Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1223: Use of venom

Moonlight is like water, and women are picturesque.

Caressing the beautiful back that is as smooth as a satin, Qin Lang’s heart will give birth to a kind of sin. The fire is indeed a sin. After all, Ren Mei is only a Loli girl, and Qin Lang has made such a beast to her. Things, some sinful feelings.

"Oh, it’s sin."

Qin Lang couldn't help but feel a sigh, but the hand of sin was reluctant to stop.

"Do you think that your beast is not as good as it is." Any beauty giggled. "But it doesn't matter. But I took the initiative to give you, so it doesn't matter. However, it seems that something is wrong today. How do I feel? You are all in the body, is it that you practiced the magic of the magic door, you did not say that you are worried about practicing yourself not a man or a woman."

In Ren Mei’s view, Qin Lang is indeed somewhat different from before. Today, she looks at Qin Lang and always feels a little instigated in her heart. She wants to have a good time with him. As a long-term practitioner of magical magic, this is not very good. Normal, people who practice enchantment can easily make others fascinated in color. yu, but she should always be awake at any time, otherwise how to make a supplement or double repair.

So today Qin Lang suddenly became like this. Any beauty would feel that Qin Lang might have cultivated the magical charm that made him feel shameless before.

"This is not a charm, it is poison, and the poison of meat. Yu."

Qin Lang was serious about Ren Meidao. "This is a poison from hell, so even you can't stand it. However, I am going to use the magic trick of your magic door to refine and enhance this kind of poison. Therefore, I need your double repair."

"Hey, I thought you wanted someone else. I just thought that I would practice it. Then I have no interest. If you want to practice, you have to practice it yourself." Any beautiful intentionally pouting dissatisfaction, even preparing to go from bed. Climb up and leave.

"I want to go now, it can be late, you have been poisoned." Qin Lang is beautiful.

"What poison is in the poison of the meat you are talking about. It seems that it is just like this." Any beautiful disdain, "It’s far worse than the magic of our magic door, hey, what's going on."

When she was beautiful, she felt that her body was obviously not right. Although her consciousness was still very clear, she obviously felt that her body had begun to indulge and fall, and there seemed to be a fire from her lower abdomen. Raised, then the will spread to her whole body, making her heart itch and uncomfortable, this fire swayed her heartstrings, but her body became more and more wet.

Ren Mei is not so uncomfortable, but her body seems to be completely degraded. It seems to have fallen into the color/yu hell, constantly sinking and sinking...

"You... you have to be jealous."

Ren Mei almost bite her lip and say this. Then she brutely pushed Qin Lang down. Since Qin Lang had poisoned her, she would squeeze Qin Lang and let him pay for it.

With any beautiful Mei Gong, she thought that this time she could completely conquer Qin Lang. Yes, she wanted Qin Lang to wait for a while to sing a song in the Conquest.

However, this time she was beautiful but failed to conquer Qin Lang. This is the first time she has failed to conquer Qin Lang in this "battlefield". Before she used to show her merits, Qin Lang could hardly lose her helmet for a long time. Although Qin Lang never admits to this point.

With the help of any beautiful Mei Gong, Qin Lang has completely mobilized the poison of meat. Yu, this room seems to have become a gorgeous bliss of hell, he and Ren Mei are fully engaged in it because he needs to meat.yu The poison is completely released, and then continuously purified to get the true marrow.

However, the movements of Qin Lang and Ren Mei are too great.

Although the soundproofing of the walls of the star hotel is very good, the movement of the two is too great.

At this time, in the next room, a bald is flying with two girls. Although the drug was taken in advance, it was still lacking in strength. Although he had enough money to play the girl every day, it was a pity that the body had already I couldn’t help myself, and I quickly took over the army. This made him feel that the money spent in the night was very worthless. It was really a long night, but he naturally couldn’t admit that he couldn’t do it, so he complained: “You two are really not good. Not at all professional, listening to people next door, people are still a person, the movement is bigger than the two of you."

The two girls thought: "There is not a whole person who is out of the situation. You can make a big move with this bald head."

However, considering the money, these two girls can only be consistent with each other and said: "Oh, you should not be unhappy when you lead, they are all rookies, and it will take up to two or three minutes to finish, which is like leading you. Experienced, both hands can catch..."

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

thirty minutes.


"It’s so awkward. Is this guy a sinister scorpion? Did he treat the hotel as his own home? There is no public morality..." The bald head has just sneaked into the bathroom and ate another medicine, which is still useless. So the sound next door makes him feel more angry.

"No, I have to call the security guard." Bald himself was upset, and he decided to make others unhappy, so he planned to pick up the phone and call the security guard.

I know, at this time, there was a big cat outside the phone, and this big cat put a paw on the phone tube, threatening the bald head: "Ugly head, if you dare to disturb my master's good deeds I will let you not die."

"Cat... The cat actually talks." The bald man said sullenly, then turned his eyes to the two girls. "Really it is... talking?"

The two girls also frightened their courage and nodded again and again, one of them boldly said to the cat: "Cat... Cat uncle, can you really talk?"

"Your cat grandfather will not only talk, but also like to watch the woman's bare **** dance, you two, give me a dance, hurry." The fat tiger yelled at the two girls.

The reason why it appears here is because Qin Lang knows what happened in the next room, and does not want this bald to break his good things, so let the fat tigers clean up.

The two girls are still seeing the "cat demon" for the first time. They are superstitious in their hearts without culture. So when they see the cats talking, they definitely think that this big cat is a cat demon, so think about it. If you live, you must listen to the cat's words, so the two girls really started to dance naked.

As for the bald head, the fat tiger also wants to tease him: "Bald, I think you got yang. You can't be curious, you don't have to be curious. I can see it at a glance. Since you run into Laozi today, it is a bit of a fate, cat. Grandpa tells you a secret recipe, and the custody can cure your yang."

"Please cat... Lord pointing." The bald head shamelessly began to flatter. Anyway, this is his specialty. His life has changed from a small state-owned employee to a boss.

The fat tiger took two steps, pulled some **** in the coffee cup, and then said: "The grandfather personally gave you the ‘cat 屎 coffee’ and drank the cure.”


Ps: Once a year, Xiaomi’s birthday is coming soon. The main station is holding a [covering a birthday cake outbreak] activity. I hope that the brothers and sisters will support it, and add one layer and two more.

In addition, I have two birthday wishes, because last year’s birthday wish has not been realized, so I will change one this year. This year’s birthday wish is to hope that more readers can read Xiaomi’s genuine, because hundreds of thousands of collections and hundreds of millions of clicks The number of genuine readers coming is too small, and it is very pitiful.

I think, if my readers are all looking at genuine, maybe I will not be reprimanded by the boss for stealing code words from work; I will not feel tired when I am late at night; I will not be scared by high prices, I can give my wife A better living environment; most importantly, if my readers support genuine reading, then Xiaomi will no longer be despised by being a web writer, -

Xiaomi respects and wishes all readers happiness and happiness.

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