Juvenile Medical God

: Beginning test in 1171

Qin Lang did not intend to find Luo Haichuan to help, but did not expect Luo Haichuan to take the initiative to find him.

This is because Lobin has inadvertently mentioned that Qinlang's Pharmaceutical Group is preparing to produce military drugs. Luo Haichuan has a strong interest in this news, so he would like to take a closer look at these drugs because Luo Haichuan He has a lot of confidence in Qin Lang. He believes that the military drugs developed by Qin Lang must be very good.

In particular, when Luo Haichuan knew that the medicines developed by Qin Lang were mainly aimed at the improvement of the physique and combat effectiveness of the soldiers, he showed great interest.

After Luo Haichuan was promoted to the commander of an army in the Anrong City Military Region, he was mainly dedicated to the construction of special forces. As the international situation became increasingly tense, the Chinese military also put forward higher requirements for the combat effectiveness of troops and soldiers, and required to create a real adaptation. The forces of modern warfare, however, the war has always been people-oriented. Improving the combat effectiveness of the troops is not only a simple upgrade of weapons, but also an improvement in the physical quality of the soldiers. Otherwise, the weapons will be stronger, and the soldiers’ physical strength and morale will be insufficient. The embarrassment of the enemy army.

There is also a key point. The drills and competitions between the military units are mainly the quality of individual soldiers and the combat cooperation. Because the weapons gap between the various units is not very large, and when the troops exercise, it is impossible to Fighting the ground.

Luo Bin did not tell his father about the recent situation of Qin Lang. He only said that she had not seen Qin Lang for a long time, but she euphemistically told her father that the medicine developed by Qin Lang was definitely extraordinary, and that Qin Lang’s medical practice Luo Haichuan was also seen, naturally Fully trustworthy.

With the relationship of Lobin, the two drugs that Qin Lang drummed out can only be tested first on the soldiers in Luohaichuan.

Ma Zhenyong is responsible for this matter. Now Ma Zhenyong has completely become the confidant of Luo Haichuan, but all the important things are handed over to Ma Zhenyong.

Ma Zhenyong naturally admits that he does not appear in Qinlang. He only knows from Luobinkou that this is the technical consultant of Hongbang Biotechnology Company. Then Ma Zhenyong took Luobin and Qinlang to the camp. Ma Zhenyong selected more than twenty elite special forces. Ready to receive a drug test.

"Change a batch." Qin Lang told Ma Zhenyong.

"These are all the soldiers I personally selected. They are all one-on-one." Ma Zhenyong said to Qin Lang.

"I mean, this group of people is already very strong. If you do a drug test, the effect may not be obvious. It is better to pick the worst group of people." Qin Lang put forward his own ideas.

"Go, follow what he said." Luo Bin nodded to Ma Zhenyong.

Ma Zhenyong had to disband these people, and then re-selected 20 "arms of oil", all of which were lazy and not very good, and belonged to such people who died.

For these people, Ma Zhenyong almost gave up on them. He knows that the idea is to mix time in the army and then find opportunities to change jobs. This kind of person, he also sees a lot in the army, wants to make these people become soldiers. Strong, that is almost a dream, but using these people to do experiments is also a waste.

"Marco, what do you want us to do, and be a white mouse." One of the soldiers even joked with Ma Zhenyong. "I said Marco, when the mouse is gone, I don't know if there is any additional subsidy."

"Seriously." Ma Zhenyong shouted, "I will give Laozi obedient, otherwise don't blame Laozi's fist."

In the army, sometimes the fist is the king, it is more useful than what is stipulated. Ma Zhenyong’s fist is still very powerful, so he still has some prestige in this army. He heard his screams, these people are finally quiet. It is.

"Start the injection." Qin Lang said to the military doctor who was preparing for the side.

The medics and nurses immediately began to take action and began to train these oils in a well-trained manner.


Ma Zhenyong shouted to the soldiers who had completed the injection. "All of them run for the old man."

According to Qin Lang, if you want these soldiers to absorb the medicinal properties, they must let them work hard to exercise the body. Only in this way can they fully absorb the strong medicinal properties of the two injections.

Although these soldiers were somewhat unhappy, but under the pressure of Ma Zhenyong's fists, these guys still ran away.

At the beginning, these oils were just coping, but after running around the runway for a few laps, they suddenly found that this run was a bit different than before: the previous run always felt tired, if you run a few laps, I feel more tired, so that every time I run down, I feel tired like a dead dog, but today it is different. These guys find that they seem to be more comfortable today, even if they are not supervised by officials, these individuals today The speed of running is also quite good.

Of course, if only speed is mentioned, these people will not feel that there are too many differences. What is more important is that this running seems to make people feel more and more relaxed, and the more they run, the more smooth they are, even more than occasionally. It’s still a good time to slip out and wash the sauna.

The pores of the whole body are transparent.

Energetic energy.

It doesn't work, because it feels like a motor that is running at high speed. It contains endless power. It doesn't feel uncomfortable at this time. It's like the arrow has to be sent in the string, and the root of the life falls on the sky. The teacher had to spray the same.


Run wildly.

"I am grass, old ghost, smoke on your head."

While running, a soldier said to a comrade in front of him, isn't it, this guy is constantly braving the heat on his head, it is the sweat that evaporates.

"The smoke is on the top of Laozi’s head. You are dripping down.” The other person said back, although this is a bit rough, but it is also true, because at this time everyone has run over the top of the head and smoked. The clothes all over the body were soaked with sweat.

The sweat not only steamed into "sweating smoke", but also with a smell of sour smell, it is like these guys did not take a bath for a year and a half, but these oils may not be very hygienic, but absolutely impossible If you don't take a bath for half a year, these odors are released from their pores. This is the body's impurities and toxins that quickly penetrate into the body.

To reinvent the bones, we must first eliminate the body's acquired impurities and precipitated toxins. There is a saying that "the discharge of toxins is easy." The body's toxins are not only deposited in the stomach, but also precipitated in the flesh and blood. These days after tomorrow Impurities and toxins make people's bodies gradually aging and sick, which seriously affects people's energy and physical strength. These two kinds of injections rectified by Qin Lang are the purest medicines for tempering the body, and there are some ways to improve the physical condition of these soldiers. Excellent result.

"My grass, I have run for twenty laps, breaking the record, I am better than Liu Xiang." A soldier cheered in the running.

"Silly. Forced! Liu Xiang is a hurdle sprint."

"Paralyzed, you are stupid. Forced, Liu Xiang has been blind, and a bar is no more, you have not seen it."


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