Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1320: High selling

"You really want to sell the dragon turtle... No, is it for me?"

Li Laotou was so happy that he got up from the ground and danced like a child. This old man Li seems to be not making a fake, but it is indeed a childlike attempt.

In Qin Lang’s view, this old man can have the current cultivation as a realm. There is a reason for this. A practitioner can keep a childlike heart in countless years of practice and countless killings. It must have found his own. Road and road.

"Give it to you." Qin Lang sent the dragon turtle to the face of Li Laotou, and even canceled the spiritual brand of the dragon turtle.

Since it is a play, of course, it is to be a full set. The dragon turtle is given to Li Laotou. Qin Lang is very disappointing. Even almost all of it is going to cry. In fact, there are hundreds of poison bags in Qin Lang. Head dragon turtle.

Li Laotou smiled and collected the dragon turtle, and then said to Qin Lang: "Little brother, you are the most generous person I have met! Right, what are your requirements, even though the opening is all."

"I want to know the things in the realm of cultivation." Qin Lang said, "You are so high in your realm, you must have been to the real world?"

"Is the real world? Are you interested in this place?" Li Lao madman seems to disagree with the realm of cultivation. "I have not been to the realm of cultivation, I am from the realm of cultivation. There is really nothing to say about this place in the realm of truth. In fact, I don’t mean anything. But since you want to know the things in the realm of comprehension, I will still tell you - what do you want to know?"

"First of all, I want to know how to enter the realm of comprehension." Qin Lang asked.

"You still don't know what kind of place in the comprehension world, you want to go in?" Li said, "Are you crazy than my old man?"

"No matter where the realm is, I must go in." Qin Lang said, "Predecessors only need to tell me how to get in."

"It is actually easier to enter the realm of comprehension. There are actually a lot of space nodes between the world and the realm of comprehension. As long as it is repaired, it can sense the existence of this node and naturally enter the realm of comprehension. However, I have to remind you that the kid is easy to go into the real world, but it is not easy to come out."

Li Laotou paused and took a sip of wine before saying, "The world's strength of the world is far less than that of the real world. So from this world into the realm of cultivation, it is from the low end to the high-end world, and it is in accordance with the laws of heaven and earth. On the contrary, if you want to come out of the comprehension world, hey, that’s not easy.”

"Predecessors, are you not a self-cultivator? You should know how to come out from the realm of cultivation. Besides, I also know that there are other comprehensions coming out of the realm."

"Of course I know how to come out. However, how many other self-cultivators do you say? What are they doing?" Li Laotou’s tone was a bit nervous.

"The number of people should not be much. The most powerful one I have ever seen should be Jin Dan." Qin Langdao.

"The Golden Dan period is repaired? It is not enough to fear." Li Laotou's tone instantly eased up. "In short, from the upper bound to the lower bound, from the real world of the real world, it is a price to pay. About the specific Things, I will tell you one by one."

Li Laotou informed Qin Lang of some things that went into the realm of cultivation. As a Yuan Ying period monk, this crazy old man obviously has a deep understanding of the realm of cultivation. Qin Lang met him, and it is indeed a general understanding of the realm of cultivation, which is of great use to Qin Lang.

After getting the information he wanted from Li Laotou, Qin Lang was ready to leave.

Although this old man is unfathomable, but this old man is crazy, it is an old madman. For such a person, Qin Lang can't dare to recruit and use it, because once he is not careful, his madness will be around. Everything is destroyed.

"You are leaving?" Li Laotou still has some reluctance. "You will not regret it? I just told you something useless. You gave me the dragon turtle with the dragon's blood?"

"These messages are either dispensable to you, but they are of great use to me." Qin Lang said, "So the predecessors, this time the transaction between us is absolutely fair. Since it is a fair transaction, you also Don't worry about it."

"How interesting is that... Little brother, this time I really took advantage of you - no, you are such a good boy, I must be friends with you. No, I want to be a brother with you!" Pulling Qin Lang is going to worship his brother with him.

“Predecessors, we have too many differences in age and realm, how can I qualify as your brother?”

"You don't be a brother with me, then you just look down on me!" Li's little boy's temper was committed again, and he had to pull Qin Lang to worship his brother.

For this crazy old man, Qin Lang is helpless, so he can only worship with him.

"Well, before... Li Big Brother, since we have already become a brother, I will say something if I have some words. I will give you this dragon turtle, although it is very expensive for your brother, but for me, It’s nothing, I actually have a lot."

"A lot of dragon turtles? How is it possible? Did you find an ancient dragon cave? It is impossible, but here is the bottom of the world, even if it is the fine world in the real world, there is no dragon."

"This is the case, I picked up a nest of dragon eggs, and then hatched a batch." Qin Lang found that sometimes Li Yuanyin's old man is a rib, it is not easy to explain to him, but sometimes the old man looks very shrewd.

"Brother, you can actually pick up a bunch of dragon eggs, that is also your creation. However, my brother has such a dragon turtle, I will pay for it well, I believe it will give me a fight." Tao, "Brother, what do you shake under the sea?"

"I am trying to practice." Qin Lang also told Li Yuanyin about the seal of hell. It is not because the two formed a brother to fully trust each other, but because Qin Lang's intuition can feel that this old man is indeed the heart of the red heart, after worshipping into a brother, this old man really is when he is a brother. In the case of reciprocating, Qin Lang naturally cannot deceive others.

"Hell seal?" Li old man can not help but be a little surprised, "What is this?"

"Don't you know the old brother?" Qin Lang is also surprised. It is reasonable to say that Li Yuanyin is a master of Yuan Ying, and he came out from the realm of comprehension. It should be more knowledgeable, how can he not see the seal of hell?

"In the realm of comprehension, there is absolutely no such thing." Li Laotou indulged for a moment, then kneeled on the ground and began to scratch his head. After a while, he said, "In the realm of comprehension, there is a rumor that there is a land, but there is really no I heard what **** seals. In my opinion, this **** seal should be the entrance to another world. The world we are in is the lowermost world. Although the world is not suitable for practice, the world is weak, but this The place is also very weird."

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