Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1351: I have a seal

In short, that is, "Shun me is Chang, and I will die." Qin Lang has not yet mixed a title, but there is a danger of being sealed. However, this seal is not aimed at Qin Lang's body, but against his spirit. Once the spirit is sealed, he naturally loses his true freedom of life.

Or for other warriors, it is a very beautiful thing to be able to become the prisoner of the ancestors. Because it is a high-level circle of Tantrics, it can even be said that it is one person below 10,000 people and has "prison." "This title, that is quite a cow. Forced. However, Qin Lang is the kind of person who "is not a chicken head is not a cow". This prisoner of protection is just a temporary identity of Qin Lang. He did not think that this title is more beautiful than the position of his own poisonous lord.

However, this time he was counted as a person by the Tantrics. Although this is not necessarily the meaning of the Tufan Master, there is no doubt that the development of the matter has deviated from the content negotiated by Qin Lang and Tufan.

Now, Jeb Living Buddha has already torn his face and used force to let Qin Lang surrender to him. Otherwise, Qin Lang will be embarrassed. The strength of Jeb Living Buddha can not be doubted, but it is not an easy task for anyone to suppress Qin Lang through spiritual power, even if it is the patriarch of the Tantric.

"Psychic barrier! Spiritual torrent!"

Qin Lang first built a spiritual barrier to consolidate his spiritual world, and then formed a spiritual torrent around his body, allowing countless mental forces to work around his body. This is the spiritual power he mobilized throughout the Holy Mountain and Temple of Heaven.

Spiritual torrents, this is only after Qin Lang entered the holy mountain. This sacred mountain has the spiritual imprint left by countless sorghum abilities. These powerful spiritual imprints and beliefs are condensed on a holy mountain, and can form a huge A spiritual torrent can suppress foreign enemies. Of course, this spiritual torrent can also be used, especially before Qinlang has "communicated" with these spiritual torrents to know how to maximize their use.

The spiritual torrent is the sea of ​​rivers and rivers. It brings together many spiritual powers like trickles, and finally forms an unbreakable torrent. When Qin Lang displayed this spiritual torrent, everyone could feel that his momentum was rising sharply, releasing a powerful tyrannical pressure, and there was a feeling that he wanted to compare with the heavens.

Qin Lang’s spiritual strength climbed, but Jeb’s Living Buddha was as if he had no feeling. The skull cap in his hand was slowly falling, but his body spurred a more powerful spiritual pressure and used his mental strength to Qin Lang: "It's useless, you will accept it. Here is the holy mountain of Tantric. Although you are a genius, you can use the power of this holy mountain to improve your strength in a short time, but don't forget, Here I am the day! I am the orthodox master here, whether it is the power of the holy mountain or the holy temple, it must be used for me! Wanfa is like, dominate the law!"

The spiritual torrent around Qin Lang's body was deprived, and no matter how Qin Lang motivated the idea of ​​a bright bodhisattva, he could not compete with the Jebel Living Buddha for the power of the spiritual seal of the Holy Mountain and the Holy Temple. Jeb Living Buddha is not bragging. No one can rob him of control over this sacred mountain and holy temple. If this sacred mountain and holy temple have been converted into instruments by believers and Tantric sorghum, then these two The user of the instrument can only be a person. This person is the patriarch of the Tantric Buddhism.

Jeb Living Buddha, known as the king of Wanfo, dominates Tantric Wanxi. He can not only use the spiritual imprint and spiritual power of this holy mountain and holy temple, but also the spiritual support of Tantric Wanzhai. If you come to Wanfa, you can use all kinds of mental power to use it for your own sake.

In contrast, Qin Lang’s spiritual pressure is gradually weakening, because the spiritual torrents around his body have been absorbed by the Jebel Living Buddha, so that Qin Lang had to mobilize the second spiritual world to compete with it, even The power of the Wuhun was inspired by Qin Lang.

However, the martial arts of Qin Lang did not show up, because the words of the martial arts appeared, it would be a complete face with Jeb Living Buddha. At this time, Qin Lang once again used his spiritual power to live with Jie Bu: "Jebu Living Buddha, just right, I have already learned your high-level cultivation. However, I am not going to be your servant, I believe that you can not suppress it. I, so now it’s good for everyone, how do you feel?”

"It's a joke! You are already at the end of the strong, can you not see it?" Jebhu Buddha snorted, "Become a servant of this sect, that is, you are a great creation, don't be contented! If you have to bear it, you must bear it." If you are recalcitrant, be careful that this piece of the face will not be left for you."

Qin Lang knows that there is no way to talk about it. This Jebu Living Buddha is too conceited. Of course, he also has the arrogance of his own money. As the patriarch of the Tantric Buddhism, here is the site of the Tantric Buddhism. The spiritual power of the Jebu Living Buddha is almost unrivaled because The holy mountain, the holy temple and all the Tantric monks here are his helpers, but Qin Lang is alone. What's more, the Jebhu Living Buddha's own cultivation is just a lot higher than Qin Lang, so this is simply an unequal competition.

It is no wonder that Jeb Living Buddha is so confident because he should have full confidence!

However, full confidence does not represent a full-fledged victory. Just like the ten old ghosts, they thought that they could calmly suppress Qinlang, but the result was that they were counter-repressed by Qin Lang. The monk and others were still injured.

"Open it! Hell Seal!"

Since this Jebel Living Buddha is so confident, then Qin Lang will let him see and see what he can't control even what he calls the "King of Wanfo"!

Jeb Living Buddha wants to seal the spiritual world of Qin Lang, but he did not expect that Qin Lang himself has a seal, and it is still a terrible **** seal.

Hey! ~

Above the top of Qin Lang’s head, a burst of crisp buzzing sounds, and then a mysterious bright seal appeared, but this seal is not a seal of China, but a seal of the West, because the mysterious pictures in the seal have Explain this.

Although it is not the seal of the East, the Tantrics, including the Jebel Living Buddha, found that this seal carries extremely powerful power and is extremely bright "positive energy". Of course, it can be speculated that the seal is bound to be inevitable. It is something extremely evil and dark.

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