Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1647: Outpost observatory

When I saw Qin Lang, Xie Luozhen felt a little embarrassed because she had not been able to make breakthrough progress in the study of Pisces and Jade. If it was in the past, Xie Luozhen could accept such research progress, but recently With the ups and downs, Xie Luozhen urgently hopes that his research team can bring substantial research results to the Dragon Snake Force.

"Dr. Xie, you don't mind, this thing doesn't know how many people have passed, but for decades, no one has ever studied the real results. You haven't studied it for a long time, and you can't decipher the principle. Normal." Qin Lang relieved Xie Luo.

"Mr. Qin, you don't have to comfort me. If you are a research team of another organization, you can't study the results. It's normal, but we are the research team of the Dragon Snake Force. We call it the genius research team of China. If we can't produce results, That is my responsibility." Xie Luo's expression is very serious, she seems unable to accept her failure.

Qin Lang can understand the thoughts of Xie Luozhen, because Qin Lang’s parents are also scientific researchers and real scientific researchers. These people often have a common problem, that is, they are eager to seek “cheng”, not eager to see achievements. It is to see the results, even if it is only a trivial result, because even a small result can show that the time and manpower are worthwhile, rather than completely squandered.

"Dr. Xie, my parents are also researchers, so I can understand your feelings. However, the secret of this pair of fish jade is definitely not solved in the short term, not to mention that your research is not completely progress, at least you have already I am sure that this Pisces is not a product of the undead world, isn't it?"

"Well, this Pisces jade is indeed not a product of the undead world. I can be sure of this, because the undead world has not produced a high degree of civilization, and this Pisces jade is a highly civilized product, and its style and totem above it. And impossible is the product of the undead world."

"So, according to your speculation, where can this East come from?"

"Pseudo? There is no argumented point of view, I will not easily come out to induce others." Xie Luozhen said very responsibly.

"Any scientific point of view, are not all boldly guessing, and then carefully verifying? I am also a descendant of the researchers, so you can safely talk to me about your guess." Qin Lang said half-jokingly.

Xie Luoyi hesitated a little, then said: "My speculation, this Pisces jade is not a product of the undead world, but it is not a product of the earth world, it should come from another world, another civilization! Of course, this is It’s just speculation."

"I know this is speculation, but I think your guess may be closer to the truth." Qin Lang said, "This thing has been circulating on the earth for decades. I don't know how many people have studied it, but they have not been able to see it. The secret, so you think it comes from a foreign civilization, this is actually very normal. In addition, the alien civilization that can reach the earth, its civilization is highly natural, not what we can imagine. Then, according to your guess, you also associate What is it?"

"This Pisces jade is supposed to be the instrument used by its creators to observe the world of the undead. However, I don't understand why the creatures who created this thing came to Earth to observe the world of the undead, why they did not observe in their own world - —"

"I can tell you why, because the space barrier in the Earth World is the weakest! Well, this can be explained clearly. The race that created this Pisces, they regard the Earth as an observation station, and then observe the movement of the undead world through Pisces. ""

“Space barrier?” Xie Luozhen is obviously very interested in this term.

"The space barrier, according to my understanding, is a barrier between the world and another world. I think there are countless worlds in the universe, or there may be parallel universes, and between each world, It is isolated by space barriers. To reach another world from one world, it is necessary to break the space barrier, but the space barrier is difficult to break and requires a lot of energy..."

Qin Lang told Xie Luozhen about his understanding of the space barrier, and then said, "This is of course my guess, but it seems that my guesses are not unreasonable. Then, Dr. Xie, you will talk about it, This seemingly simple Pisces jade, how does it work, the purpose we know so far is that it can copy a mirrored item."

"This Pisces jade, according to speculation, should actually be a four-dimensional mirroring system, through which the creatures of the undead world can be cloned into a mirrored creature, and then allowed to be studied and utilized by the observers, so that these observers can understand the characteristics of the undead creatures. "Xie Luo said, "If this is the case, then the science of creating this instrument is too horrible!"

It is definitely an amazing ethnic civilization to be able to drum out this kind of thing. This is something that Qin Lang can be sure, because it looks simple, but the function is more advanced than any cloned instrument in the world, even It can be regarded as a super fast 4D printer, and it can directly "print" creatures from different worlds.

If such a civilization is encountered, the technological civilization of the earth's world will be vulnerable in front of it. If there are more similar instruments, it may be possible to spy on some of the civilization's claws. It is a pity that the Dragon Snakes are only getting such a pair of fish, and they can't get more information through this thing.

At this time, the alarm of the research building suddenly rang.

"Xie Director! That pair of fish jade has a problem!"

A scientific researchman ran over quickly and reported to Xie Luojun that there was a problem with the Pisces. The so-called problem is that the Pisces jade illuminates, and the mysterious electronic signal is released, and the signal is continuously strengthened.

Xie Luoyi refused to discuss with Qin Lang, and rushed to sit in the town. Although Qin Lang did not know what happened, he hurriedly followed the past.

Pisces jade is indeed a problem, although it is installed in a thick explosion-proof glass, isolated from the outside world, but at the moment it actually emits green light without a word, flashing, Qin Lang can see The patterns on this jade are suddenly lit up. These mysterious patterns were previously regarded as a rune by Qin Lang, but at the moment when it shines, when Qin Lang’s full attention is placed on it. At that time, Qin Lang felt that the light above these patterns was not flashing, but "flowing", which is like the feeling of current flowing on the circuit board.

"It's incredible!"

Qin Lang sighed with a sigh, and then put his mental power on this pair of fish jade. Through the spiritual power, Qin Lang sensed that the light of this fish Yupe follows a strange rule, and when it flows, its power It is constantly being enhanced because it constantly extracts special forces from the air.

"The power of this pair of fish jade is constantly increasing!"

Qin Lang reminded Xie Luo that Road, although Xie Luozhen wondered why Qin Lang would know, but immediately thought that Qin Lang was a powerful practitioner, perhaps he was more sensitive to energy than other people. Xero's people immediately conducted an energy test, and the result was that the energy of this thing was constantly increasing, and the speed of the increase was quite scary.

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