Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1670: Xiao A three big ideas

The head of Moshaman really wants to deal with Qin Lang. He wants to deal with Qin Lang. It is not a personal grievance, but because Qin Lang controls the "key" that leads to the outside world. As the high-level of Brahman, the head of Moshaman and others are actually The true controllers of this country, of course, they know about the South China Sea and Lop Nur.

"Mr. Qin, if your body comes here, maybe I am not easy to leave you, but you are too arrogant, only a Yang Ling, then you will not want to leave. However, you do not have to worry too much. As long as you can meet our requirements, your Yang Ling can naturally leave safely." Head Moshaman smiled.

"The reason why I only came to a Yang Ling, it is only because one of my Yang Ling is enough to clean you up!" Qin Lang sneered, the black Yang Ling suddenly launched an attack on the head Moshaman.

Qin Lang flashed, and in front of the head of Moshaman, his fist hit the other side's head.

"It’s just a sun spirit!" The head of Moshaman was also a sneer, and he tried his best. He thought that Qin Lang was just a Yang Ling without physical body. Although Yang Ling’s movement speed is faster, but as a spiritual body, its strength is weak. A lot. Therefore, Moshaman thought that he could calmly suppress the Yang Ling of Qin Lang and then force Qin Lang to make concessions. At that time, Qin Lang not only had to give up his disciples, but also to give up the right to enter the outside world.

However, the head of Moshaman has miscalculated the strength of Qin Lang, and it is still a big mistake!

Although Qin Lang’s physical state is only a sacred place, the realm of Moshaman has reached the realm above the sacred scene. However, in fact, Qin Lang has already formed a field, and even the spiritual field has been formed. In the above situation, Qin Lang has already reached it, and even more than the understanding of the field by Moshaman.

The key point is that Qin Lang’s spiritual strength is even more terrible, and his physical state is restricted. However, his spiritual realm is not restricted, and he has gained many benefits in the world of the undead and the world of hell. His mental strength has been strong. It’s not like it.

The head of Moshaman thought that Qin Lang’s Yang Ling was just a simple avatar. It was a big mistake. When Qin Lang’s fist hit, the head Moshaman realized his mistake, but everything was late. :

In the eyes of the head Mossman, Qin Lang’s fist seems to be plain, but when the fist is pressed, the head Moshaman finds that the fist suddenly becomes abnormally big, this punch It seems to be a huge black day, turning the sky into black. Everything in the world, together with the head of Moshaman itself, seems to be in the dark. The omnipresent darkness seems to devour everything, even the head of Moshaman. Raised a feeling of inability to resist.

"All the heavens! Go to the dark!"

After the formation of the dark spiritual realm, Qin Lang’s Yang spirit has been thoroughly integrated with the darkness and formed a pure dark spiritual realm. However, Qin Lang’s moment of punching has completely involved the moral power of the head of Moshaman. In the dark spiritual realm, the head of Moshaman will give birth to a feeling of inability to resist.

A spiritual practitioner and a spiritual world in the fourth layer of Wusheng’s realm are not easy to shake. However, Qin Lang’s spiritual strength is too powerful, and he can refine the spiritual power of nothingness into the realm. A few are only the metamorphosis of Qin Lang.

In the spiritual world and the spiritual realm, there are two distinct existences, which are not at one level at all. Therefore, Qin Lang’s spiritual realm, together with the dark reincarnation ideas of the heavens, has suddenly suppressed the spiritual world of Moshaman. .

Although Moshaman was frightened by Qin Lang’s horror and spiritual strength, he still struggled to resist. Of course he knew how terrible it would be if he was swallowed up by Qin Lang’s spiritual field, so the spirit and physical strength of the head Moshaman. They are struggling to fight back and try to break the spiritual realm of Qin Lang.


The head of Mossman’s own Yang Ling also appeared. Although this is the spiritual world of the head of Moshaman, his Yang Ling can not find the feeling of a host, because Qin Lang’s spiritual realm seems to have completely mastered him. The spiritual world.

The spiritual world of a practitioner is originally an independent world, a spiritual fortress, and it is difficult for outsiders to invade their spiritual world. To invade the spiritual world of a practitioner is like siege, unless it is several times stronger than the other's spiritual strength, it is possible to easily break the spiritual world. Just because he understood this truth, the head Mosman believed that he could control and suppress the spirit of Qin Lang.

However, the head of Moshaman does not know that Qin Lang's Yang Ling is not only a Yang Ling is so simple, his Yang Ling also has an independent spiritual field - the dark areas of the sky!

The spiritual realm is one level higher than the spiritual world, so Qin Lang's spiritual realm can easily invade the spiritual world of Moshaman and suppress his spiritual world.

If the head of Moshaman has a partner to help him at this time, he may jointly resist the invasion of Qin Lang's spiritual field, but the head of Moshaman is too big. He did not call the same door to help, but he used his own. The field of strength is surrounded by the spirit of Qin Lang, ready to come to a smashing battle, forcing Qin Lang to yield, who knows that Qin Lang's Yang Ling will count, but use the spiritual field to invade the spiritual world of Moshaman.

The head of Moshaman’s yang spirit appeared to support his own spiritual world and prevent him from being swallowed up by Qin Lang’s spiritual field. However, under the pressure of Qin Lang’s spiritual field, the head of Moshaman felt his own spirit. Compared with the spirit of Qin Lang, it is simply a small witch.

In this spiritual field, Qin Lang’s Yang Ling has been like a huge ancient dark demon. The powerful spiritual pressure constantly impacts the spiritual world of Moshaman, almost giving his spiritual world a kind of collapse. It feels that the head of Moshaman has never encountered the power of a practitioner to be so powerful.

This is the most terrible darkness that Mossman has seen. In this horrible darkness, there are many breaths of death, temper, and so on. He does not know that this is because Qin Lang’s spiritual realm is integrated into the undead world. The law of heaven and earth in the magical species and the world of hell. In short, the spiritual world of the head of Moshaman was oppressed like never before. For this reason, he had to play a 12-point spirit to cope with the mental attack of Qin Lang, so that he was completely in a passive situation at the moment.

However, the head of Moshaman naturally refused to sit still, as the supreme servant of Brahmin, he also has a unique spiritual practice -

God drops!

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