Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1117: Decaying empire

The Qing Empire was a decadent, fallen, sinful, dark... Dynasty.

The ruler of this dynasty was probably the most despicable, vicious, selfish group in the history of China, but this group of people carried forward the feudal and slave thoughts to the extreme, completely turning the majority of the Chinese nation and the descendants of the dragon into a group. The slaves, a group of addicts, and the descendants of the Tangtang dragons all lived as "slaves", and finally let the dignity of the Chinese nation be completely trampled by the West.

Before the Qing Empire, the economy, military and culture of the Chinese nation have always stood tall in the world.

Of course, the Qing dynasty did not contribute. The biggest contribution they left was to carry forward the idea that "the foreigner is supreme and the fart is worthless", so that people in society now suffer.

Jiangshan is easy to get, the remaining poison is difficult to remove.

This is a lesson learned from the blood of the dynasties. When countless people are immersed in the vanity of the "Shengshi Taiping", "Superpower" and "Economic First", people like Yanjia and Wuminghou have begun to be alert. They got up because they clearly saw that some people are making waves.

The spring river plumbing duck prophet, the autumn wind did not move forward.

When everyone is drunk, there are always some people still awake, still looking at the land with a clear eye, silently clearing the pests of this land.

"The World Plan,."

After some deliberation, the old man finally locked the problem.

"The plan of the world." Qin Lang has heard the name more than once. After the mention of the old man, Qin Lang is almost certain that all the roots are on this "world plan."

"Xiao Qin, you have heard of this eternal plan." The old man looked at Qin Lang with amazement. "This is the information that my men have sacrificed their lives, how do you know."

"Occasionally I heard that it was mainly obtained from Guo Jia and Shu Zong." Qin Lang said, "But I only heard the name, but I don’t know what this grand plan is. Father, you should know a little. Let's go."

"Yes, I know some." The old man nodded and said, "According to the information currently available, the Wanshi plan is something that some of the elite families of the Imperial City have come up with. These people want to control the country for generations and become high above. 'Emperor' is simply a idiotic dream, but the information I have received is limited, and I don't know who is doing this."

"Guo Jia is definitely one of them." Qin Lang's tone is very positive. "The Guo family's people, when they were in the South China Sea, actually secretly dealt with the reserve members of the Dragon Snake Force, and almost let these people be wiped out by the whole army. In addition, the Guo family also used the shadow force to deal with me. If it weren't for me, I would have long since hanged."

This time, Qin Lang came to the Imperial City, which is to solve the shadow force. Now the grievances between Qin Lang and the shadow troops have become bigger and bigger. Qin Lang does not want this kind of grudge to spread between the shadow troops and the Dragon Snakes, so I hope to pass I would like to meet the shadow army's way to do this well. The reason why Qin Lang contacted Shao Shaoguo was that he hoped to pass the introduction of the family, but he did not expect to encounter the father.

"You said that Guo's people actually used the shadow troops." The old man couldn't help but frown. "They are doing this. They even use the shadow troops. The shadow troops are used to clean up the unstable factors that undermine the country's roots." ""

"Don't you know that the shadow army is easy to handle." Qin Lang directly explained the intention. "I know that the shadow troops are not under the control of the Guo family, so I would like to ask you to introduce them. Seeing each other, the statement is very powerful. I hope that they will not let the Guo family use the shadow troops. I don’t want the shadow troops to work with the Dragon Snakes. At that time, they lost their military power."

"Xiao Qin, your idea is good, but you still don't understand the pattern of the shadow troops."

The old man sighed a sigh. "The shadow troops are not the troops of a certain family or a family. They are the troops of the emperor's capital. The shadow troops are currently controlled by nine people. Every family controls. About one-ninth of the team, and have absolute control over this one-ninth, this is for the military power to be completely controlled by one person, after all, the strength of the shadow force is too strong, if someone is completely in control, the situation will be The possibility of getting out of control."

"You mean, other families, such as your old man, can't use Guo's shadow troops, as long as he uses the one-ninth of the military force under his control." Qin Lang feels quite a bit big, can't think of it. The composition of the shadow force turned out to be like this, so that Guo can basically do whatever he wants.

It seems that Qin Lang’s worries are seen. The old man continued: “The nine people who control the shadow forces are not absolute. For example, if I retreat from my current position, my family will not reach my position. Hand over the control of the shadow force, Xiao Qin, the original intention of the shadow force, not for our own private, but for the long-term stability of the country, I believe you also know that after China established the new China, there are countless domestic and foreign reaction Forces engage in the wind and rain, if there is no such thing as a shadow force, there are many things that are not well resolved."

"I certainly understand the truth, but now Guo is not doing the wind and rain, yes, you just said that if you retreat from your current position, you can't control the one-ninth of the shadow force. Then, if I didn't cure your illness today, what would happen?"

The last sentence of Qin Lang, but the poke of the pain of the old man, although the old man is a young man, but still has a strong revolutionary fighting spirit, so he will never tolerate someone to fight him from his current position, Yu Gong Privately, he absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen, but after Qin Lang reminded him, the old man suddenly realized that Qin Lang’s words were absolutely correct. Guo’s family had already started to do it, not only to make him sick, but also to take it down. He took control of the shadow forces and seized his position in the military.

Imagine that if Qin Lang failed to cure the illness of the old man, then the news spread, and the military squad of the church actually suffered from "missing madness", surely the first time would cause opposition from the military veterans and generals. Regardless of the prestige of the old man and the family, the military is absolutely not allowed to let an old man who is suffering from madness control the military. Absolutely not.

"Dad, I think Xiao Qin is right." Yu Jingyi, who was on the side, said calmly and surely.

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