Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2177: Will count

Of course, Qin Lang also knows that the woman of the demon moon princess will never be targeted, she can not waste such a frenzied waste of energy, just to play with Qin Lang crazy for a while.

What is the purpose of the demon moon princess?

Qin Lang guessed the purpose of the demon moon princess, but Jiang Tian calculated gradually the purpose of the demon moon princess.

Jiang Tian’s calculation of the innate yin and yang gossip is definitely not a prediction, but a calculation!

What is the calculation?

The calculation is based on the existing information, based on the rules of projection, to derive what might happen in the future. Therefore, the more information you get now, the more accurate the results will be.

Therefore, the more times the demon moon princess attacks Qin Lang, the more clear the results of Jiang Tian’s calculation.

Even when Qin Lang and the demon moon princess have more strokes, Jiang Tian can even figure out the tricks of the demon moon princess, and figure out the trick she shot in the next moment!

If Jiang Tian is only an ordinary river warlock, how can it be qualified for Qin Lang to give it a small world to live and cultivate? At this time, with the increase in the number of times the demon moon princess and Qin Lang have been recruited, the more information Jiang Tian calculated. It also infers the purpose of such a crazy attack by the Princess of the Moon: plundering the artifacts of Qin Lang!

To be honest, if it wasn't for Jiang Tian's reminder, Qin Lang really didn't know that the demon moon princess attacked him so much to plunder his artifacts, and thought she was just trying to consume Qin Lang's vitality.

Through the calculation of Jiang Tian's calculation, the demon moon princess is a demon soldier, and has a strong control ability for any weapon. Especially after she cultivated into a 10,000-sector, her small world is like a huge weapon. The library, and any weapon in this huge arsenal, is always used by her, and her handling of these weapons is 100%. And the monk who was involved in the Wan Bing world, regardless of the use of any weapon, even if it is a fairy, may be deprived of control by her!

Because in this Wanbing world, the demon moon princess is the master of the 10,000 soldiers, the queen of these weapons, and as a demon soldier, she should have a special ability, this special ability should be the control of the weapon. .

Whether it is a fairy or an artifact, it is ultimately a weapon. As long as it is a weapon, the demon moon princess can influence it, so she attacks the Qin Lang madly, not to hurt Qin Lang, but to seize the control of Qin Lang artifact.

Other monks may have difficulty understanding the connection between Qin Lang and artifacts, but the demon moon princess is a demon soldier. She should be able to see things that others cannot see. Even she may break the connection between Qin Lang and artifacts. !

This is the real purpose of the demon moon princess, this is her real horror!

If it wasn't for Jiang Tian's reminder, Qin Lang might not have thought that the demon moon princess had such a means. It is no wonder that she was so confidently trapped in the 10,000 soldiers.

But since I know the purpose of the demon moon princess, Qin Lang is equal to occupying the opportunity, the mind is moving, and a strategy for the demon moon princess also appears, and this strategy has been deduced by Jiang Tian’s calculation. High feasibility.

"Devil Moon Princess, do you really want to fight so boring?" At this time, Qin Lang seems to be extremely impatient, and does not want to continue fighting with the demon moon princess.

"What's wrong, are you lacking strength?" Princess Mengniu said to Qin Lang with a mocking tone. "If it is not enough, then quickly confess to the palace, this palace can give you a chance to surrender to me!"

"You are just a woman, and the whole body is as hard as steel and iron. I am not interested in conquering you. However, you are attacking endlessly. Do you think it makes sense?" Qin Lang said coldly.

"Whoever makes you in the world of this palace? In the world of this palace, how do you compare the test to the palace, who will let you not have the ability to break the small world of this palace!" Quite a bit of rogue, "Qin Lang, you are waiting to be cleaned up by the palace!"

"I haven't had time to play with you!" Qin Lang seems to be completely tired of the sorrowful attack of the princess of the demon moon, and directly into the temple of the undead. "I am sleeping in the temple of the undead, seeing you crazy woman." Play! If you have the ability, you will break the artifact of Laozi!"

Qin Lang said this, and sure enough, the whole person has penetrated into the temple of the undead. With the material of the artifact, it is useless to let the demon moon princess attack. Qin Lang can be safe and sound in it, but it can not be removed from sleep.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously normal for Qin Lang to make such a move. At least it seems to be very normal for the Princess of the Moon, and this is also the opportunity for the Princess of the Moon to wait.

Qin Lang entered the Temple of the Undead, although it can resist the attack of the Princess of the Moon once and for all, but it is also equal to Qin Lang completely defensive state, which gives the Princess of the Moon a close opportunity to observe and observe the artifact.

In the Wanbing Bound of the Princess of the Moon, the 10,000 soldiers surrendered. Once they did not know how many monks' weapons were buried, the weapons of these monks, including their magical weapons, eventually became part of the demon moon palace. Because they don't know how good the princess is, how can they control the weapons, and even take control of other weapons!

At this point, the demon moon princess finally found the opportunity to find the opportunity to seize the control of the artifact. Because in the view of the demon moon princess, Qin Lang's artifact should be obtained after the big dog's dog, and it is impossible for him to temper himself. Therefore, the demon moon princess thinks that it is easy for her to seize the control of the artifact. After all, this is her "professional field". She is doing this kind of thing is simply to solve the problem, as long as Qin Lang does not interfere, she is easier. Now, Qin Lang was "annoyed" by her to temporarily avoid the inside of the Temple of the Undead. The Princess of the Moon can use her exclusive skills to plan the control of the Temple of the Undead.

Strong skills, good at calculations.

These eight words to describe the demon moon princess is no more suitable, this woman is not only repaired as tyrannical, the use of weapons is even more unparalleled; and, this woman's calculation is also extremely powerful, will Qin Lang successfully " After annoying into the Temple of the Undead, the woman began to observe the operation of the Temple of the Undead in secret, and her mental power began to explore the connection between Qin Lang and the Temple of the Undead, and then snagging. The same as breaking the connection between Qin Lang and the Temple of the Undead, thus depriving Qin Lang of the control of the Temple of the Undead.

The demon moon princess has such a ability, it is already considered to have a counter-attack method. If Qin Lang does not have a reminder of Jiang Tian’s calculation, I am afraid that it will be counted by this woman once, but now for Qin Lang, it can only be counted. Only.


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