Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1675: Wind and grass

Since the birth of Longling, Huaxia Longmai has grown rapidly almost every moment, thanks to Qinlang, because Qinlang not only expands the scope of the Chinese Dragon, but also integrates the spirit of Vietnam into the system of the Chinese Dragon. Among them, but also the undead spirit of the undead world is transformed into the aura of the spiritual vein through the formation method, and the Huaxia Dragon is constantly expanding.

The dragon vein grows, the dragon spirit grows, and the ancient memory of the dragon pulse itself begins to recover. Compared with human civilization, Huaxia Shenzhou is a very old land, and the Huaxia Dragon Vein is also very ancient. The Huaxia Dragon Vein was born in Longling, and this Dragon Spirit has its memory, just because of the modern war. The mountains and rivers are broken, and even the dragon veins have been broken up. Long Ling has already disappeared naturally. However, after Qin Lang re-aggregates the dragon veins and condenses the dragon spirit, this dragon spirit gradually senses some long-term memories.

One of the memories is about the godhead.

The monk of Danling believes that Qinlang’s acquisition of Godhead is a thankless thing, but Longling does not think so, because Danling’s little monk only saw the drawbacks of the godhead, but did not see its benefits, perhaps Dan The little monk does not know the benefits of the godhead.

Danling monk through Danbao can only peep into some fairy tales, which can help it wake up some memories belonging to the fairy tales, but the fairy tales regard the oracles, godheads and the like as the existence of a flood of beasts, and naturally it is impossible to give them a correct evaluation. .

Coincidentally, Long Ling of Huaxia Longmai knows some information about the godhead, and it shares this information with Qinlang.

The information obtained from Long Long Long Ling made Qin Lang feel the spirit, because he can be sure that this inadvertently obtained a little godhead has such a wonderful use, and it is not the nothingness of the Danling monk.

What is the godhead? It is rumored that it is the source of the power of the gods. The power of the gods is derived from the godhead. If the godhead is weakened or the godhead is lost, then the power of the gods will weaken and may even fall.

However, whether it is the Danling monk or Qin Lang, I still don’t understand what the godhead really is. Only from Longling here, Qin Lang got the key thing, that is, once I have the godhead, once I merge the godhead with myself, The world's laws of heaven and earth are integrated, and then the source of the world can be obtained.

What is the origin of the Earth world?

Qin Lang still does not understand, but he believes that this source of power should be very powerful, perhaps only with the help of this source of power, he may truly have the strength to compete with the enemy of the opposite world.

The fusion of the godhead and itself, and then the fusion of the world's laws of heaven and earth, this is the information Qin Lang received from Long Ling, but the specific process is like, Long Ling can not tell Qin Lang, because its memory has not fully recovered.

However, for Qin Lang, it is enough to have such a direction. Next, Qin Lang will try to figure out what the so-called godhead is, and then try to integrate it.

It takes a long time, because this godhead is something from a different world. Qin Lang needs enough time to study it, and he also needs a chance, because there is not much time left for him, but the chance can be shortened. A lot of time for things.


The tremendous gains gained in the Baiyin City of the Undead World have laid a strong foundation for the Dragon Snake Force and the Huaxia Rivers and Lakes, because both sides have obtained huge spiritual resources from here, even if they are old people and so on, they are fully loaded.

Qin Lang knows that one thousand sets of armor and weapons of the old man are not only prepared for the Chinese military, but also for his family and political allies. These families have entered the undead world and participated in the "hunting" below. "And experienced, but also experienced a lot of sacrifices, but for their respective families to continue, they have to pay the price.

People are not sages, and it is inevitable that they have selfishness.

Qin Lang is also very understanding of some of the behaviors of the old man, because Qin Lang himself has a lot of selfishness. Anyone who knows that the disaster will come, will definitely protect the lives of himself and his loved ones. This is selfishness, but this is selfishness. It is also a great selfishness. If a person does not care about the lives of his loved ones and friends, then such a person is definitely not a great saint. He is more likely to be a big devil.

A big family like the old man needs a strong backing, and where does the power come from? In the past, their strength came from the military, from the military's weapons, but when they knew that technological weapons could not ensure safety, they could only look at other things. In particular, when they knew the news of the nuclear explosion in Baiyin City failed.

Nuclear bombs are almost universally recognized as the most powerful weapon in the world. Many people in China are also deeply convinced, but when they see the cities and the military that nuclear bombs cannot destroy, they can only choose to adapt.

The poor will change, but the same will die.

Even the Qing dynasty, which was considered to be decaying to hopelessness, was taught by the artillery and bullets of foreigners, and they also knew the truth of "teaching the **** to control the country", not to mention the noble military strategists.

Since your own weapons are not strong enough, then it is as simple as learning and deciphering other people's weapons and then copying them out to arm themselves.

Master Zhu and others must have used a lot of weapons and scientific research experts. Qin Lang believes that these people must study these alien weapons day and night. As for whether they can get results, Qin Lang can't know. He only knows that in Baiyin City, Such weapons are still being built, because there are a group of undead artisans under the "housekeeper" of Baiyincheng.

In Qinlang’s view, all the current conditions are developing in a good direction, especially the attack on Baiyin City. This is a very important turning point. Today’s Baiyin City is not only one of the Chinese military and the forces of the rivers and lakes. "Base" is also a beacon to guide hope, because the existence of this city has indeed made Qin Lang see hope.

"Mr. Qin, this is the important information we just received!"

Qin Lang’s thoughts were interrupted. A dragon snake’s intelligence personnel sent an important message. When he saw this information, Qin Lang’s look was complicated.

This information has something to do with this military base, because the content of the information is about this "mysterious Chinese military ninth district", but this information is not a catch-and-seek, nor a random guess of the media, but a genuine content, including The ghost cave here includes the undead creatures and the undead world.

"This is finally completely exposed!"

This is the first thought of Qin Lang's heart. He knows that this time no one can hold it.

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