and once it is drilled into the body, it will definitely make people feel uncomfortable.

Bloody, like a cold-blooded killer, a ghost, two feet are like sharp weapons, and is a weapon of quenching, always find the flaws of the target, and then come to a deadly sneak attack.

In the desert, killing people, this thing is like a blood-sucking machine at the same time. Once they are smelled bloody, they will become crazy, and they can turn a living person into a pile of white bones in an instant, if not the people of Qinlang For the insect-avoiding pills, Qin Lang almost did not dare to use this horrible aphid.

In addition to these insects, there are other poisonous insects, which are under the command of the fat tiger, but they are all poisonous snakes, scorpions, and scorpions, but these poisonous insects have sucked the blood of the wild animals, and After the fat tiger's careful **, the Jedi is not a poisonous insect of the general rabble, but a group of poisonous insects that are deceitful, vicious, and sinister.

It can be said that the two sides have just played against each other, and the Qinlang side has already occupied an absolute advantage until the people of the sect are forced to use their "secret weapons."


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