Juvenile Medical God

: 1190 cruel family

Qin Lang was looking for something for himself. He was prepared to kill Nagano, but now he has to protect the safety of the Nagano family.

There is so much impermanence in the world.

When the family entered the hotel, Qin Lang could only temporarily stay in the next room.

At dinner, Duan Changye invited his wife and daughter to invite Qin Lang to dinner. Duan Nagano and his wife respected Qin Lang for a glass of wine, and then smiled bitterly: "Mr. Yin, let you see a joke, it seems that even if there is no feng shui pulse Our class has not been saved, these people are jealous..."

Duan Nagano’s words are definitely sentimental. What happened in the Duanjia House today made Duan Nagano thoroughly understand the face of his family, and know that these people have completely lost their fighting spirit. This family is completely smashed. It’s too long to have a comfortable life, and it’s inevitable that it will decay, but these people will not only decay their bodies, but their bodies will also decay with their spirit and will.

Duan Changye did not want to care about the lives and deaths of these people, but he had to care about the health of his daughter, so he can only put his hopes on Qin Lang.

"Although today it has not been able to reverse the feng shui spirit of Duanjia's house, but because you have already dug up a Feng Shui Lingshi, the feng shui method of Duanjia has a flaw, they can't find anyone to repair this Feng Shui array, then Duan Jia’s feng shui array will be completely broken sooner or later.” Qin Lang said, “I don’t think it will take much time.”

When he said this, Qin Lang was playing a piece of Lingshi in his hands. This is the Feng Shui Lingshi excavated from Duanjia’s old house in the afternoon.

Although there are still a lot of Feng Shui Lingshi under the Duanjia House, but the formation method is not complete, and there are flaws, then it will give people the opportunity, Qin Lang believes that some people are willing to seize the opportunity.

"That... I don't know when Mr. Yin can treat Xue Ning." Now this is the only concern of Duan Nagano.

"Mr. Duan, I think you should now worry about the safety of your family." Qin Lang reminded Duan Changye, "If I didn't guess wrong, I am afraid your brothers will not let you go."

"What, I have left the Duanjia, they also got what they want, they will do something to me." Duan Changye does not seem to believe.

"You don't think they will pose a threat to them, but they don't think so. Since they believe that you are a threat, they will definitely eliminate your threat as soon as possible." Qin Lang smiled faintly. "If you don't believe it, I can let Look at the online platform of the China Killer Group, right, you should know this high platform."

Duan Changye nodded. "I know this is the biggest killer organization in China."

"It seems that Mr. Duan is also a character who keeps pace with the times." Qin Lang smiled and began to search for the latest tasks released by the killer platform.

Since Duan Changye knows the killer network platform, he is afraid that he is not very clean. He may have killed this person with this platform. On this point, Duan Changye did not evade it. He said to Qin Lang: "Mr. Yin should be a killer. In fact, the previous words are very good. Some people have rivers and lakes, and there are grievances in the rivers and lakes. However, there is a need to add another sentence: 'There is a grudge, you need a killer'. Our family has existed for hundreds of years, naturally it is somewhat grudged. So sometimes I will also visit the killer platform. If I spend some money, I can solve some people who are not happy, I think it is not bad."

"Mr. Duan is a straight person, look, this is the latest release."

Qin Lang handed his mobile phone to Duan Tianye. It clearly showed that someone had posted a killing mission to Nagano half an hour ago. The goal was to have a family of three Nagano, each worth 20 million.

Spend 60 million rewards to chase down the three people in Nagano. This is not the ordinary person's handwriting. Now the killer group is under the control of Qin Lang, so Qin Lang certainly knows who released the killer mission, although the employer's name should Confidentiality, but there is no such thing as confidentiality for Qin Lang.

The person who released this killer mission is Duan Changtian.

Duan Changye’s eyes were cracked and his fists were so loud that he couldn’t believe his brother would actually chase him. However, this is an indisputable fact.

"Reassure, these killers will not come to kill you." Qin Lang told Duan Tianye. "However, you need to disappear for a while, so that others think you are dead."

"Mr. Yin... Then how do you deal with the rest of the segment?" Duan Changye couldn't help but ask.

"I don't want to deal with the people in your section at all, but there are many people who want to deal with you, so I only need to send a message. Many people will come over this evening. The Duan is basically finished, Mr. Duan. What else do you want to tell me?" Qin Lang said in disapproval that for the rest of the Duan, Qin Lang had no good feelings and would not worry about their lives.

Now that Qin Lang has to deal with the Duanjia, it is only necessary to inform the Taoist and Qingcheng factions about the flaws in the Duanjia Fengshui Formation. It is not necessary for him to take the shots. The Duanjia people will almost be finished.

Many forces have been coveting the spirits of the section for a long time.

"Mr. Yin, I guess you are coming for the spiritual stone of our section."

"You guessed it wrong." Qin Lang interrupted the words of Nagano. "If it is for Lingshi, I will not waste so much with you. Your kungfu cultivation has entered the Wuxuan level, but it is based on the elixir. And the aura is forcibly upgraded, and it is too far away from me. I have many ways to know the information I want to know from your mouth."

"I am sorry, Mr. Yin, is the heart of my villain, but I know that you are not interested in money. I just want to use a piece of Lingshi as a reward and talk about my heart." When Duan Changye left the Duanjia House, he was from home. Take away such a Lingshi, because Duan Changye thinks this piece of Lingshi is different from other Lingshi.

As for the difference, Duan Nagano could not make it clear. Anyway, he has been a master for so many years. Duan Nagano has seen a lot of Lingshi, but only this piece of Lingshi makes him feel different.

The facts also prove that this piece of Lingshi is indeed different. Qin Lang also saw Lingshi before, and also used Lingshi, but his emphasis on Lingshi is far less than the spirit, because Qin Lang feels the effect of Ling Dan Lingshi is better, and for Qin Lang, it is easier for him to acquire the spirit, but this piece of Lingshi is indeed different. Qin Lang is very sensitive to the aura of heaven and earth, and he can clearly feel the essence of this stone. The aura, this is an aura of extreme repression, the feeling of Qin Lang is like a nuclear bomb that has not yet exploded, seemingly calm, once it erupts, it will release a huge power.

There is no doubt that this is indeed a very simple piece of stone.

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